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The Cardassian Ambassador Arrives

Posted on 07/27/2024 @ 10:40am by Captain Cara Letsul & Ensign Rugasi Kiyo & Gul Daske Khaya

997 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: CUV Sueth Rem
Timeline: MD 007


"We're approaching Federation Starbase 50, ma'am." The Operations officer reported.

"Open a channel to the Station, Dalin Ralik." Gul/Ambassador Daske Khaya ordered.

"Channel open now, Gul." Dalin Ralik reported.

"Starbase 50, this is Gul/Ambassador Daske Khaya of the Embassy vessel Sueth Rem requesting permission to dock."

Cara had just gotten to the Operations deck, and stood looking out towards the planet Aquil, another arrival of another ambassador. "This is Captain Cara Letsul of SB 50, please proceed to these coordinates." the coordinates being sent. "I will be there to meet you." With a nod, she set off to do so at the docking area, along with a security escort of which K'doc had strongly suggested.

Once there she waited for the Gul to arrive.

Daske ordered her helmsman to follow the co-ordinates and the Galor-class vessel made its way to the assigned Docking Bay.

"Gul, The ship has docked." Dalin Ralik reported.

"Good. Dal Tjan you have command." Daske said. "Gilnn Khaya, you are with me."

"Yes, Gul." They both said.

"Should we not bring more security, Gul?" Glinn Latjin Khaya, the Gul's younger brother and her head of security asked.

"We are here as diplomats, not conquerors, Glinn." She replied addressing him by his rank.

"As you wish, Gul." He replied.

They stood in silence while they awaited the arrival of the Station's Commander.

Cara arrived with a steady purposeful walk, a pleasant smile of greeting. "Welcome to SB 50, I do hope your travel here was without any trouble. I am Captain Cara Letsul."

She glanced at the arrivals, awaiting for their answer.

"Thank you, Captain, I am Gul Daske Khaya and this is my head of security, Glinn Latjin Khaya. He is also my younger brother. As you know family is important to us."

"It is what I do know about your people. He looks like a capable chief of security." Cara answered giving a nod. "Would you like to head to the Embassy and get yourself settled down there? Our chief diplomat does have an aide who can guide you to where you will be situated." Cara stated.

"Thank you, Captain, that will be fine, also is there any way I can talk with your Chief Science Officer? I was an Astrophysicist before I became Ambassador. What is the English phrase, oh yes, 'I like to keep my hand in.'" Daske said.

"I will make certain that an appointment will be set up with the Chief Science Officer. " Cara remarked as they started towards where the Embassies were located. "Astrophysicist interesting. I wonder if you would find that rift out there in space interesting enough to study it." Cara replied.

"I would like to look into it, if my schedule allows." Daske said.

"I will make certain that you will be able to make contact with those in the scientist department." Cara answered. "If you will come with me, and I will escort you to the embassy part of the station." turning to head in that direction.

"Thank you, Captain." Daske said as she and her brother followed. Latjin looked around expecting attack.

Cara also called upon Kiyo.

"Ensign Rugasi, is Commander Mattix available?"

=^=No Ma'am, he is away from the office and he had let me know to take his calls. Is there anything I can help you with?=^=

" Yes please, I will be at the main office shortly." Cara stated. " I am bringing in an ambassador who has just arrived."

=^=Yes Ma'am I will be waiting for your arrival.=^= Kiyo replied.

In the foyer of Mattix's office Kiyo waited for Cara's arrival with the Ambassador. She was wondering just who the Ambassador was. She didn't recall any ambassador scheduled to arrive, and she had checked for any arrivals. The Bajoran Aide scratched at an itch in her nose ridges.

"Rugasi is that a Bajoran name?" Glinn Latjin Khaya asked.

"Yes that is a Bajoran name." Cara responded looking at the Ambassador with curiosity. "She is a good aide for Commander Mattix."

Daske gave her brother a look that told him to keep his thoughts to himself.

"Captain, the old ways die hard in some of my people." She said indicating her brother. "I for one judge an individual on their actions rather than their species or other unchangeable characteristics." She said. "Lead the way."

"I do understand about that." Cara responded.

"And my grandfather had said that very thing in regards to the Cardassian people." Kiyo commented. "He was there during the occupation, however your people suffered as well, with many lives lost."

"Indeed, but it still angers me the way my people went about it, posing as friends only to enslave your people and steal your resources and your lives." Daske said.

"Yes it was wrong I will agree." Kiyo replied, " However, would continuing the hatred end up in another disastrous conflict? " the young ensign looking at Captain Letsul and then at the Cardassian ambassador and her brother.

"Exactly, Ensign." Daske said with a brief smile.

"And what about your thoughts on said subject?" Kiyo asking Daske's brother.

Glinn Latjin Khaya gave a snarl. "My thoughts are irrelevant, as I will obey the Ambassador's orders to the letter." He said.

Both Kiyo's and Cara's eyebrow raised at Latjin's response.

"Well then I will leave you both to get settled in." Cara remarked. "I do need to go attend to other matters for the station."

"I understand, Captain, bureaucracy waits for no one." Daske said. "Thank you for meeting us." She added.

Kiyo added, "If you need something contact Commander Mattix's office, and we will do our best to see to what is needed. "

"Will do, thank you, Ensign." Daske said. Then to her brother she said. "Come brother, let's investigate our new Embassy."

That said the Cardassian siblings left.


Gul/Ambassador Daske Khaya
Cardassian Ambassador to Starbase 50.

Glinn Latjin Khaya
Security Chief to the Cardassian Ambassador.

Captain Cara Letsul
Poseidon Station

Ensign Rugasi Kiyo
Diplomatic Aide
Poseidon Station


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