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Old Friends New Winds

Posted on 10/15/2023 @ 12:25am by Colonel Jack Patton & Captain Brina Tracy-Hall

1,902 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Joint Sim Mission: The Poseidon Adventure
Location: Arboretum - Center Core Deck 77 - Poseidon Station

The initiation of Baaru into the ranks of the Kingsmen had struck a deep cord within the soul of the redheaded Marine XO. Brina felt she needed to make contact with Gaagii, her brother, for that is how she felt about him.

Brina got her boys settled into their beds, kissed Nicholas before she left their quarters, giving him an embrace. "I will be back." she stated before she left.

Tapping on her combadge, Brina sent out a call. " Raven, its Songbird, may we meet? And where shall we meet?"

Gaagii was never one for shore leave. He remained on the Pioneer when most of the crew took leave. This allowed for a few things, first was his ability to remain close to Sofia. He was not sure what was going on between them but he wanted to see where it would go. The other thing that this allowed him to do was avoid the Kingsmen. Gaagii was happy about the transfer although he missed the family that the Kingsmen were. So, it was a little surprise when the call come through from Brina. He tapped his comm badge. He hoped that the message was a friendly one and not some sort of emergency. "Songbird I can meet you on the station just let me know where."

"Meet me in the arboretum, near the tall tree there. " Brina answering immedately, feeling a welling up of happiness at hearing his voice. "I will be waiting there." tapping the combadge to close it, Brina went to the aforementioned place, leaning her back against the trunk of the tree, beneath the branches there.

Gaagii made his way through the station to the arboretum. As he did the waves of nostalgia overtook him. He knew better than most that the path of life took you to where you needed to be for a reason. Right now he needed to be on the Pioneer.

It did not take him too long to get to the arboretum and he found Brina sitting under a tree. Old habits died hard as he mustered to attention and his almost songlike voice rang out. "The Staff Sergeant is reporting as ordered Captain."

"Come my friend, Raven, have a seat. Thank you for answering my call." Brina giving a huge smile. "We inducted another into the folds of the Kingsmen, and a grew nostalgic as you were not there." Brina began, gazing upwards towards Gaagii. Her eyes followed him as he lowered himself down. "I consider you, my brother as well as my spirit brother or maybe even leader in some aspect. As you had accepted me into your family as well." her thoughts going towards the Raven's feather he had given to her.

"Yes the Kingsmen are family and will always be that way. I see them mush as a tribe. With any luck the winds will have me back this way. However, The Cure aboard the Pioneer is a good unit. I must confess that at times I miss the Kingsmen. Something that has been growing more and more as of late. I hope things around here aren't too uneventful in my absence." Gaagii said with a small smile on his face. He looked around and noticed the setting that Brina had chosen for their meeting. He took a seat beside her and took in the scenery.

"They have been a bit eventful, Gaagii. While I was gone on a mission, the station was attacked by the Breen. I truly wish that I had been here, in order to help out. However those that were here, they worked with the security team and they were amazing from what I had been hearing and the reports that I have read. What has been happening in your life on the Pioneer?"

Gaagii took a seat and briefly pondered how he would answer. What was the nature of his relationship with Sofia? How should he describe it? Both of these questions ran through his head. He took a seat as he pondered. "Well, I can see that the station is still here so it could not have been that eventful. As to the Pioneer, life is somewhat troubling out there in the black. There seems to be people out there who invent the newest of methods for the oldest of crimes. But much like the Kingsmen the crew of the Pioneer pull together and form a family." He paused for the briefest of moments as he decided if he would tell her about anything personal. "There is a woman who is wise beyond her years..." His voice trailed off as he realized his feelings and the reason he did not simply transfer back to the Kingsmen.

Brina saw the softening of Gaagii's gaze, and she smiled. "It seems to me that your path has sent you to another place, where you are needed the most, and where you need to be. This woman, even though you've not told me much, the look in your eyes and the expression on your face, tells me a lot. Walk that path and enjoy what lies in front of you, Gaagii. " Brina smiling fondly.

"Perhaps you are correct and my path follows a different course. Despite that in due time I believe I would find myself back here, back with the Kingsmen at the round table. I would venture to say that the exploits of the Kingsmen are gaining just as much notoriety as the exploits of the crew of the Enterprise." Gaagii paused as he returned his thoughts to the previous topic. "She is young but wise. We will have to see what time and the spirits have in store for me."

Brina smiled once more at Gaagii's words about the Kingsmen. "what with an addition to our family, Blackjack's now wife, Aer, new things may end up happening. I do hope that the path with this lady of yours, has great and good things in store for you both." Brina got a faraway look in her eyes, as if she were seeing a flash of something, then her eyes became focused once more and a slight furrow of concern briefly showed in her brow. She shivered slightly as though a sudden chill passed over her.

"Gaagii, be vigilant as you always are. I too must be vigilant as well. Something is hovering on the edges that I can not touch upon yet. As you know, sometimes there are whispers that one needs to listen to" Brina said solemnly.

"The spirits of this galaxy, and those that guide us are ever with us. It is possible to learn just as much from those who seem to harm as we learn from those who seem to heal. I know that should there be need The Cure and I will be here to aid. Major Tremble and Colonel Patton have bonded somewhat from what I have seen and heard." Gaagii ran his fingers through the earth while he spoke. It felt good to connect to the mother however, it also felt different. This earth was not connected to the soul of the mother, the soul of a planet. This was just here and to a man like Gaagii that felt as if one was lost in a maze.

"Have you been down to the planet, and felt the spirit there? I have not as of yet, but will very soon. The winds of change are certainly blowing and what ends up our way, I hope we will be prepared. This includes calling upon the Cure for what ever that may occur."

Brina gestured out towards the direction of the rift. "That may cause a problem or it may be a boon or even a mixture of both. We may need to be alert to what lies beyond. I know I need to be. I have more training to do, in order to be ready for a battle."

Gaagii regarded the rift as one of his ancestors would have regarded a new being or enemy. There was an aire of concern and curiosity in those deep eyes. "I would agree there is much to be ready for. This rift changes the field both physically and spiritually. For it is said that just as there are mirrors of each of us in other dimensions. There are mirrors of the great spirits in other dimensions. Those may not be so ready to help or aid should they be needed. As for the planet, no I have yet to get down there. I am connected more to earth than water. Although I know there are some land masses down there, the mostly water part of Aquil's description is not something I look forward to."

Brina gave a smile of understanding as to what Gaagii had said about his connection being more to the earth than the water. Whereas from where she hailed from, Brina's connection were of both. "I will be going down to make a connection. Myself and my family, it will be good for them, as Nicholas is one who sailed the seas. As for that rift, I will say, we do have mirror selves. Whether they be like us in some form or unlike us." That was all that Brina will say of it, as things were still classified and didn't feel she needed to say more.

"Well be that as it may. I hope that my return to this station will be to see old friends and not to join forces with them against a common enemy." Gaagii was a man of few words but, he enjoyed the company of people. Further, he hoped to introduce the Kingsmen to Sofia. Something told him that they would love her.

"This is more of a celebration in the happiness of Jack and his lovely bride Aer. Tis a joyous occasion and I would dearly love to meet the one who causes your eyes to light up. " Brina giving a warm light hearted smile. "Thank you for meeting with me, you have filled my heart with gladness and a feeling of balance. If you ever need something let me know." Brina added. She rose from her position in one graceful motion. And held out a hand towards Gaagii. "Until we meet again, Raven."

"Yes, the wedding of BlackJack is an event worthy of many accolades. I am glad that I could be a part of it." Gaagii took her hand and rose. When he was standing he smiled at Brina. "When one hears the song, one cannot ignore it. Is that not right Songbird?" He laughed at his own joke. "Hagonee Songbird." (pronounced: Hah-go-neh and translates to be well until I see you again.)

Brina smiled in return.

Having said the traditional good bye of his people Gaagii left the arboretum and headed back for his ship. His heart and his mind were gladdened to have seen an old friend. It fit well with the circular ways of Navajo spiritual beliefs. In this case he had to keep in touch with the old friends so the new friends could flourish.

Slán abhaile” (“Slawn a-wal-ya”). "Safe home.”Brina returned the farewell. She was glad she had met with Raven, it settled her mind.

A Joint Post By

Staff Sergeant Gaagii "Raven"
RECONN, Tactical Element II
The Cure
USS Pioneer

Captain Brina 'Songbird' Tracy-Hall
Executive Officer, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station


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