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Alien Encounters

Posted on 02/12/2024 @ 10:36pm by Sergeant Audie Fitch & Sergeant Lance Faraday & Sergeant H'rar

3,400 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Marine-Land
Timeline: tbd
Tags: Sergeant Audie Fitch, Sergeant H'rar

Buster was a very independent cat.
Buster didn't like rules.
Buster didn't follow the rules.
Buster had lived most of his cat-life without rules.
Buster had been a happy kitty when his servant had had a chip installed under his scruff that activated the door to his domain, so he could come and go as he pleased, although it didn't always work properly -- Humans! -- and while he could always get in, there were more times than not that he couldn't get out.
But Buster was always trying, and today was one of those good days when the the door opened when he approached, and the one-eyed ginger cat sashayed out to survey his!

Padding softly along the corridor, he occasionally took a detour here and there, where there was an open door, or a side alley to check out, although he knew the station well. He'd grown up haunting these halls, mooching food and slinking in the shadows, until his servant had finally found him and brought him to his palace, where he now lived as a cat should!

He was minding his own business, enjoying his jaunt, thinking about visiting his girlfriend when he rounded a corner and....

[i]What in all that Cat-Hell (that was occupied by dogs) was that??[/i]

He'd never seen anything like it, although it did remind him of the lizards he'd chased down when he was younger and had been forced to not only catch his own food, but to eat the nasty things as well, just to survive.

But this one was HUGE!! Like, towering huge! A dangerous intruder, no question!

Crouching down, he fluffed up to look as big and menacing as he (wasn't) feeling, then hissed!


H'rar stopped and looked down at the tiny creature making cute little sounds and fluffing out it's fur trying to make itself appear larger. It was putting on a brave face as if trying to defend it's territory. He smiled a toothy smile. "Little Caitian, Where are your parents?" He asked it.

The intruder wasn't impressed, which made Buster all the more wary, but then, he wasn't attacking, nor responding aggressively, so...

"Are you lost? If so I shall take you to security and they can get you home safely."

Buster hissed again, flexing his claws, a clear warning to leave while he still could, final warning!

He saw that the little caitian had it's claws ready and thought it was even cuter then it's growls and hissing. He knew the kits claws wouldn't even hurt him as his skin and scales were to thick. He picked up the little caitian and grinned. " Alright little one, let's go find your parents."

At first, Buster started to fight, but a few experimental swipes of dagger-sharp talons had no apparent effect, and besides, the creature wasn't actually hurting him, so he decided that there was no use in protesting, and besides, he didn't want to do any harm until he was certain of the man's (?) motives. For now, the tall beast had a stay of execution!


Ah, there was the servant! He'd just wait a moment to find out how she reacted to the situation, and when Audie rounded the corner, she stopped dead in her tracks, causing Buster to bristle and stiffen.

"Oh, um..." It was no secret that there was a Gorn coming aboard with the Marines, but Audie hadn't expected him just yet, and she certainly hadn't expected to run into him like this,, in the corridor.

Blinking, she looked up...and him, and then at Buster, cradled in his arms. "Nice cat you got there," she commented with a grin, "but he looks a little...ratty!"

She was off-duty, so dressed in loose-fitting pants and a colorful patchwork shirt.

"Sergeant Fitch, you look different then usual." He said as he cocked his head to the side. "I found this Caitian child wandering around by itself, so I am taking it to security so that it may be reunited with it's parents, I understand most parents get rather frantic when a young one is missing. "He paused and thought a moment. "I guess that's true, well mostly I guess." He looked down at the small creature in his arms seeming content at the moment. "You wouldn't happen to know who this child belongs to would you?"

"Off duty!" Audie explained the clothing with a shrug, then she reached to scratch Buster's ears. "I don't know if anyone would claim him, he looks like a trouble maker!"

She laughed then and shook her head. "He's mine...rather, I'm his servant! He's a stray I took on when I got here, and he pretty much does what he wants. And don't believe anything he tries to tell you, he gets plenty of food and lots of pets!"

"So he is yours then? I shall return him to you then." He held out buster to Audie.

"Yes, I'll lay claim to him." Smiling, she accepted the errant cat and gave him a cuddle before he climbed onto her shoulder.

"We have off duty clothing? I only have the uniforms that the Corps have issued me. I have my weapon, a place to sleep and food to eat. Everything I own Can fit in my ruck sack and the rest carried on my back, it's been that way for the past seven years for me."

"Oh, I couldn't stand only having that uniform to wear!" Audie chuckled and shook her head. "I have a few personal belongings, besides the cat, I mean...some clothes, sketch pad and a journal, my concertina." She shrugged. "Since this is a longer-term assignment I can have some personal things."

Then she frowned a bit. "No civilian clothes? We need to fix that! Although I don't know that you can find something ready-made." Didn't seem as if there was a big demand for Gorn clothing. "Maybe the replicator, or something tailor-made?"

Strolling down the passageway without a seeming care in the universe, Lance Faraday rounded a corner, and right there in front of his was real Gorn.

“Hot damn! I’ve never met a Gorn, seen a couple from a distance, but to actually meet one, and a Marine to boot!” He began sticking out his hand, “Lance, Lance Faraday, Staff Sergeant, no wait, that was last month. Just Sergeant. Anyway, man this is great!”

It was then that he noticed the rather tall redhead holding a one-eyed cat, “Oh, ‘scuse me, Sarge, and this furball ya got there, gotta name? Either one of ya?” She was also a Sergeant and he wasn't in any trouble because of rank, so he turned back to the Gorn So like, what’s yer MOS? Mine’s explosives, blow stuff up.” He told them with a grin.

H'rar looked puzzled as Audie spoke, what she said sounded foreign to him. "What are civilian clothes? And what is a concertina?" He asked her. Ready made or tailored? I think I'll need some more information Sergeant Fitch.

"Oh, well, civilian clothes are...not uniforms," that was the best explanation she could come up with, and as for the concertina...well, that didn't matter at the moment, as Sgt. Faraday introduced himself.

H'rar turned and looked to the newcomer and nodded to him. "Greeting Sergeant. I am Sergeant H'rar. As for my MOS, I am a heavy weapons and melee specialist. I carry a man pack MK 440 gatling phaser, when I deplete my ammo I have a heavy mace and battle axe to use against the enemy. If I lose my weapons, I have my claws." He held up his hand to show the three inch long talons. He looked at Sergeant Faraday's hand as it was held out. He leaned in closer and took a few sniffs. "Sergeant, Is there a reason that your holding you hand out like that?" Wondering about it's purpose.

Yes, Faraday was in awe of the large green reptilian Marine. After the question, Lance looked at his hand, then to the redhead, and back to H’rar, somewhat confused by it, but in his style, he just smiled wide,

“The hand, hey and you must have been around enough of us to know that we shake hands when we meet or greet other men. I mean, look, I have no clue about Gorn customs. But it’s kinda what we do.” The smile didn’t fade but the hand faded to his side. “Sokay, no problem, great ta meet you."

“Man, MK 440 Gatling Phaser! Fired one once, but it was mounted. That was a hoot.” He nodded, “Yeah, well maybe we‘ll get to take it to an enemy one of these times.”

“‘scuse me for interrupting." He turned to the redhead, "And your name would be, Sergeant?”

"No interruption," Irish declared, grinning. "We were just discussing civvies, so you don't have to always be in uniform. Good to meet you!" She stuck out her hand to shake, letting Buster hop to the deck so he could check out the newcomer. "Audie Fitch, Medic, among other things. Welcome to Poseidon!"

“Ah yes, what the normies out there wear, indeed.” Her hand came out and the one-eyed cat hit the deck, and was sniffing at him, looked up, and padded off. “Uh. Well hello. You wear civies off duty?”

He grasped her hand, “Hello Audie Fitch, seriously” He grinned, almost shore duty. “My pleasure, Sarge, ya never know when I might need you in my line of work."

"So, I was sortta lookin’ for a place to light in the barracks. Seems no one lives in the Marine Barracks, or so I've been told. Can’t say as I blame ‘em, never did much care for the barracks life but it would be where I'd meet my counterparts." He admitted, "And thanks, seems to be a right friendly station, as stations go.” Not that he had anything against space stations, it was just that they were large.

" I live in the barracks because it is convenient for me. It is close to where I do my work and there is plenty of space for me, and the mess hall grub isn't too bad. My only complaint is that the workout room is a bit cramped for my liking. I do know the station fairly well, I tend to go out and explore the station after everyone has gone to bed. "

"That's good, and man they got all the room anyone might want, or I'm just overwhelmed at the size of this thing. I mean, it's not like I've never been aboard a station before, just that this one seems huge." He paused as she told him about her night ventures, "Really? That sounds cool! See what the night folks are up to, and peruse the places no one's at. You could talk me into joinin' you on one'a these midnight expeditions of yours." And just maybe the barracks thing would work out as well.

"I'm in the barracks, too," Audie explained, "stay close to work, right?" Well, if there was any sort of emergency call-up, it was easier to be near the headquarters, and besides, the price was right! "And Sgt. H'rar is right, the food is decent enough. How about we show you there, see what's open?"

"Might as well, can't dance, well maybe we could, but there's no music." Lance offered in agreement. "'sides, I could eat, them 'box' meals on the shuttle were, well, they left a whole lot to be desired. Now are we talkin' the mess hall, or someplace else? These stations are supposed to have a lot of choices, unless I'm mistaken, and the ones different. Though I'm no expert."

"Well I am a little hungry. " Stated H'rar. "As long as I don't have to eat that green salad stuff, and it upsets my stomach. " He looked at his two companions. "I shall be in your care then, I normally don't go about this early and when there are still people moving about. So lead on and I shall follow. "

"Well, I guess that makes me the station guide!" Audie chuckled and shook her head, letting Buster drop to the deck. "And I say that makes us doomed!"

With a laugh, she glanced at Faraday. "How about we drop your gear in the barracks, then grab breakfast in the may as well get used to it!" Well, in all honesty, the mess wasn't that bad, although it could hardly be considered gourmet.

"Yeah sure, breakfast sounds good right about now." He dropped his gear just inside the doorway and then rejoined the pair. "So tell me, this mess hall, it's pretty good? I mean I wouldn't expect it to be less than three stars, but I've been to some places, and aboard some ships, where the food was extraordinary."

"You probably have a lounge here as well, I'd wager to say. A place where it's possible to get restaurant-style food and drinks, that sort of place?" He added, as most ships and stations did.

"One thing I have found that I enjoy are pancakes with butter and syrup with a side of bacon or sausage and a pot of coffee." Stated H'rar. "Simple and filling, the way a breakfast should be. I am also fond of fresh cod, quite tasty. "

This guy stood a mere eight foot plus and weighed some four hundred pounds, if he weighed an ounce, filling him up for breakfast, or any other meal would be a chore by anybody's standard.

"So yeah that sounds like a real plan," Lance agreed, Flapjacks, love 'em all drippin' with butter and syrup like you say, is a delight, an' your mentioning it just made my mouth water, so I say let's do it!" It had been a while since he had eaten anyway.

"Oh, pancakes it is!" Grinning, Audie headed for the mess hall, hoping they would be up to a Gorn appetite! "I like mine with peanut butter and marshmallow creme, yum!" Not that she indulged in such treats often, but this was a celebration of new crew, so why not?

It was 'off-hours', so there weren't many people in the mess hall, and it only took a few minutes to get their choices, but soon they were seated at a table and chowing down!

"To new brothers in arms!" she declared, holding up a forkful of pancake in toast!

The 'stack' was anything but short, and in a bath of melting butter and rich, thick syrup looked beyond compare. "Wow, I gotta say they fed on this station. How many mess hall's they got to feed all these beings on here? Must be a couple, at least." It wasn't like he had ever really experienced life on a space station, not the way he would, being assigned to this one.

"So tell me, what's next? All this about the Throne Room and Round Tables? I mean I get it with the Knights and all, just something I've not heard of back where I've been."

"Just..." Audie shrugged, "just the way things are set up," she explained. "Throne Room's the main...well, office, I guess you could say, where we meet, get debriefings, discuss missions. And the Round Table is just that, a Round Table, like the one in ancient British lore, where the Knights of Camelot gathered. Round, so there's no head, we're all equal."

Well, that was the premise, although officers were still officers!

"Oh yeah, I get the similarities and the idea of that round table and the 'all are an equal' thing. That I like, makes it easier to offer up ideas an' such." Lance replied, "I can see that as a big benefit to mission planning and especially to after-action reports. Interesting concept, don't believe I've ever heard of it being used anywhere out here."

"Well, Patton has some pretty unorthodox ideas," Audie commented, "but they seem to work, I think because everyone works together. It's a great outfit, you'll see. Sure, there's egos and whatnot, but in the end, we seem to mesh."

"Egos? Always around. I've been accused of having a big one. I guess when one is assigned as an instructor that sort of label is attached right off. Especially when you're just a corporal," Lance offered, "I guess to some degree I have one, maybe not as big as some say. I think we all do. I like unorthodox, been accused of that myself."

H'rar listened to the conversation as he ate. He wolfed down about thirty pancakes with butter and syrup, a liter of raktajino and about a kilo and a half of bacon. He patted his belly after he finished his meal. " that should hold me until our midday meal. " He stated. " Egos? I don't know if I have one or not, I do have ambitions of rising in rank and being the best marine that I can be. For me that is good enough. " He said in a matter of fact tone.

"Ambition and doing your best isn't ego," Audie pointed out, "it's thinking you are better than everyone else, and...well, just being too proud, I guess." She shrugged. "Fine line between true pride and overestimating yourself. Bottom line is the Kingsmen are special, and we all are able to function as a team when we need to."

"I certainly got that message. They, we are special in that regard, and it seems Patton has come up with a winning strategy for cohesiveness in the ranks. I applaud that because, I mean even though every Marine unit I've ever come in contact with, served with, or whatever, all seemed to have that same kind of camaraderie. But with the Kingsmen? Like nothing I've ever seen or experienced before." Lance rattled on. "Seriously."

"Wait 'till you see them in action!" Of course, all Marines worked as a cohesive units, but Patton had a knack for bringing together personalities that played off each other as one. "Even off-duty...I mean, we're not joined at the hip, but there's an almost Borg-like..." Her nose wrinkled up. "Nah, that doesn't sound so good!"

"Ooooh, no, that doesn't sound so good. No not at all! And you want me to become assimilated into this?" He joshed, looking from Audie to H'rar and back again, "I dunno, but this place here, well, I gotta say, makes me think of those days on Rigel Ten. They had everything on that station. This though, this, this is beyond belief! I never thought that a station in deep space wherever would have anything like this." He grinned, "A guy could get used to this!"

" I have found this outing to be rather enlightening." Said H'rar. " Most times when I wander around by myself, People normally look upon me with an expression of fear on their face. But walking around with other marines, they're looks are more curious then fearful. That is something I could get used to. "

That was cause for a wider grin from Faraday.

H'rar glanced at his two companions. " Now that we've eaten, what is next on the agenda? If we have nothing else planned I could always return to the barracks and laser hone my axe to where it could split a breen from crown to crouch in a single strike. "

"Oh, well..." Audie chuckled as she stood, "I'd say most Breen would be deserving! And I'm glad I'm not a Breen!" Laughing, she glanced toward the hatch where Buster was patiently waiting. "I need to get Sir Buster back to quarters before my shift starts. It was good meeting you both...the more family, the better!"

"Well, been a real hoot meetin' you two, I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other." Lance offered as he stood.

H'rar nodded his head." I've got duty in several hours, so I'll need some sack time. I look forward to seeing you both whenever we can. " The Gorn stood up and started to lumber towards the doorway.,

Sergeant Lance 'Lethal' Faraday
Demolitions, Swords Platoon
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Sergeant H'rar aka Dragon
Heavy Weapons Specialist, Swords Platoon
Poseidon Station

Sergeant Audie 'Magic Hands' Fitch
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station


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