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Scientists Meet

Posted on 04/28/2024 @ 11:02am by Lieutenant JG Eden Bowers & Ensign Jena Coln

773 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Day In the Life Of..
Location: Various

Eden Bowers walked down the corridor. Actually it was more of a slight skip. She'd taken to doing this years ago and saw no reason to change as in her mind it got her where she needed to be a bit faster without actually running. Today she was on her way to the science lab to see a new discovery by the chief science officer on the USS Clement. Apparently her cool and calm manner of dismissing popularity didn't extend to comets.

She entered the lab and found herself nose to nose with someone she did not know. "Oh. Hello."

Having only recently transferred from the Wolverhampton, Jena was still finding her way around. Thinking about how she was going to let her father know she was assigned to the Station too, she almost walked into a slightly taller woman. "Hi." She said. "I'm Jena, I'm sorry I almost walked into you."

"That's alright. It's not the first time I've been walked into and I'm sure it won't be the last." She extended her hand. "Eden. Are you new here? I'm fairly new but I don't recognize you. That doesn't really mean anything because sometimes I don't actually pay that close of attention to what people look like."

"I am new, I just transferred from Wolverhampton." Jena said. "I haven't really met anyone yet."

"Ah well welcome. Do you need someone to show you around?" Eden practically bounced on her toes in anticipation. She seemed completely unaware that other people might find her behavior odd or maybe she just didn't care.

"Sure." Jena said smiling at Eden's exuberance. "So, what's your speciality? Mine's cybernetics."

"I'm a xenobiologist. Which is kind of funny because that's what my parents were and I swore I'd never become that. I hated tromping through the woods after creatures. But I'm in Starfleet and they weren't so it's not exactly the same." Eden wasn't sure if she should just show her around the science lab or if she wanted a tour of the whole station.

"Interesting my parents are scientists too, in fact they're science officers in Starfleet." Jena said. "My father's a Linguist on this station, and my mother is Chief Science Officer on the USS Joseph Banks, her and her ship are MIA."

The way Jena said that so casually bothered Eden. "You must be very worried about her." She prompted, playing counselor a little bit. Eden never minded being a shoulder to cry on, even if that wasn't really her job at all. Eden liked people in general. They sometimes didn't understand her, but she still liked them.

"Sorry if I sound blaise about my my mother's disappearance, but I've lost so many people I loved that it has made me somewhat numb to such things." Jena explained.

"Hmm," Eden said thoughtfully. "I can't imagine feeling that way, but then again I feel things so acutely. You wouldn't think that by looking at me because I always seem so chipper. But I refuse to change myself to what other people think I should be."

"Good for you, I wish I could be so brave." Jena said.

"Oh no, it's not bravery. It's stubbornness. Just dig your heels in. You can learn to do it. I'll teach you!" Eden bounced happily for a moment. "Do you have trouble saying no to people?"

"Yeah, I find myself doing things for people, in an attempt to make friends." Jena confessed.

"Well that's not the worst way. Sometimes it pays to be really nice to people. What are your hobbies? Maybe we can find you a friend doing those? If nothing else maybe we can dig up the courage to approach someone in one of the restaurants or lounges? There are always lots of people there."

"Well, I'm growing a herb garden, and my father taught me to cook, he's French and they have a real affinity for food. I also like to read, mostly Bajoran fairy tales and science journals."

"Perfect. So we just need to find other people on the station who like those things as well, maybe not all of those things but at least one or two of them. Maybe you should have a dinner party and invite people. I'd help! You can cook and then everyone will be impressed."

"Sounds like it could be fun." Jena said with a smile.

"Good, let's begin planning this!" Eden rubbed her hands together. This was going to be fun!

"Okay." Jena said grabbing a spare PADD. "I'll draw up some recipes."

Lt. jg Eden Bowers
Science Officer
Poseidon Station

Ensign Coln Jena
Science Officer
Poseidon Station


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