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Forming A Team

Posted on 05/20/2024 @ 9:46am by Commander Aer Feshau-Patton & Lieutenant Commander Kailu von Grekas & Commander Tatiana Dragos

1,254 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: Lighting Up Shadows
Location: Intelligence Department

Having arrived on the station with Kailu and his partner, Tatiana sent a message to Aer, "Commander, where would you like to meet up at? My errand was a success." her hinting at meeting with Kailu. She glanced over towards the man, as she waited for Aer's answer.

Evelyn had already retrieved her items she was going to sell and was off to go about her own business. When it came to things of this nature, Evelyn made certain to be scarce, unless she was needed.

"My office is the most secure place on the station." Aer replied. It was more or less true. She'd outfitted it with a lot since moving in many years ago back when she was a lowly Lieutenant junior grade.

Kailu huffed, of course they were being made to traipse through the station to meet her.

"There we go, we're headed that way." Tatiana leading the way. "

When they arrived, Tatiana showed the person who was on guard, her id and clearance. "The commander is expecting us." After it was verified, she stepped inside and headed towards Aer's office.

"I do not see why we have to come all the way here... is she grandstanding?" Kailu pointed out the large area of the intel suite with many stations for analysts and a large upper level much like a command deck on steroids. "El Aurian's... always the same." he grumbled.

Tatiana gave Kailu a puzzled glance at his remark. "This is how she has things set up for a station." deciding to respond. She went to where Aer was at, "Hello Commander" greeting her.

Kailu grumbled.

"Commander Dragos." Aer smiled as she walked over to the woman. "Welcome back to the station." she added before frowning a touch as she felt the presence of Kailu before she saw him.

The Toan'ta gave off a different energy, a varied vibration from normal El Aurian's believed to be caused by a deeper connection to the universe... or so they'd tell you. It was distinctive and loud. The Toan'ta always believed that El Aurian's held themselves on a pedestal, that they acted like they were better than them and this at times caused friction between them.

"Commander Grekas." Aer moved to bring him into view. "Thank you for joining us. I'm glad you could make it."

"Hmm, I am sure you are." Kailu responded as he moved a little closer to size up the very short woman. "Feshau-Patton? You are daughter of Crailo and married to the Human marine colonel here?" he asked moving past her to survey the intel suite.

"Yes." Aer frowned as she followed him with her eyes. "Is that a problem?" she asked.

"Not if they leave me alone." he grumbled. "I've had enough run ins with your father to be quite happy for the universe to swallow him up whole." Kailu chuckled at the satisfaction his imagination gave him.

"Now wait a min--" Aer said loudly, her emotional state had been quite unpredictable of late, and thankfully Tatiana intervened.

Tatiana placed a gentle hand upon Aer's shoulder. "I suggest that we be a bit more affable in this meeting. Right now we have a common goal and that is to continue the search for the Unseen. And this is the gathering of a team." giving a reminder to them both. "Your differences need to take a back seat to this." raising an eyebrow at them both. "Shall we continue about the subject?"

"Differences are what make all the difference commander." Kailu said resolutely. "That is what makes tracking and catching criminals and... miscreants" he said looking at Aer. "all the sweeter."

Aer could tell he was trying to goad her into a confrontation. The glint in his eye, the little smirk when he spoke. This was fun for him, an El Aurian seeking help from a Toan'ta. "That is true, even loners and those with a delusional sense of purpose can have their differences show as a weakness." she added. She had been feeling a bit off colour recently, like her brain was on the fritz, her anger quick to rise.

Tatiana quirked up an eyebrow at this. "Both of you, enough." she drew in a breath trying to keep from going into mom mode. "We are here gathering a team and we need to bring the others into this. Are you having fun poking the bear on both sides? Can we table this enmity for the time being?"

Aer did for a moment feel like a child being scolded. Tatiana's tone reminded her of how her own mother used to break up fights or arguments between her siblings. Although they were all so much older than her and often she was seen as the immature, uneducated baby of the family.

She acted like she had done nothing wrong. "I'm not poking fun, just stating facts. I have nothing against Commander Grekas, as long as he is able to do his job and tasks I set out?" she asked looking at him.

Kailu scoffed as if to say that anything she said didn't affect him, that he was made of stronger stuff and was beholden to a much higher power than she would ever be. "I am." he said simply wanting to add 'for now' but held back.

"Great." Aer replied. An agreeable Toan'ta could be hard to find but she knew he was just acting rough around the edges to get a rise out of her.

"Thank you, and apologies for being short in patience. Maybe I am picking up something from the two of you?" giving a wink towards both of them. "Or even something else due to the bothersome, Unseen group." drawing in a breath. "Okay back to business, how much of a team will we gather. Two or three more?"

"Yes, quite the emotional outburst." Kailu commented before looking back at Aer.

Aer rolled her eyes, sighed and steeled herself. "At the moment there is obviously us three." she began.

"Obviously." Kailu remarked.

Aer ignored that and continued. "If we add two more at least to cover some of the logistics, leg work etc. I do have a team of 3 analysts working on the project as well. I trust them and they solely report any findings to me."

Tatiana wasn't certain as to who Kailu was referring to, herself or Aer, or both. The man was quite the mystery. She also wondered just what sort of relationship he and Evelyn had. Deciding to not dwell on that, she commented.

"I suggest, Lieutenant Stefan Zamfir as well as a Petty Officer Kaylara Loran to be added to the team."

Stefan would be an interesting addition, no question. There had always been a line between them she felt and even though she hadn't seen a lot of him recently she remembered Jack's eyes glaze over when she would talk about him. "Yeah, I think they'll be a good addition too." she smiled.

"When would you like to have the team meeting? It could happen as soon as Tomorrow. " Tatiana looking towards Aer then looking over towards Kailu. Tomorrow would be the best once she got word from Stefan as to the meeting with Kaylara.

"Tomorrow is fine with me." Aer replied.

"I've not got any other plans." Kailu commented dryly.

Tatiana gave a solemn nod, "Very well Tomorrow it is.

Commander Tatiana Dragos
Intelligence Officer
Currently assigned to Poseidon

Commander Aer Feshau-Patton
Chief Intelligence Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander Kailu von Grekas
Intelligence Officer


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