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Honorable Secrecy

Posted on 01/25/2024 @ 9:56pm by Colonel Jack Patton & Major Tsinira Vishti
Edited on on 01/25/2024 @ 10:31pm

1,985 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 24: The Kingsmen: Duality
Location: Klingon Embassy - Poseidon Station
Timeline: MD001 1100 hrs

As soon as Jack left the Admiral's office he knew that he had to get something done even before talking to the Kingsmen. He had to secure a ship, one with a cloaking device. As far as he knew there was only one person who could possibly make that happen.

So, in no time at all he found himself walking into the Klingon Embassy. The outer room had two Klingon warriors standing guard and the Klingon flag displayed prominently. Jack knew Klingons, in fact he liked them more than most other races. They thought a lot like Marines and for that he respected them. He came to attention in front of one of the guards. "Colonel Jack Patton here to so see Major Vishti. This is a matter of urgent import and I would appreciate it if the Ambassador would see me."

"I make no promises. However, I will relay your request." The warrior replied and disappeared through the doorway into the inner rooms.

"Major... Colonel Patton of the Starfleet Marines is here. He states that he is a matter of urgent import. Shall I allow him entrance?" The warrior stood at attention with his fist on his chest.

Tsinira looked up from her PADD and gave a mischievous grin. " A matter of urgent importance? I am curious, send him in. " She didn't bother to stand as he entered the office, she had two tankards on the desk with a bottle of blood wine. " The last man who entered my office on a matter of urgent importance came to declare himself one that was worthy to seek me as a suitor. He wasn't able to tame me in a duel and died on my Bat'leth. So either your here to declare yourself as a suitor, or to ask a favor. Would you care for some Bloodwine? " She asked with an almost playful tone to her voice.

When the Warrior came and escorted Jack into the office Jack went over what he knew about the Ambassador. Sadly he learned that it was not much. However, he did know that she had a reputation for being a shrewd negotiation even for a Klingon, and that she was never one for trifles, she would rather everything on the table. So Jack made note of all this as he walked into her office.

He smiled when she told him of the last man who stood before her. "It would bring dishonor to my family were I to pursue a mate, while having a mate. So, it is a favor that I have come to seek." Jack knew that Klingons abhorred adultery and so he played into that. "However, it would be a great honor to share blood wine with you Major. May I sit?"

Her facial expression took on a more serious look. " Good, I've heard your a man of honor and I would expect nothing less from a marine, had you accepted the ploy I would have had to do your wife a favor and send a PatarQ to Gre'thor. " She smiled once again. " Please sit and tell me of this favor that you require. " She poured two tankards of blood wine and placed them both in the center of the table giving him the choice of which one he wanted. " Tell me, Is this favor worthy of a warrior and his honor? And if you could please provide some details of your goal, I wouldn't want any dishonor to come back upon my house because of something from your task came to light. "

Jack did not know much about Klingons, however, he knew them to be forthright so trying to hide the mission or the issue would do no one a service. He took a gulp of the blood wine and it tasted fresh but thick in his throat. "Major I am just going to put the cards on the table here. Captain Harrington has been kidnapped from this station and I am taking a small team of my Marines to bring him back. It is believed that the Romulans have taken him, and they are bringing him deep within their territory. That is why I am here. I need a cloaking device, or a ship with a cloaking device. That would be the only way we can get deep enough into Romulan territory to find the Captain." Jack hoped that Vishti understood his plight and most of all he hoped that she had a ship for him.

Tsinira's face changed to a disgusted scowl. " That verengan Ha'DlbaH kidnapped Captain Harrington? I was wondering why he and all of his senior staff departed the embassy so quickly. There is no one left there of any importance, Just some lowly junior diplomat who can only pass on information to the home world and wait for a response. They can't completely close down an embassy. "

Tsinira thought a moment. There are two klingon ship's currently at the station. The first is a Vor'cha class attack cruiser. The captain of the ship owes me some favors. But there is no way that a small group of your people can operate that ship on your own. They are coming back from war games and have a full crew of nineteen hundred plus a thousand marines. The ship is over four hundred and eighty meters in length, but it does have a cloaking device. The other is a B'rel class Bird of Prey. It can be operated by a small crew of no more then twelve. But how many of your people read Klingon? Or have Starship operations training? I could gather a flight crew if needed. Of course I'd have to send an engineer to maintain the engines and cloaking devise, unless you have someone that is trained in cloaking device maintenance and repairs? "

Jack had not thought about that. He knew that Hill was competent, and most if not all of his team could read Klingon. However, he was not sure about Hill's expertise when it came to cloaking devices. "If you can see clear to give us the B'rel Class that would be sufficient. My engineer would be able to maintain the ship, however, someone to operate the cloak and maintain it would be needed. Starfleet deems that Captain Harrington is lost in action, and this mission is a disavow mission. That said whoever is going to maintain the cloak would have to understand that this would be a good day to die."

" When isn't a Klingon ready to die in an honorable cause? " She asked Jack. Tsinira called out to the outer office. " Krevan, Come in here!! "

Krevan walked in and saluted and bowed his head. " What is it that you wish My Lady? " He asked.

" Hand select six warriors. One helm, One transporter operator, a surgeon, an engineer, a cook and the junior intelligence officer. And tell Rath'a to prepare the Chal Qul for immediate departure! "

" Where are we going to? " Krevan asked.

" We're staying right here, And have the ship cloaked before it leaves the space dock. No one is to know that my ship has departed the station, My ship is being barrowed for a debt of honor. Now get to it!! "

Krevan saluted again and spoke before he departed. " Rath'a isn't going to like this you know. "

" I don't give a Damn if she likes it or not, And tell her she better bring my ship back in one piece or I WILL hold her personally responsible. " Growled Tsinira.

She turned her attention back to Patton. " Now that the ship has been taken care of, there is one little matter that I would like to address. I would like to ask for some small token of collateral for the use of the ship, just two quantum torpedoes to be delivered to the storage room here in the embassy. They will be returned to you when the ship is returned, You have my word of honor on that Colonel Patton. That won't be a problem will it? "

Jack allowed the request to stew a moment, and ran his hand through his hair. "I do not believe that to be an issue I will have them transferred myself. However, as to the crew of the ship we will not need a full crew just someone to man the cloak. My people would handle the ship. In fact it would be best as if we are captured it would allow you and your government deniability should the Romulans wish to start, shall we say issues."

Tsinira leaned back into her chair. " I'm not sending a full crew, only a few back up personal to help out with your mission. If you leave the ship your team you'll need someone to beam you back to the ship. They will not leave the ship if that is what you want. We don't have replicators aboard our ships, so you'll need a cook. A back up pilot is never a bad thing to have, someone to beam you back aboard the ship when your mission is done. And my surgeon is well trained in human anatomy, in fact she was once the surgeon general of the empire, if your worried about her qualifications. This way you can use all your team for the mission instead of leaving someone behind that you may need. But if all you desire is my Chief Engineer, then so be it. "

Jack sat with his head in his hands for a moment. The Ambassador was right, having a small Klingon crew who could operate the ship if need be would be a prudent thing to do. "Of course Major you are right having a few people who could operate the ship is prudent. However, they should be made aware of two things. The first is that me and my people are in command, and the second is if it comes down to it they should take the ship and return to you never to speak of what they see or hear. Can your crew members agree to those terms?"

" My crew is loyal to me and the house that they serve, If I instruct them to never speak of the details to anyone other than myself, then that is how it shall be. And I give you my word as a Daughter of the house of K'mpec that I shall never discuss the matter with anyone other then you and only in the strictest of privacy. I shall have them swear a blood oath to carry the secret to their grave, Would that satisfy you? " She asked.

K'mpec was a Chancellor of the High Council and Jack knew that. Swearing an oath in his name would have been enough, but with the addition of everything else Jack knew the secret would be safe. "Very well, have your ship and men ready to leave in three hours. They will be briefed when my crew and I board." Jack stood to leave and turned to Vishti. "Oh, and thank you Ambassador. We owe you one."

Tsinira smiled. " Yes you do. And should the need ever arise that I need a favor in return, I know you will honor that request. I am logging this as a training mission for crew development, that way if the ship should be lost there will be no questions." She bowed her head and closed her eyes as she spoke. "May Kahless spirit guide the ship and your team to a flawless victory." With that said she turned and went into her inter office and the heavy door closed behind her with a heavy thump.

The guard spoke and broke the silence. " It seems your meeting with the Ambassador has concluded. This way Colonel, it seems you have a mission to prepare for."

Colonel Jack 'BlackJack' Patton
Commanding Officer, The Kingsmen
Executive Officer
Poseidon Station

Major Tsinira Vishti
Klingon Ambassador
Poseidon Station


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