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A Meeting of Sergeants

Posted on 02/04/2024 @ 1:40am by Sergeant Alicia Reilly & Sergeant Audie Fitch & Sergeant Lance Faraday & Sergeant Raylan Ch'Tol & Sergeant H'rar

2,676 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: The Throneroom - Command Tier Deck 19 - Poseidon Station

Sergeant Raylan Ch'Tol entered the Marine Barracks common area. She grabbed a coffee from the replicator and took a seat near some fellow Sergeants. She observed them for a while before introducing herself.
"I'm Sergeant Raylan Ch'Tol, Pioneer, I'm the new Combat Engineer."

Alicia sat with her feet up on the table. Jack and a select few have left the station on a mission. She did not like that she was left behind, and that Brina was left behind. Alicia Reilly was of the impression that if you were going behind Romulan lines you should bring your best people. Not a Starfleet Officer as the number two. But perhaps that was why she wasn't in charge. The sound of the new voice brought Alicia's thoughts to the present. "Hey Sergeant welcome to The Kingsmen. I am Alicia Reilly the Platoon Sergeant for The Knights and a sniper. Most people round here call me Big Red." Her lilted Irish accent rang out almost as a song as she spoke.

"Thank you, Alicia." Raylan said. "A sniper? My best friend is a sniper, we met when were both first assigned to the 'Fire Shields' aboard the Wildfire. Her name is Xanthe, she's the sister I never had."

H'rar walked in and went straight to the replicator. " A tankard of Warnog and a Bowl of two kilos of Gefilte Fish. " The Gorn turned and took notice of the others in the room. " I greet you, I am Sergeant H'rar and I am newly arrived to the station. "

"A pleasure to meet you, Sergeant." Raylan said. "I'm Sergeant Raylan Ch'Tol, Combat Engineer, I too am new to the Station."

H'rar nodded. "A good combat engineer is always needed in the thick of things. I am a heavy weapons specialist, I look forward to clearing a path for you to do your task. " Said H'rar with a toothy grin.

"I guess you all know who I am, if you missed it, Sergeant Lance Faraday, and yes, I too just got here to Poseidon Station." He said. "Pleasure to meet you all." Though he already knew Fitch and H'Rar

"Hey, H'Rar, Demolitions," Audie greeted the Gorn and Lance as she walked over to the table, carrying a tray of fajita fries and a cup of iced tea. "Help yourself," she offered as she sat, grinning. "I'm Audie Fitch, Kingsmen...go by 'Magic Hands'..." she waved her hands in the air, then laughed. "Something about my skills as a medic, but I juggle, too!"

"Lance, Audie a pleasure to meet you, I'm Raylan Ch'Tol, seems we three have something in common. I build and repair things, Lance blows things up and Audie fixes people up." Raylan said grabbing a fajita fry and popping it in her mouth.

" It's a pleasure to meet you all. " Said the Gorn. He used one of his claws and speared a gel wrapped fish ball and popped it into his mouth. " Captain Hall said my call sign is to be Dragon. I care little what people call me, The Corps is my home and family, and that I shall defend those I serve with. "

"Here here!" He agreed, "And Fitch, these things are great!" He said finishing a fajita fry. "Beats me where you get all this kind'a stuff out this far. Replicate I guess. Rigel Ten couldn't get half the stuff I've seen on board this station."

"Yeah, field rations suck, that's why after we build a forward base, and get the power and defenses on line, the next thing is the replicators." Raylan said.

Alicia was never one for small talk. She preferred to people watch in situations like this. The newcomer Faraday was definitely something to see. Erin told her that he was a tad conceited. But, if you asked Alicia that would suit things just fine. The Kingsmen could use someone to knock the chip off their shoulder. She turned to Faraday. "So, Lethal... is it??? I wonder in what way." Her Irish brogue added to the double meaning which was her intent.

Raylan stifled a laugh.

Lance turned to face the Sergeant as she spoke, the brogue listing a smile. "Yes Ma'am, Lethal. Well now, in what way? Why, in the use of the correct type of explosives and exact placement of them to generate the precise amount of heat and overall destruction desired. It is after all, like some things, an exact science."

Audie munched on some fries and fajitas, grinning. "They do pretty good with the food, so long as you can give them an idea of what you want. The replicators are decent, and the commerce on a station is...eclectic!"

As Alicia flirted with Lance, Audie chuckled, wondering if the innuendo was intended. Lethal, huh?" She preferred her own choice of 'Demolitions', but Lethal would do. "Reckon that means you'll keep these Magic Hands busy! But sometimes it seems like it would be fun to blow things up!"

"True." Raylan agreed. "I must admit I felt some enjoyment blowing a Breen Atmospheric Fighter out of the skies of Zarral III after modifying my phaser to expend its full power source in one shot." The Combat Engineer said.

“Of course, demolitions have plenty of nonlethal uses.” Lance offered, “Clearing sites, taking down condemned structures, that sort of thing. There are plenty of uses for what I do, and there are always its uses in combat. I have my favorites to get the most out of an explosion, some not exactly standard Starfleet recipes.” He paused, “But, whatever works.”

"So, Lethal, what do you do when you're not blowing up s**t?" Raylan asked.

"First, I try and stay out of trouble with the brass. But mostly I do some studying either Marine Corps history, or the American West of the nineteenth century. You know, the 'Wild West', though that's far from popular anymore, well, over the last say couple hundred years."

Then he laughed. "Pretty dull stuff for most. I can see similarities out here and plenty of the same situations and problems that they faced."

"I enjoy military history too, so I wouldn't say its boring." Raylan said.

"Oh, no. It's far from boring. Dry, yes a lot of the leading is very dry, but given the subject, if you're not excited by the mental pictures of the events, well, yes I guess it would be to some." Faraday responded.

Alicia sat and watched as was her want to do. She ate a salad as she watched, she would yet admit it but she rather liked what she saw. "You say you like military history. You know that the Colonel is a direct descendant if a General in the United States Army, General George Patton. There has been a Patton in every major conflict since Earth's World War II. If you are interested you should pick his brain, he loves to chat about military history." Reilly was of mixed emotions about the newcomer. On the one hand he was handsome and definitely a sight for sore eyes. On the other hand Erin was their Demolitions Expert she had been since the beginning. While the Kingsmen expanded Alicia would have to get used to the fact that there would be more than one person at every position.

"Oh, no, I was unaware the Skipper was a history buff, though I guess I shouldn't be surprised. And with General Patton as an ancestor, well, wow!" Lance stated. That was unexpected. "I mean I can trace back my family from America to Scotland, Ireland, Sweden, and Denmark. Even the American War of Independence."

"Not all Military history is too dry," Audie commented with a shrug, "depends on how it's presented, I guess. The problem I run into is that a lot of battles are so spread out, and there's so much going on, that it's hard to track it all at once. Maybe we should look into some holodeck time, examining battles, find out why strategies worked and why they didn't."

"I agree with all of that." Raylan said. "Perhaps I could add what I know of Romulan battles to this holodeck program."

Faraday was smiling, "Romulan tactics will be very important, that being said, tactics from almost all wars, or engagements, have changed over time. Those as Fitch pointed out, that didn't work were generally scrapped in favor of those that did, and then those were refined and made better. But all have their tendencies that remain, no matter the tactic. That's what will be needed."

"My knowledge of Romulan tactics, is only theoretical, I lift the Star Empire before I was old enough to join the Military Academy." Raylan confessed.

He smiled as he looked at the Romy Stafleer "Ah, well when it comes to tactics, ours included, as I said before, tendencies, that's that 'soft underbelly' we're on the lookout for. I'm positive the 'Skipper' and whoever is In on the planning are looking for tendencies we can use to our advantage." He explained, "Look at me, just runnin' off at the mouth."

That was precisely what Alicia thought, that he was running off at the mouth. Faraday seemed to her to be a little too full of himself. But, it was no more than any run of the mill Marine. That was what bothered her, he was a Kingsman and should be better than the run of the mill. In due time... He will learn in due time. she thought. "If you ask me. Military victories are not won on good tactics, they are won because the enemy made a bad decision or tactic. I mean if you look back through time you will see that I am correct." She added and then sipped her beer. Alicia Reilly was not of many words but when she did speak she usually had a point to make.

"I certainly would not argue the point with you or anyone else about the facts that victories are won due to bad decisions and bad tactical assessment of a situation." Lance said, "What I am saying is that all combative races have tendencies in any given situation. Knowing and exploiting those tendencies increases the chances of victory. That was my point. And yes, you are correct in that bad decisions or bad tactical execution are at the root of all defeats."

"By studying military history, we learn from others' mistakes, so we don't have to make the ourselves." Raylan said.

"And it helps to know the tactics, and even the mind-set of the opposition, so studying all sorts of military engagements helps." Audie shrugged. "After all, there are things we consider poor form that other combatants think is fair game. Not everyone plays by the rules, and that can make things rough for us. It's hard to stand against someone who uses atrocities as a tactic."

Hopefully, they wouldn't run into that any time soon!

Alicia thought about all that had been said, there really was no argument as everyone's points were valid. But there is one situation she was curious about. She had not been there on the mission with the Herodotus. However, she had read the reports, well the reports she could read. "We are talking tactics here and ye all are right. But I wonder what you would do if you faced an enemy that acted, thought, and had the same knowledge as you." She knew that Audie at the very least would understand what she meant.

"Like me fighting me? Now that's downright scary if you asked me. The last thing I'd ever want would be to meet some being who acted, thought, and even had half the knowledge I do because there are times when I don't fight exactly by the rules, I like being alive, I like those with me to stay alive, so I believe that sometimes, I do what I have to do. But no atrocities, can't abide that." Faraday replied.

"If I were fighting someone that was essentially me, I'd have to find a way to adapt and hope they don't out think me." Raylan said. "I may fight dirty on occasion, but only in a life or death situation."

" Fighting someone like yourself? That is easy to picture. When gorn fight one on one, they lay aside energy weapons and melee weapons and fight each other tooth and claw. The rule is simple, the first one who dies loses. " He said with a shrug. " It is simple and straight forward, when Gorn fight each other. "

"Yeah, I'll bet that's a sight to see." Lance said with a smile, looking around at the others.

Audie chuckled at H'rar's comment, but not at all mocking. "Guess to the death is the certainly definitive!" She shrugged. "I was fortunate that that Audie was a janitor and in no mood to be fighting! Bad enough to see your face on someone else!"

Raylan raised an inquiring eye brow. "So, it wasn't just a hypothetical for you, then?" She asked Audie.

"Mirror me," Audie explained. "But you're right, watching people you know fight themselves is unsettling, and so is having to maybe take down a 'friend'. At least if you are fighting yourself, you know who the good one is!"

"I take it then, you've all had some experience with this? Like and alternate Universe? I mean I've heard about the possibility of such a thing, well more than that actually, just never gave it much thought." Lance confessed.

"Mirror, it's called, and rightly so," Audie answered. "There were a few of us who went over, but the whole place was completely different, like...Feudal Japan or China? Of course, we run into that sort of thing all the time, it was just seeing familiar faces, but they belong to different people..."

Alicia sipped her drink as she observed the conversation. She would make sure that Audie did not let slip anything that was too confidential. There are simply put some things that should never be discussed. In the interim she was not sure what to make of this Faraday. There were moments that she liked him, and moments where she wanted to see him off the station. She guessed time would tell which side of the coin she fell under.

"Mirror, yeah, I've heard of the infamous Mirror Universe." He admitted, "Never been to it, or even near it. I mean, I think every Fleeter has heard of it. More a myth than anything else" Or so he surmised.

H'rar lifted his head and looked at the others. " Even I have heard of the Mirror Universe, The Gorn view it as a vile place that humans would equate to hell. It is a place that the damned are sent to and if your lucky enough to escape it, then that is your second chance at life, your redemption so to speak. I would never want to willingly go there for any reason. "

"I can live without meeting my mirror self." Raylan said.

"Of course, some people say that there's at least one other you out there, a doppelganger, and you could run into them any time..." Grinning, she shrugged. "I don't think the Universe could handle another me!"

"Yeah, another me just might be too much for me or anyone to handle, or stomach, for that matter," Faraday added.

H'rar's eyes narrowed. " If you did fight your own double and your friends knew that you did. There would always be a question in the back of they're minds, Who really won the fight? Who did we end up with? The double or our friend? I know I would be suspicious if that ever occurred. " Stated the large marine.

Sergeant Lance 'Lethal' Faraday
Demolitions, Swords Platoon
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Sergeant Alicia 'Big Red' Reilly
Platoon Sergeant, The Knights
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Sergeant H'rar 'The Beast'
Heavy Weapons Specialist, Swords Platoon
Poseidon Station

Sergeant Raylan 'Pioneer' Ch'Tol
Combat Engineer. Castle Platoon
Poseidon Station

Sgt. Audie 'Magic Hands' Fitch
Medic, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station


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