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Stepping back into the top job

Posted on 05/20/2024 @ 9:41am by Captain Cara Letsul & Lieutenant Sara’draphia T'eseri

876 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: various
Timeline: MD 007


Walking along the promenade of Poseidon Station, Sara was making her way to the XO's Office. She'd been requested to return to the station from her detached assignment to the planet below where she was helping to set up and train an underwater search and rescue team for their emergency services. She was a little surprised to receive the call back to the station as she'd only been on the surface for almost a year, but she figured something had happened that needed her immediate attention.

As she hadn't taken the chance to change before returning, Sara was still wearing her skin tight swim suit, causing her to attract the attention of more than a few people as she walked.

Cara was looking out the view port towards Aquil, her arms crossed over chest as she contemplated just what was occuring at this time. The CMO they had, Doctor Woods had been called away to another assignment, and they needed another CMO. Cara wasn't certain as to who they would be sending to take the place of Woods. She should go check her messages to find out who would be arriving. Just as she reached out to open the door to her office, Cara paused, someone was nearing her location. She slowly turned around.....

Arriving outside the XO’s office, Sara took a quick breath in before tapping the door chime. In the moments while she waited for a response, Sara had the thought that she probably should’ve reported to Dr Woods, but she could apologise to the good doctor later.

The door opened and there stood Cara, almost nose to nose with Sara. "S-s-Sara?" the dark-haired woman stammered out, looking totally different than the last time they had spoken. She was now wearing the red of command and the pips of Captain upon her collar.

"Oh my stars. Please come inside, you are certainly a sight for sore eyes. How have you been and.... " she picked up her Padd to look at the messages there. "I had sent out a request for a CMO, due to Woods having been called to someplace else." she glanced back to Sara. "Um... come have a seat, can I offer you some tea?" Cara momentarily radiating stress, before she closed that down.

Sara gave Cara a nod in response before giving her a smile, "Earl Grey please. an officer introduced me to it on the planet and I have grown to like it. As for your request for a replacement CMO, that is why I am here" she said before reaching into her shoulder bag and pulling out the orders she'd been sent, "it would seem whoever sends out these assignments is very good at their job"

"Yes, that can be said I suppose." bringing over the tea for Sara, and one for herself. Setting her tea down, Cara turned towards Sara, then stepped over to give Sara a one armed embrace. "I am so glad they sent you back to us, I am rather relieved to be quite honest. However hopefully the next part of our discussion won't send you running away screaming." Cara making a half-hearted joke.

Returning Cara's embrace, Sara gave her a weary smile, "I am sure whatever you have to tell me I can handle. I have lived longer then most species will and will live just as long again. what's that phrase I've heard humans use? oh yes, hit me with it"

"Well, we have a murder mystery upon our hands. A well known author met his demise on the station. Also Harrington is missing, he has been kidnapped. We are recovering from a Breen attack so.. yay?" giving a slight grimace. "It will be good to have you back here to help pull things together. Also you have an assistant chief medical officer, Lieutenant Chiva Abassi. So far that is it." Cara stated.

Sara nodded along as she was given the update, "I was here when the Breen attacked. I was out in one of the satalite clinics helping the civilians" Sara explained, thinking over the rest of the report, "This author? has an autopsy been conducted? have the authors family been contacted?"

"There is no known relatives of Jackson Porter, not that we've found as of yet, and an autopsy had been done on Jackson Poter by Woods before he left. Cause of death was poisoning by foxglove." Cara paused as she heard a beep upon her commbadge.

=/\=Captain Letsul, this is Lieutenant Andloch, we've got another situation. Your presence is needed, and we need medical and a forensics team.=/\= Jali stated.

"Thank you." Cara responded, then looked at Sara. "Well then, just what you needed, time to do an autopsy on another person." A grim expression in her eyes, and her lips thinning. "Welcome back into the craziness of the station."

Sara gave Cara a smile, “I wouldn’t miss this for all of the Latenim on Ferenginar”

Cara chuckled. "I'll be joining you on the autopsy, as I am wondering just what we will find. I will be very glad when we are done with this whole mess."


Captain Cara Letsul
Acting Commanding Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Sara’Draphia T’eseri
Chief of medicine
Poseidon Station


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