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New Blood

Posted on 08/10/2024 @ 3:21pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Commodore Reginald Walker & Commander Raphael Mattix & Captain Thorrin
Edited on on 08/10/2024 @ 3:40pm

2,667 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Ops
Timeline: TBD


Thorrin had kept himself away from the chaos that ensued at the station by remaining aboard his ship. He studied this anomaly that had formed from basically nothing. But, that was not the only thing that he did. He kept his eyes and ears on the station as well. From what he saw the crew there needed some guidance. So, he pulled some strings and here he was standing at the airlock waiting for an old friend to arrive and take command of the station. It had been decades since Thorrin saw RJ and no one knew better than Thorrin that time could be an enemy or an ally. But those thoughts were brushed aside as he saw RJ walking through the airlock and Thorrin smiled a genuine smile, something he had not done in ages.

RJ tucked the book he'd been reading under his arm. There was something about reading an actual book that felt different from holding a padd; the adventure on paper seemed more real. He looked up, nodding with a stern expression. "Commander."

"Proof that Starfleet will promote just about anyone with a pulse these days," he added, "Sorry, Captain," he corrected himself. "Imagine my surprise when I got assigned to the station where my old friend works. I'm not sure if I should thank you or cuss you out."

A figure moved out from behind RJ with a bright, warm smile. "Thorrin, don't listen to anything he says. He hasn't stopped talking about Poseidon Station since Starfleet told him the news." She walked over to the Captain and embraced him as she kissed him on the cheek. "You look good!"

"Laura," RJ exclaimed, "really?"

Laura took Thorrin's arm, ignoring her husband. "Why, Thorrin, it's so lovely to see you again! Sophia started the Academy last month—diplomacy. It'll be nice to finally have a real diplomat in the family," she smiled sweetly.

"Still standing here," RJ coughed, ignoring Laura's not so subtle insult.

Thorrin took Laura's hand and kissed it gently. "Now how can I call myself a gentleman if I do not escort the lady." He smiled and motioned that they should walk on. Thorrin cocked an eyebrow in reference to his looking good. "Thousands of years of skin care would do that..." For a moment Thorrin's memory reached back to the images of his friend's children. He remembered them as toddlers waddling around the ship. "They are all doing well in the fleet. There are times when I do not feel the age of my species, and then there are times like this when I feel as old as time itself." He turned toward RJ and snapped his fingers as if something just occurred to him. "Speaking of time I am sure you were briefed on the anomaly and the fact that I wear an orange uniform."

Oh no," Laura said, waving her hand. "That's my cue to leave." She embraced Thorrin and added, "Our quarters, tonight at eighteen hundred. And bring a bottle of red wine."

She smiled at her husband, patting his chest with her left hand. "Now, don't you think you're gonna be workin' all day, Reginald Walker, and leavin' me to unpack all by my lonesome. Commodore."

RJ kissed his wife goodbye, "Yes Ma'am." Turning to Thorrin. "So, tell me about this ship!"

Thorrin motioned in the direction of the lift to Ops and fell into step with RJ. "Well the Herodotus operates outside of the Starfleet's purview..." Their conversation continued under hushed tones as the information was technically classified. The two men made their way to Operations as they talked.

Cara stepped onto the operations level of Poseidon Station, still feeling a bit vulnerable from her meeting with Nicholas, she was also feeling a bit raw. She passed by the office she'd not taken over, that of Harrington feeling that if she were to use that office, it would be giving into her fear that he was never coming back even if she had seen his 'death' To her it was a symbol of hope that he would. She brushed her fingers along the door then out to the area to where she could see the planet Aquil.

As she approached she heard two voices, one was that of Thorrin and the other a man who she didn't know.A sharp quiet intake of her breath, noticing a different body language from Thorrin, a change in him and there was a certain tone in his voice when he spoke to the man near him. She was rather curious and stepped up to them, "Hello Captain Thorrin, and.." she paused short noting the pips of a Commodore, upon the man next to Thorrin.

Mattix watched quietly from where he was, one of the rare times he wasn't down in the diplomatic offices working on one brush fire or another. The negotiations with the Dominion were progressing but nothing was a done deal. The fact that he'd heard rumors of someone coming to take over Poseidon and then a confirmation message that morning from an old friend was enough to bring him up from the depths.

A Commodore? What is going on? Say something, don't just gawk.

"Hello I am Captain Cara Letsul. Welcome to Starbase 51" directing her gaze to the Commodore and holding out her hand in greeting to shake his.

"Thank you, Captain Letsul," RJ replied, shaking her hand firmly. "It's a pleasure to be here. Captain Thorrin has spoken highly of you and your team. Commander Mattix," he nodded toward the Diplomatic Chief, "your reputation precedes you as well."

Thorrin was about to make the introductions when he decided that this would be an excellent test for all involved. So, he decided to remain silent and step into the background as it were. He would observe the proceedings. Of course Thorrin would brief RJ on his thoughts of the entire crew at a later time.

RJ then suggested, "Let's move this conversation to a more private location: the Captain's Ready Room." He turned and headed into the room.

Once everyone was inside and the doors were shut, RJ wasted no time. "Captain Letsul, I'm going to be direct. Effective immediately, you are reassigned to your previous post as Operations Commander. You will retain your rank, as you've done a wonderful job keeping things running since Harrington's death, and I appreciate your efforts."

"There are those in the Federation Council who believe Poseidon Station needed a change, and recent events have provided the opportunity to implement those changes." He paused. "I met with Admiral Rice and his wife last night; he spoke very highly of you all. I know this is not ideal, and it's not fair, but it is what it is."

"Starfleet has assigned me here to take over as Regional Operations Officer, essentially filling the positions left vacant by the Admiral and Captain Harrington."

Following after Commodore Walker, Cara felt like her mind was spinning once more, so many changes in such a short time. Wait, Tom's married? her thoughts flashing towards the last time she saw him and Olivia Quinn. There was a momentary pang then, it eased away. remembering the extra sparkle in his eyes, as if a weight had lifted from his shoulders. She remembered catching his feelings of happiness. Cara wasn't going to deny the man his happiness. Tom deserved it most wholeheartedly. An inner sigh, Cara pulled her mind back to the current situation, a new Commodore and new CO of the station.

Cara gave a nod and a pleasant smile at Walker's complimentary words, "Thank you for your kind words, Commodore Walker. Those here have done their best under these trying circumstances." her voice was calm, almost devoid of emotion, as the next words from her, were the most difficult but it was necessary. "I'll get Neil's that is Captain Harrington's personal effects out of the office, and have it cleaned for you to settle in."

Cara hadn't looked at either Thorrin or Mattix as of yet but now she did, glancing at them both, trying to get read from them.

Mattix was stone faced, he didn't know how to react beyond listening to what the man had to say. The Federation Counsel could be damned for all he cared, he had settled on a none Federation world for a reason and had little to no desire to change that when his time on the station was done.

Thorrin remained silent as the grace as it were. He leaned on the wall slightly covered in darkness. There was a small smirk on his face as he watched his old friend wrestle with what proceeded. There was a small part of the El Aurian that felt for Cara. This was a lot to be thrust into in a short time. Thorrin knew there would be a lot more in the months to come. It was why he felt that the change in command was so warranted.

"Command is always looking to pin mistakes on someone, easy to do when that someone is supposedly dead," Raphael said finally. "Welcome to the edge of the universe."

RJ sighed inwardly, knowing the road ahead wouldn't be easy. "Thank you, Commander. I look forward to working with all of you. But, I understand how difficult this must be for all you. Rest assured your dedication does not go unnoticed. This is simply the actions of a bureaucrat, nothing more."

"Now someone tell me about this nebula."

"I can't explain the science side of it, but I presume you've read the reports and know it can be used as a two way door," Mattix arched one of his brows. "I couldn't tell you if it was natural or made by someone, but what I can tell you is that it looks like those on the other side want to use it as a bridge to invade our galaxy. If we can find a way to close that door, we should."

RJ nodded, taking in Mattix's words before responding with a even tone. "Commander Mattix, while I understand the urgency and the concerns regarding the Mirror Universe, we must tread carefully. The recent upheaval in their leadership provides a unique opportunity for us to extend a hand of diplomacy, rather than reacting with hostility. As someone once said, 'Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way.' Now is the time to build bridges, not burn them."

He continued, "Given the fall of their Emperor and Empress, we have a unique chance to redefine our relationship with the Mirror Universe. Cowboy diplomacy will only escalate tensions and potentially lead to unnecessary conflict. We must use this moment to build understanding and cooperation. Remember, the measure of a leader is not in their ability to wage war, but in their capacity to maintain peace."

"Si vis pacem, para bellum," Raphael arched one of his brows, diplomacy would get them know where with the Mirror Universe, but spending the time explaining that to someone like Walker felt pointless. He finally shook his head. "And I've always preferred Churchill. Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions."

Now was the time for Thorrin to remain silent no more, he started to speak in his honeyed accent. "I would hate to burst any bubbles. But, that rift out there does not only go to the Mirror Universe. It goes to all universes, all the time. More importantly to answer the Commander's statement. It cannot be closed, hell we are not sure how it opened. As it stands now Poseidon Station stands at the crossroads of time... literally." He hoped his words would carry some weight with Cara and Raphael. They may have not liked him, but he thought they understood how he weighed his words carefully.

Crossroads of time. Those words echoed loudly inside Cara's mind, her face turning pale. This was becoming a bit surreal to Cara, connecting to the discussion she had earlier with Nicholas. The Ancient way station had been termed that, so many, many years ago. She knew and understood what Thorrin was saying, him being ever so careful in what he said. She looked at all three men, her gaze a bit guarded. After a few moments a calm and serene expression replaced her guarded one, color coming back to her cheeks.

"It certainly looks like we've got our work cut out for us, don't we gentlemen?" Cara calmly remarked.

RJ had done his homework on Harrington, aware of the growing attention surrounding the man. Though he preferred not to speak ill of the dead, he couldn't help but question the decision-making that had led to Harrington's appointment of a Chief Diplomat. RJ found himself wondering how this man had ever become an officer in the first place.

"We all have work to do," RJ said, "Captain, since I didn't have a personal connection with the late Captain Harrington, I'm willing to handle packing up his office if that would be helpful." He knew some might find the task difficult. As for Mattix, RJ decided to ignore him for now; this wasn't the time or place for a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

"In the meantime, it looks like we've got a murder to solve, some Marines to bring back to the station, and somehow get everything back to normal around here," RJ said with a smile. "Thorrin stick around for a bit, please."

Raphael arched one of his brows, and considered his options. He could say something snarky or stay quiet. Finally, he folded his arms as he regarded the two men and while he hardly knew anything about Walker and only marginally more about Thorrin, but he'd been around enough men like them he had a pretty good idea of what the conversation was going to be about. Without a word, he turned and left the man's office. He certainly wasn't in the mood to argue with a Commodore and one who was selected to fix the station by a bunch of bureaucrats on the other side of the galaxy.

"This is going to end up as the worst I told you so in history," He said once he was out of the office.

Cara stiffened at the Commodore's offer, she realized it was out of kindness, however Cara felt she needed to be the one to pack up Neil's effects from his ready room, well that is, his former ready room. "Sir, I would much prefer to take care of it, if you don't mind. Unless you are making this an order to have you do so." Locking her gaze with RJ's "However, he is family, and I feel that it is well within my capability to handle this.

"Of course Commodore. Perhaps a glass of amontillado is in order. I do so hope you remember my fondness for wine, and exceptional wine cellar." Thorrin stepped away from the wall he leaned on as he spoke. He waited for Cara and RJ to finish the business of Neil's effects.

"Commodore, it won't take long for me to pack up Captain Harrington's personal belongings. This way you will be able to finish up your conversation with Captain Thorrin." a pleasant smile. "Once again, welcome to the station, Commodore." Cara waited for his response before she left his and Thorrin's presence.

"Thorrin come my friend, we can catch up," he motioned for the door, "I think Captain Letsul needs a minute." He turned and headed for the door but stopped, "it was a pleasure meeting you Captain, and Thorrin stop calling me Commodore. We've been friends too long for that level of formality." With that, he had out the door, Thorrin by his side. He knew that Letsul needed a moment, this was a lot to take in.

"So about that glass of amontillado..."



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