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Annie's Kitty Day Care

Posted on 01/22/2024 @ 5:16pm by Civilian Annie Parker & Civilian Annabelle Parker & Sergeant Audie Fitch
Edited on on 02/26/2024 @ 3:53pm

1,768 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 24: The Kingsmen: Duality
Location: Civilian Quarters
Timeline: MD 001 1430

"Don't you have too much fun without me," Audie chided the one-eyed ginger cat that trotted at her side as she made her way through the civilian area of the station. "And behave! Do what Annie says, even if it involves party hats and tea! Oh, and don't give Mindy a hard time!"

At the sound of 'Mindy', the cat looked up at her and meowed loudly, his ears twitching.

"That's right,'re going to stay with her for a time. I'll be back, though, I promise." Not that that was a promise that was within her power to keep, but at least she knew she didn't have to worry about the cat.

Stopping at the appropriate quarters, she rang the chime.

The door opened, Annabelle was there smiling in greeting at Audie. "Hi there, come on in." she peered back towards the bedroom where Annie was. "Annie, Mindy, its Audie and Buster!"

With a squeal of delight, Annie came running out with Mindy trotting after her. Mindy stopped and meowed at Buster in greeting.

"You are just in time for some pizza." Annabelle giving a bit of a laugh.

Audie laughed as Buster ran in without being invited -- after all, this was becoming his home-away-from-home -- and trotted off with Mindy to find some mischief to get into!

"Hey, Annie, good to see you!" Audie smiled widely, then looked at Anabelle. "Thanks for helping on such short notice. I brought some food and treats, but he likes it here so much, I don't think he'll miss me."

At the offer of pizza, she hesitated. "I don't have much time," she admitted, "but I can spare a few minutes, and I want to see if Annie has learned any new string games!"

Before anything else, before she told Audie about her new tricks. Annie came and gave her friend a heartfelt embrace. "I've missed you, but I did learn some new tricks. I learned how to make a butterfly, a tea cup and a broom" Annie giggled. "Want me to show you?"

Audie hugged the girl back, perhaps a bit more snuggly than she should, but there was something in the innocent embrace that made her really hope that she made it back safely. "Sure!" she commented as she stepped back. "That's a lot to learn! I'm glad you like it."

The string game might seem simple, but it was a great way to teach hand/eye coordination and memory.

"Oh yes I am really glad you taught me" Annie giving a very happy smile, then gave Audie another hearty squeeze.

Annabelle though was watching what was going on, had noticed the expression in Audie's eyes. She'd seen that look before. "C'mon, eat hearty I've got chocolate cake for dessert." she said with a smile. "Annie get to the table."

Annie headed towards the table obediantly.

Annabelle though walked over and gave Audie an embrace and whispered. "Just come back, and Buster will be safe. I know he'll miss you terribly. And he will be here waiting."

Sighing, Audie returned Annabelle's hug, whispering back, "It helps to know he's being looked after."

But time was short, and not to be wasted on feeling sorry. "Chocolate cake is my favorite!" she declared, then trotted after Annie, snatching the girl up and flinging her over her shoulder. "Hurry up! Let's get to the table!"

Annie gave out a delighted squeal when Audie put her over her shoulder. It tickled her tummy, and it was really fun.

Annabelle gave out a laugh. "Yes good food, and a good dessert." she called out and sat down at the table.

"So Mommy, is Audie your sister? I heard you say she was like a sister, can we adopt her? I heard one of my friends say he was adopted and he has a big sister now. Can I have Audie as my aunty?" Annie asked of Annabelle.

Then she moved right pelting questions to Audie. "Do you want to be adopted? Wanna be my aunt besides one of my bestest friends?" Annie looking solemnly at Audie.

"Oh, well..." It put her and Annabelle on the spot, but Audie couldn't think of any objection. "I've got no family, except Buster, and he won't mind." Glancing at Annabelle, she shrugged. "Always wanted a sister I could secrets to and whatnot! And to be an Auntie! It's just the thing!"

Annabelle had an amused expression in her eyes when she heard all of the questions Annie had asked, then her eyes got a bit misty as well, she didn't have a sister either. She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye, "I am quite happy to have you as my sister, Audie!" a brilliant smile appearing and looking affectionately at both Audie and Annie. "Okay, lets get to eating pizza and then have the chocolate cake."

Annie cheered, and Mindy came trotting out to see what the excitement was about, and meowed. Annie giggled, "Mindy, we have an aunt now, its Audie!!"

As if understanding what Annie said, Mindy came up and rubbed against Audie's ankle, purring.

"Auntie Audie...I like the way that sounds!" Audie grinned brightly, a way to hide her emotions, since she was, after all, a Marine Sargent, and nothing got to them, right? Just to make sure she didn't break, she gave Annie a light noogie on the head, ruffling her hair. "I got all kinds of Auntie privileges now!"

She sat at the table, laughing as Buster joined Mindy, patiently waiting to see if any tidbits were dropped.

Annie gave out a light squeal then giggled when Audie ruffled her hair, giving her new auntie a huge embrace. Annabelle started handing out plates that had slices of pizza on it.

"So sis" Annabelle giving a grin, she loved actually laying claim to Audie as her sister. "Have you met any interesting people on the station?"

Annie eagerly took the pizza slice and took a bite of it, a couple of pieces of sausage fell to the floor one of which Mindy pounced on it.

"Oh," Audie took a big bite of pizza, using the time to chew as a way to stall. "There's a new Marine...a Gorn...he's pretty interesting, looks intimidating, but he's really kinda sweet, and he likes Buster." There was her criteria...did you like her cat! "And another new guy...Lance Faraday, I think, a demolitions guy."

"Intriguing, a Gorn Marine, and demolitions man, er Marine. I will say this you have definitely met some interesting people. And the Gorn likes Buster?" she looked down at Buster with a bit of a smile. "Buster is a one of a kind cat. And I think Mindy finds him that way as well."

Annie all the while was listening to Audie and her mama talking, she just finished her piece of pizza and went for another one. "Oh yes Mindy really likes Buster. And I think they go on adventures while Mama, Uncle Max and I go to sleep., I don't have proof yet but I will sometime get it." Annie giving a giggle.

"H'rar seems like a pretty good sort, he was really quite gentle and concerned with Buster." Audie grinned. "And he loves pancakes! As for Buster, I haven't figured out how he's getting out yet, but I try not to worry, after all, before I took over as his servant, he had run of the station. But I think one of these days I'm going to put tracking on him."

After another bite of pizza, she looked sternly at Mindy. "You're trying to corrupt my poor boy, aren't you?"

Miney looked up at Audie with an innocent cat gaze and meowed sweetly.

Annie laughed at the exchange, she found it hilarious.

Mindy walked over and placed her front paw on Audies leg and purred.

Annabelle was watching the antics and was smiling hugely. "Yup you are part of the family Audie. You've been claimed."

"No escaping the mark of cat hair!" Laughing, Audie reached to scratch Mindy's ears, causing Buster to huff over and look for pets from Annie. "Are you jealous? You're part of the family, too!"

She started to make a comment about Buster not really wanting Mindy for a sister, since he couldn't have her for a girlfriend then, but caught herself, considering the child in the room!

Sighing, she stood. "I hate to leave pizza...and Annie, but I have to go. They only gave us an hour..." For the first time, she was feeling reluctant to head on a mission, and she knew she couldn't let that get to her.

Annie looked up at Audie, she knew something was going on with her new aunt. She slid off her chair and walked over to Audie holding her arms up, "Okay, give me a huge hug, a good squish." the little blonde girl giving a sweet smile. "And you come back okay? I love you Auntie Audie, and so does Mama."

Taking a deep breath, Audie reached for the girl, pulling her into a strong hug, taking care not to squeeze her too tight, while letting Annie work her kid-magic. "Don't you worry, I'll be back for more hugs," she murmured, looking up at Annabelle. "I promise to be careful, and we'll do something fun when I get back."

"I'll hold you to that." Annabelle replied, walking over and adding her embrace to the hug Annie was giving to Audie. "Be safe sis, be safe and when you get back spa day sound good?" giving a chuckle. She released Audie, then said to Annie "Let's give Auntie Audie a big piece of cake to take with her."

Annie gave a nod and went to grab something to put the piece of cake inside. "This is a special piece of cake Auntie, it is filled with magic to a make certain you come back, okay?" her eyes filled with the belief that it will work.

Annabelle looked down fondly at Annie then to Audie. "One more time, be safe."

"I will, I have to bring back your container!" Laughing, Irish accepted the cake. "I might save this for the trip out, give me something to look forward to."

She really wanted to give both, and the cats as well, another hug, but she knew if she did she might break, so she just gave them a short nod and headed out.

Sgt. Audie Fitch
Marine Medic
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station
and Buster!

Annabelle and Annie Parker
Mindy Parker.

Played by Cara Letsul


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