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In Need of Nachos

Posted on 08/13/2024 @ 3:29am by Commander Tatiana Dragos & Civilian Alden Powell

1,979 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: Lighting Up Shadows
Location: Fugazi Bar
Timeline: MD001 - 2200 hours

Tatiana was feeling the need for nachos, and a drink or two. Setting up that meeting with Kailu and Aer made her wanting a drink. There are other factors that were involved as well, however her mind had drifted to a certain bartender, Alden Powell. She tried to remember the last time she had been to his place, it had been way too long to her thinking. Opting to dress in civvies, Tatiana made her way to the Fugazi bar. It being a haunt of marines, Tatiana had opted not to wear something that stood out like a sore thumb, her choice of clothing? A simple pair of black cargo pants, boots and a dark green tank top.

Taking a look around, Tatiana stepped over towards the bar and slid onto one of the stools there. She wasn't certain who was on duty, but Tatiana hoped that Alden was there.

In his usual spot Alden stood behind the bar cleaning a glass. He had a shirt on, nothing too fancy but it was a long-sleeved Texan styled shirt which he'd folded the arms up to his elbows. Turning he heard the subtle steps of female feet, he could always tell the difference. "Well ain't you sight for sore eyes commander." he emphasised her rank only so she would know he knew and he stopped cleaning the glass and gave a small bow.

An appreciative wink from Tatiana, "I've been a hankering for some nachos that you've got a knack for making. Just one bite and it became an addiction that I finally decided to give way to. It can't be helped, not one iota. I've even dreamed of the nachos." resting her forearm upon the top of the bar.

"I'm beginnin' to think all you want from me is my nacho recipe." Alden joked. "One batch comin' up ma'am." he added as he disappeared into the back of his bar.

Five minutes passed and he returned and placed a bowl of them down covered in cheese and jalapeƱos. "Now, what you drinkin'?"

"I am drinking in your beautiful green eyes." she commented with a grin, and then added, "However I am open for a suggestion from you." letting that sentence hang in the air.

"Honestly flattery will get you everywhere in my house." Alden chuckled. "But I have learned to never presume what is in a woman's heart, or in her head." he winked. "Especially when it comes to what they are in the mood for. So, I can make you whatever you want... within reason to what I have in stock." he smirked.

"Do you happen to have whisky in your stock? If so I'd like that neat." Tatiana replied with a smile, then picked up one of the nacho chips that was loaded with cheese and jalapenos, enjoying the crunch and the burn of the pepper.

"Sure thing!" Alden winked and shot her a finger as he brought up a bottle and began to pour it into a glass and then slid it in front of her.

She reached out to get the drink, her fingertips brushing against his before Tatiana picked up the glass. She glanced at him, after that initial contact, took the time to take in the fragrance of the whisky before sipping at it. She closed her eyes, as Tatiana enjoyed the flavor of it before she let it slip down her throat. She smiled before opening her eyes. "That is delicious."

"Why thank you." Alden gave a little nod of his head to Tatiana. "It's something I've been workin on myself. I'm glad you like it." he smirked. "Now you can't tell me you're here for my nachos and piss poor excuse for a whisky... there are other places a beautiful woman could be besides my bar full of marines and people who have gotten lost."

"I came to see, you." Tatiana answered. "Hope you don't mind my being so direct, but that is the major reason why I came, was to see you. You caught my attention the last time I was here, and decided not to let anymore time pass by." taking another bite of her nachos, and looking at Alden.

"Well I can't fault you for havin good taste ma'am." Alden was nothing if not modest. "My ex-wife however would not agree." he chuckled. "I'm glad you decided to be direct, I like that in a woman." he said leaning on the bar.

"Tis a pity she doesn't seem to have appreciated you, and let you go." Tatiana responded, moving a little bit more towards the bar. "Me, I've not been married at all, but ended up with an instant family. My two nephews, and my niece. Triplets. Raised them since they were new-borns. Do you have kids?"

Alden shrugged. "Life of a marine can be hard on anyone, a life of service, never being home. I don't blame her in the end. I always bled green." he chuckled as he poured himself a glass of bourbon. The bar was quiet so he allowed himself to focus on Tatiana.

"Sounds rough." he said referring to the babies laid at her feet. "But scuttlebutt on the station says at least one of them turned out well, Stefan." he nodded as he took a sip. "I've got three. Two boys and a girl."

"What are their ages? And their names?" Tatiana definitely interested. "All mine are age 34 going on 35. I can call them mine even if I didn't carry them. They are still mine." she sighed slightly, " I am glad that there are those who think Stefan has turned out well, my niece Camelia, she is currently serving on the USS Majestic. Lucian is the oldest and I hope down the line I will see all three of them at once." scooping up another bite of her nachos. Tatiana was enjoying this conversation with Alden. He was easy on the eyes for her, and she loved hearing him talk.

"Well you've got Sam, he's coming up for 28 now. Lucy and Josh, the twins, are 24. All got their mother's fire in them that's for sure. Lucy often let's me know when I'm doing things wrong but I know it's just because she cares and shows that a lot more than the boys." Alden said as he thought of them for a minute before focussing back on Tatiana. "And you're perfectly right to call them yours. You brought them up, cared for them, watched them grow, and that makes you their mother, no-one would ever convince me of any different. Don't need to be blood to be family, even though I know they are your kin. I know plenty of guys who called me Dad in training." he laughed. "They never lived that down, not for a while at least."

An honest to goodness laugh came from Tatiana. "I am certain they didn't live that down." Reaching out to touch Alden 's hand giving it a squeeze. She didn't remove her hand from his, just gazing into his eyes. Honestly this was more contact with anyone, that she had in a long while, that wasn't her family. Feeling that she was letting her hand sit there for too long, she drew in a breath and started to move her hand back.

The heat from Tatiana's hand on his was nice. He did alright with the ladies on the station, nothing to brag about but he knew he was a handsome man and something about his accent could draw people in. However, it was a different touch from Tatiana and he wasn't denying himself that thought that he liked it. "I'm assuming your brood calls you mom?"

"Its a mixture at times. I am mom, as I raised them. There have been the discussion about my relation to them by others so there have been the "well she's our Aunt but she raised us so she is mom." Giving a fond smile. "There have been some trainees who had called me mom as well." Tatiana giving a chuckle. "I teased them about it from time to time, then one of them told me that I was the closest thing to them having a mom, so... I let it slide after that and didn't tease them about that anymore." she scooped up a bit more of her nachos. Her hand felt a little bit cold after she had withdrawn it from Alden's hand. However she did need that hand to finish off her nachos. "So do you take time off from running the bar?"

Alden listened intently to Tatiana's words. He knew all too well how some marines saw him, akin to the words of her trainee, some didn't have father figures of their own to look up to and Alden did take a lot under his wing to make sure they made it out of wherever they were going with their lives and limbs intact. "I can take time off when I want." Alden's voice twanged with his accent heavily coming through. "I just don't as I've not had the reason to, and frankly this place doesn't tax me too much." he chuckled. "Are you offerin' to take me somewhere'?" he asked with a grin.

"I just might be, if you have the time. " Tatiana feeling her heart pick up speed, she was rather rusty at this, and couldn't remember the last time she had gone on a date. It had been that long ago only the faint echo of a memory. "Have you been down to the planet Aquil?"

"You know, I haven't and I've been on the station for a while." Alden pondered as he racked his brain to remember the last time he'd actually had some downtime. "What can you do down there?" he asked.

"There is camping, horseback riding, hiking trails and there is a resort there topside, and an underwater city of the Aquilans. Definitely swimming and a beautiful waterfall there as well. I also know that there can be sailing done as well. I think that there is quite a bit that can be done there." Tatiana answered. "Sure it is tropical, rather beautiful. I've not really indulged in any of said activities there." she responded.

"I guess we could just go down and see what happens. Be a bit spontaneous." Alden nodded as he thought out loud. "Maybe we'll be drawn to something we like and can do together. Plus I hear they do great seafood."

"I have heard of that myself, yes lets do something spontaneous, if I remember how to do so. Maybe my asking you to do something with me can be counted as such?" Tatiana giving a wink, her hazel eyes having a sparkle of amusement in them. She interlocked her fingers with Alden feeling a bit more bold.

"Only counts a little." Alden teased. "Need to see it through Commander." he continued.

"By your command, Alden. Lets go now." Tatiana wagging her eyebrows up and down. "Or do you need some prep time?"

"Oh gimme some time darlin'. I need to find someone to close up tonight and either find someone to look after it, or close it for a couple of days." Alden smiled.

With a teasing smile, Tatiana remarked, "I don't know if I can wait that long." leaning forward and pulling Alden in for a kiss. She laughed when the kiss finished. "I suppose I can wait."

"You'll have to." Alden winked. "We can set off soon. I'll let you know but for now you can enjoy your nachos, the drink and my company here."

"I will indeed do so." raising her glass towards Alden with a brilliant smile. As it was, she had a rather handsome person to watch, while eating her nachos.

Alden Powell (pnpc Aer)
Owner of Fugazi

Commander Tatiana Dragos


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