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Rounding up people

Posted on 05/20/2024 @ 10:38am by Civilian Khylara Jorrath & Civilian Chientaka & Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn & Petty Officer 2nd Class Raphael Covington

997 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Elysian Dreams
Timeline: MD 006 1600

Khylara waited for K'doc and those whom he was going to bring in. She looked inside to where Chientaka was holding a conversation with the leader of the Ferengi's four. The trill who was hiding peeked over the railing of the upper floor, to see what was happening.

Covington wasted little time getting to the Elysian Dreams, whatever it was, he was interested. Stepping up to the Lieutenant Commander he stated quickly, "Commander, Petty Office Second Covington reporting as directed."

K'doc nodded in acknowledgement. " I'm glad to see your prompt Petty Officer second Covington. Take these two security crewmen with you and go around to the back entrance of the Elysian Dreams and let me know when your in place and I will come in the front entrance with the other crewman. If they run, you'll catch them when they try exiting the back door. However if they want a fight we'll catch them in a crossfire. Set phasers to stun, If you witness any hostile actions do not hesitate to fire. Any questions? "

"Yes sir, no questions," Rafe replied, he half turned as he drew his phaser to ensure it was set to stun. "Let's go boys, get them phasers set to stun, no mistakes, no accidents if we have to use them. Comprende?"

In a matter of a few minutes they were in place at the rear exit, Rafe touched his communicator, =^=We're in place, Sir. Awaiting your orders=^=

Inside, Chientaka verbally sparred with Renaga, as she insisted that the one he was looking for wasn't there. He was refusing to leave.

=^=Entering now, come in quick and quiet.=^= K'doc walked in the front door of the Elysium Dreams. " Renaga. I am Security Chief Valadorn. I have questions for you, You and your friends will come with me. "

Khylara wasn't too far behind K'doc and the bouncers that were on duty also had positioned themselves in readiness of trouble.

=^=Roger that.=^= Rafe responded. "Let's go boys, show time! Quick and quiet, the man said." With that, they pushed through the rear doors prepared for whatever the Ferengies might try.

Renaga looked around seeing all those who were ready in case of trouble, looked at the ones with him. then stated calmly. "I am here for a skip trace, his name Ragnur, he owes me money and I know he is here, so hand him over to me and we can take care of this in a peaceful manner." Flashing a toothy smile towards K'doc.

K'doc's face took on a stone like feature as he spoke. " You seem to misunderstand what I said. I wasn't asking you to come with me. You will come on your own or you'll be carried out of here, in how many pieces is up to you. " K'doc took a step towards the Ferengi and looked down at him. " Think very carefully about your next action little man, try something stupid and you will regret it. "

Khylara leaned into whisper in K'doc's ear. "The trill he is looking for is upstairs. "

Of course the Ferengi heard this with his rather sharp hearing. His head tilted back looking upwards and spied Ragnur. Same with the other ferengis. One though had a twitchy trigger finger and whipped up his blaster, and took a shot at Ragnur. Who ducked back.

The sound of the disruptor, while not deafening was enough that Rafe instinctively returned fire, knocking the Ferengi backwards in response. He glared at the rest of those above him, then at K'doc, "All clear, target immobilized sir."

K'doc fired his phaser at waist level directly at Renaga's chest, the crimson beam briefly Illuminated the area as it lanced across the short distance. " DROP YOUR WEAPONS NOW!!! " Bellowed the large Klingon. " The next one of you damn fools that thinks they can get away acting like this on MY STATION will be fed to my TARG!!! " Snarled K'doc.

Rafe and the other security men were in a ready posture, prepared to fire if there was any sense they were about to be fired upon. Covering the beings above them, any movement from them would ignite the situation, a situation which had gone from relative calm to highly tense in the blink of an eye.

The two remaining Ferengi dropped their weapons. Surrendering to those there.

Chientaka stood away from the security team there, observing what was going on. She then spoke, "Would you be so kind as to, take them out of here now, please?"

Khylara left the area and headed upstairs where the trill was hiding. She said to him, "It is time for you to leave, the security personnel will make certain you get to security safely." she motioned towards K'doc.

Ragnur gave a nod and was escorted down to the main floor.

"K'doc, This is Ragnur, make certain he gets to security safel as well." Khylara said.

K'doc gave Khylara a rare smile. " Of course I'll get him there safely.. " He then turned his attention to Chientaka. " I would be more then happy to remove them from here Ms. Chientaka. It is also the reason we used the stun setting so as not to damage your establishment. Besides you've treated my wife well and that is important to me, I shall now clear the vermin from your establishment. " He said as he grabbed Renaga by the leg and started dragging him out the door towards the security office.

"Thank you." Chientaka responded.

Ragnur was quite happy that the ferengi that had been hunting him was now unconcious and being hauled away.

K'doc stopped at the doorway. " Not at all Ms. Chientaka, the station appreciates your establishment and services that you provide and you can count on Security for any assistance that may be needed. " With that said he turned and continued towards security.

Khylara Valadorn
Elysian Dreams

Owner of Elysian Dreams

NPC Ferengis

PO2 Raphial Covington
Station Security

LT. Commander K'doc Valadorn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Poseidon Station


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