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Double Vision

Posted on 07/30/2024 @ 7:36am by Captain Cornelius Harrington

834 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 24: The Kingsmen: Duality
Location: New Romulus
Timeline: Unknown

The sterile room echoed with the cold efficiency of Romulan technology. Dr. Rempeck stood tall and imposing, his presence a reminder of the authority he wielded. The younger Romulan doctor, Laris, fidgeted with the device on the table, his discomfort very noticeable.

"Doctor Rempeck," Laris shouted, his voice wavering slightly. "The Argrathi used this device for mental punishment. They implanted false memories. What you're asking us to do is alter core memories. We have no idea what that will do to him."

Rempeck’s gaze hardened, his patience thinning, as Laris continued. "Where did you even get this device? Does the Senate know what you're doing here?" Laris continued, desperation creeping into his voice. "Enemy or not, we are professionals. This is wrong."

Rempeck paced, his footsteps echoing in the large empty room. The young doctor's resolve was commendable but ultimately futile. He watched, waiting for the inevitable moment when Laris would lower his guard.

It happened in an instant. Laris glanced away, perhaps seeking an ally or an escape in the cold, unfeeling room. Seizing the moment, Rempeck moved swiftly, his hand a blur as he plunged a small knife deep into Laris's throat. The young doctor gasped, eyes wide with shock and betrayal.

"My apologies, my young colleague," Rempeck murmured, his voice almost gentle, "but I can't have you end this. We are too close, however your contributions to Romulan society are noted."

The clinical light of the laboratory receded as Dr. Rempeck, his hands still trembling slightly, wiped the blood away with a cloth. He took a moment to steady himself, the weight of his actions sinking in. The young doctor's body lay still on the floor, a stark reminder of the cost of their mission. Rempeck exhaled deeply, as he moved down the dimly lit hallway, his mind racing.

Harrington’s conditioning had to be flawless before they reached Moore's Star. As he neared Harniclium's quarters, Rempeck paused, taking a moment to gather his composure, and then entered with a carefully crafted, reassuring smile.

Harniclium sat in his quarters. It had been weeks since his arrival, and what had started as a confusing adjustment had slowly given way to a sense of calm. His new identity had been meticulously crafted, but he still experienced odd flashes of memories. The doctors assured him it was normal, a side effect of the deep cover assignment.

The door chimed, and Harniclium turned towards it. "Enter," he called out. As the door slid open, Dr. Rempeck entered, his demeanor professional yet oddly warm.

"Jolan tru, Doctor," Harniclium greeted him, a smile tugging at his lips. "Did I miss a therapy session?" A puzzled look crossed his face, the lingering uncertainty of his new identity evident.

"Not at all," Rempeck replied with a smile. "I just came to see how Lucia and the kids are adjusting to your return."

Harniclium’s face softened at the mention of his family. "They are well," he said, his voice tinged with relief. "It's been a long time, and the adjustment has been challenging, but they are resilient. We are all eager to restart our lives."

Rempeck nodded, his eyes bright with satisfaction. The conditioning was holding, the implanted memories seamlessly blending with Harniclium’s reality. He knew that the next phase would be critical. The Tal Shiar awaited at Moore’s Star, eager to debrief their agent and ensure the conditioning was flawless.

"I’m glad to see that," Rempeck said, his tone measured. "The transition back to normalcy is never easy, but you are handling it well."

Harniclium nodded, though a flicker of doubt crossed his mind. "There are moments," he admitted, "when things don’t feel quite right. But I suppose that’s to be expected after so long undercover."

"Indeed," Rempeck agreed, his voice soothing. "Your mind just needs more time to fully integrate the experiences. It’s a complex process, but you are doing remarkably well."

As they continued their conversation, Rempeck’s mind drifted to the upcoming journey to the Neutral Zone. The Tal Shiar’s black site at Moore’s Star was a place of shadows and secrets, where even the strongest minds could be unraveled. He knew Harniclium’s future, correction both of theirs, depended on the success of their work.

“Rest assured,” Rempeck concluded, placing a reassuring hand on Harniclium’s shoulder. “We are here to support you every step of the way.”

Harniclium smiled, comforted by the doctor’s words. As Rempeck left the room, tHarniclium’s thoughts returned to his family, their faces anchoring him to this reality. Meanwhile, Rempeck’s mind raced with the implications of their mission. The success of their endeavor hinged on Harniclium’s unwavering belief in his false identity. Any cracks in the facade could unravel everything they had worked so meticulously to achieve.

With a deep breath, Rempeck readied himself for the challenges ahead. The journey to Moore’s Star would be dangerous, but the rewards were too great to ignore.


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