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Utter Chaos

Posted on 08/12/2024 @ 11:12am by Lieutenant JG Jali Andloch & Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn & Lieutenant Isabelle Mattix & Petty Officer 2nd Class Raphael Covington

1,466 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Promenade Level 67
Timeline: MD 006 1900

Those who had been watching the news brief held by the current CO of the station, their hearts fell, a mixture of sadness, some wept, others were in shock. This lasted for a short time then utter chaos broke out. Jackson Porter was DEAD!! Several hundreds of fans of Jackson Porters fans had come just to catch sight of the author and to even hear him do a reading of some of his books. His books were famous and well loved.

It started as just a small interaction between two people who wanted the same print of the cover of Jackson Porter's book, the Quantum Key. Then it escalated when the person punched the other and took off with the print. In another store a book store which held copies of Jackson Porter's books, once the store was opened, quite a few people came rushing in, in order to get the books that were there. More and more people came in and punches were thrown, hair pulling and biting. The workers in the store called for security, as the combatants spilled out into the promenade.

The Security Comm Officer turned around to face K'doc. -^-Commander Valadorn, Reports of a riot breaking out at the bookstore on the promenade.-^-

K'doc finished his mug of Raktajino and sat it down on the table and closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them again. " Finally, it has begun. " He whistled and his Targ qIj tij came trotting over to his side and sat beside him. " We've had and hour and a half to prepare, have all units check in. "

-^-Aye Sir!!-^- Came the response. A flurry of communications went on for a few minutes as all units reported in. -^- Commander, all critical and sensitive areas are covered, Fast response teams standing by on combat transporters to beam into hot spots, Roving patrols across the station and two full companies broken into ten platoons standing by to enter the promenade as per your instructions.-^-

K'doc stood up next to qIj tiq. " Beam me to the top floor of the promenade main entry way. " A few moments later he shimmered and reappeared at the promenade entry way. K'doc tapped his combadge. " Computer, whan I give the order for the troops to forward march you will amplify the sound of their marching and broadcast it throughout the entire station. " The computer beeped it's acknowledgement. " Computer, open a channel to all combadges and the station PA system. "

-^- This is Commander Valadorn, Poseidon station Chief Security. You WILL cease and desist your actions NOW!!! If you wish to surrender, drop to your knees and place your hands on top of your head and you will be escorted out of the area as a non combatant. If you make ANY hostile actions towards a citizen or federation personal you will be fired upon. This is your only warning, So if you value your life and freedom then be elsewhere!!-^-

He watched the fighting below him and observed that some people were departing the area, but not as many as he had hoped for. He took the targ hunting horn from his side and blew a long single note. -^-Federation troops, set phasers for heavy stun. If you witness any hostile towards a citizen or federation personal you will fire upon the aggressor. If you or your unit is approached in a aggressive manner or attacked you will fire upon them. All persons will be taken to the brig and processed for trail. Federation legal may take mercy upon you, but I WON'T!!-^-

He watched below as the fighting continued and shook his head in disgust. " Fine then, the poppida patarq's will get what they deserve then. " He tapped his combadge once again. -^-FEDERATION TROOPS!! FORWARD MARCH!!-^-
The sound of the amplified marching coming over the PA system sounded like an army on the move and echoed throughout the station. -^-KA'PLA!!-^- came ringing across the PA as the troops went in to do they're duty.

K'doc had briefed them well, He wanted no deaths during the riots. But he also wanted them stopped quickly, Mobs could turn ugly very quickly and deaths could occur, property damaged or even the very safety of the station could be threatened.

The troops came into the Promenade in a defensive block formation where they could take advantage of being able to defend themselves from almost any angle of attack. They were still fresh from the attack on the station by the Breen and now they were having to fire upon they're own citizens and they were unhappy about it. But it was the price to pay to protect the station and the lives of the citizens on board the station at this time, And if the rioters had to wake up later with sore muscles and a throbbing headache form being hit with heavy stun, then that would be the price that they paid for they're part in the riot. But at least they would wake up again and be able to carry on with they're lives.

There are those who just like to fight and it didn't matter that they were not truly fans of Jackson Porter they were just opportunists. And so they decided to try to steal other things.

It had already been a long morning for Rafe Covington and now this. Filling in was a necessity when requested, so covering Ed Phillips on the overnight was, first the patrol and then rolling into this mess on the promenade deck, at the bookstore no less. His anger was rising.

His patrol had been blended in with the other troops responding, then again, it was a security matter and they were supposed to work these situations, though this had called for everything the station had to put down the near riot. But from where Rafe stood, if this wasn't a riot, it missed a great chance to be one. Then some fool took a swing at him and got a heavy stun blast to the chest!

Isabelle had never been a part of riot control, sure she'd trained because it was protocol when working on a station, but this was something beyond where she'd been. She was nervous and it didn't take a telepath to read it on her. At least her partner was with her. Kyrion looked like ice, he was more than ready for what was to come.

"Stay close to the team," He said with a nod. "We work as a unit, as one."

Isabelle nodded to Kyrion and steeled her nerves. If there was any nervousness from the redheaded man next to her she couldn't tell. As the order went out and they started to move forward, she knew what she had to do.

The group Rafe had been with had moved a bit that was when he spotted CWO Dalston and Lieutenant Mattix. "CWO Dalton! LT over here! We're moving on the bookstore crowd, could use your help." He said, waving to them.

Jali brushed passed Covington, her team escorting a group of thieves caught in the act, the Klingon/Human Hybrid had a rather stormy expression in her eyes, with a cut just above her eyes, and half smile upon her lips. "Dalton." she said in greeting, then moved on past.

Those that were being escorted by her and her team looked rather worse for the wear.

Whether CWO Dalton and Lieutenant Mattix had moved toward the security force that Covington was with was lost in the shuffle of the movement on the bookstore, which, even with what seemed to be a superior force, the size of its doorway was small, perhaps allowing two or three at a time to try and gain access, but what they encountered was a determined and brutal defense of the lawlessness.

qIj tIq a rather large black Targ stalked at the side of K'doc, their presence having an ominous aura about them, "Enough!"he roared out "All of you turn yourself in, NOW!" glowering at those there.

qIj tIq growled as if to add to K'doc's order.

The sight of the huge brawny Chief of Security as well as his Targ, plus marines as well as other security, was enough to stop the chaos.

Jali arrived back with other security to find dispirited looters being escorted by K'doc and others. It looked like it was going to be a long night to take care of the reports that needed to be written. Thank goodness for report writers.

This Jackson Porter has certainly stirred up much trouble, what a mess. Looks like a lot of Raktajino will be consumed.



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