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Getting to know Eden [Part One]

Posted on 08/16/2024 @ 3:32pm by Ensign Masuda Junichi & Lieutenant JG Eden Bowers

1,786 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Various
Timeline: MD 23

Junichi moved back from the microscope he had been using, taking a look at a rather interesting piece of rock that had been found on Aquil's beach. The crystalline patterns of it, almost looked like a trilobyte from Earth. Taking a moment to look around the lab, his eyes paused on the break room. A memory came to mind that of the small getting to know you meeting. He liked the fact that he got to hear about most of the science personnel's hobby. There was one though, he didn't get to find out anything of that nature from. And that was Lieutenant Eden Bowers.

Junichi glanced at the chronometer, noting the time, his shift was over and he recorded his own notations as to the rock he had found. Not seeing Eden at the moment, Junichi tapped on his combadge and sent out a call.

"Lieutenant Bowers, would it be possible for me to meet with you? This is Ensign Masuda."

Eden perked up when she heard her named called. "Absolutely Ensign. Where would you like to meet?" In truth she'd never heard his name but that didn't stop her from being curious about him. She was curious about everyone. Eden lived by her own imagination and sense of adventure and the sooner people realized that the sooner they got a long with her. "I was just finishing up an experiment and thought I might get a bite of Klingon food. Up for that?" She asked, testing his resolve to meet her.

"Are you talking about the Live Gagh? That sounds great!" Junichi responded with a grin. It had been a bit since he's eaten there. "Whenever you are ready, I'm game."

Actually Eden didn't like gagh but she smiled at his response. "I will meet you there." Ten minutes later she was outside the restaurant looking for an Ensign. The only trouble was she had no idea what he looked like and was bobbing around tables looking at people's faces and generally causing the patrons of the restaurant anxiety.

Junichi scanned the restaurant, looking out for Eden. He knew what she looked like, he almost missed her though when a broad shouldered Klingon paused by his table, and took a long look at him, then proceeded onwards. Seeing Eden, the Asian man stood up and waved towards her. "I am here!"

"Oh good. I thought I was going to have to start looking under the tables." He probably thought she was making a joke but Eden would have. She was so very unapologetically herself sometimes. "Eden Bowers," She offered him her hand with a smile. "Why did you want to meet me again?"

Taking her hand, his hand warm and the grip firm but also gentle. "A little bit ago I had put together a meet and greet, a few of the other scientist had shared a little bit about each other, however, you were a little bit quiet. I like to get to know those who I work with." he let go of her hand, "Please have a seat." waiting for her to take a seat beforre sitting himself down.

"Oh yeah. I sometimes forget to talk in large gatherings. I'm so busy listening to everyone else. And honestly, some people have a hard time following what I say anyway. I do tend to prattle on a bit." Eden looked at the chair and smiled at him. "Thank you. First thing about me. I don't like eating things that are still alive. But, if you want the gagh I will by no means stop you."

"There is other food available. I've had Gagh but, I am not in the mood for it right now. A targ steak would be good though." Junichi replied. "What about you?"

"Hmm, not sure what I want yet," Eden said, browsing the menu. "Perhaps some Krada legs." She glanced up at him. "What if you get to know me and don't like what you find?" Eden was curious as to what his response would be.

" I can ask you the same question." Junichi giving a smile. "I like getting to know a person and if I wasn't interested in getting to know you, I would not have even bothered to ask you to meet with me."

Eden closed her menu and put her elbows on the table. "But why? No one ever wants to get to know me. Usually they hear me speak for five minutes and are convinced that I'm not worth the time. What makes you different? And is this like a date? Or just two colleagues having a meal?"

"They were convinced that you are not worth getting to know you after five minutes? What, were they doing speed dating?" Junichi latching on that first comment she made. Before he addressed the other remark Eden had made.

Blinking at him she sat back in her chair. This was the most remarkable conversation she'd ever had. She was throwing everything about her personality that usually scared people off and he was sitting there smiling and seemingly enjoying himself. "No. Just being my usual self and people look at me strangely and pass by at a wide distance. Not that I care. Being myself is far too important to worry about someone else's comfort. But you really haven't answered my questions."

"I am getting to those." Junichi grinned, "I don't mind you being yourself. Nothing wrong w
ith that. As for asking if I am different, aren't we all different in our own unique way?" he took a moment to wave over a waiter then continued to her next question. "I can't say this is a date or even just a meal between colleagues. I didn't even think that far ahead. All that is in my head was that I wanted to get to know you, as a person. Just, you and me, eating food together. Something relaxed and enjoyable being right here in the moment. "

"A dinner between strangers then. Good." Eden held out her hand to him. "Eden Bowers. Nice to officially meet you." She was joking but she'd be very surprised if he didn't take her hand, it seemed within his character to do so. "I will have the Krada legs," Eden told the waiter who huffed over to the table. "And some blood wine of course."

Junichi did take her hand and shook it giving a grin, then turned his attention to the waiter.

"A targ steak medium rare, and blood wine as well." he responded to the waiter who scowled for a moment then moved away. When he left, Junichi turned his attention back to Eden. It is nice to officially meet you as well, Eden." sitting back in his seat. " So shall we play twenty questions?" giving a grin.

Eden cocked her head to the side slightly. "Sure, why not. You can go first since it was your suggestion." Eden actually loved answering questions but usually when she did so people thought she was joking even when telling the whole truth.

"What is your favorite food to eat?" Junichi was curious and wanted to know. He wondered though if she'd say whatever struck her mood.

"Hmm," Eden thought about it for a moment. "I love Earth Mexican food. So . . . Tacos would be my favorite food I think. It's always what I want for my birthday." Eden rubbed her hands together thinking of what she wanted to ask him. "What do you find is the most attractive quality in a mate?"

"I do really like tacos. In answer to your question, that is one question that can have several answers. What would I be looking for in a mate? Inner beauty. Pure plain and simple. What would you consider the most attractive quality in a mate?" Junichi deciding to ask the same of Eden.

Eden was impressed that he hadn't flaked on the question. "Patience and a sense of humor. I love to laugh and I could never be with anyone that wasn't able to match how easily amused I make myself. Does that make sense?" Eden thought about her next question. "What do you think of me so far?" It was a fair question. He hadn't backed away slowly or taken off screaming but then again he'd only been here a short time and she was bound to seem a bit more odd later once they spent more time together, if that happened.

"I am finding you great to be around, and I've managed not to spill anything on you." Junichi cracking a smile. "But the evening is still young." giving a chuckle and a wink. "I find you to be intelligent and creative. And I think that a good sense of humor is a good thing to have." He was amazed that she hasn't run away screaming from him. "So turn about is fair play. Its now your turn to answer that same question." he was enjoying this immensesly.

"You're a bit of an enigma to me still. You seem friendly and genuinely interested in what I have to say but people rarely are so I'm reserving judgement. However, you're easily amused, easy to smile and polite. Those are all good things. Have you ever been married before?"

Junichi shook his head. "I've never been married before. Not even been engaged. I've dated some, just not found anyone that well, you know, fit. How about you? Do you have a significant other in your life?"

"Not anymore. I was married." Eden replied, knowing that if this didn't scare him off then he wasn't leaving. "He saved my life at the cost of his. He put me and several other people into a transporter buffer during an alien attack. We were stuck there for a very long time. I'm actually old enough to be your great great grandmother." Eden gave a small shrug, but it was the truth. "Does that scare you?"

"A transporter buffer?" his eyes went rather round at that fact. "and okay so... you are old enough to be my great great grandmother. That maybe so called chronological speaking but that also means your life was stopped in essence, until you were brought back. You must have a lot of catching up to do to become in synch with this timeline." looking up as the klingon waiter brought their food, then left. He continued after the waiter left. "Why should it scare me to know of your age and that you've been married before. I am sorry for your loss though, that is something that would be difficult to live with." Junichi remarked.


Lt. jg Eden Bowers
Science Officer
Poseidon Station

Ensign Masuda Junichi
Poseidon Station


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