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Posted on 05/21/2024 @ 2:41am by Captain Cara Letsul & Lieutenant JG Kyrruk Bergeron

2,492 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Kyrruk's office
Timeline: MD 14 1400

Cara rubbed her eyes once more before she looked at the message that Star Fleet had sent her. Sighing she leaned back in her seat and frowned. Not only did they yank the rug out from under her, it was also going to be affecting a few other people when she let them know about the changes. Looking about her office, Cara abruptly rose from her desk, her chair skittering backwards. She really didn't want to stay in the office right now. Tapping on her commbadge she sent out a message.

"Lieutenant Bergeron, what is your location? This is Captain Letsul."

"My office, Captain. Head on down if you need me, I'm not too busy." Kyrruk replied easily, within a moment of the message. He peered at the screen he was working on, a results report from one of the labs. A linguist, hard sciences like chemistry were difficult for Kyrruk.

A few minutes later, Cara stepped inside Kyrruk's office. "Its been a while since I've been in the science department area." flashing a smile towards Kyrruk, then it faded away. "Mind if I get myself a bit of tea?"

"It has. Go ahead, there's several options," Kyrruk replied, gesturing to a counter with an electric kettle and several different types of teas. He caught that she seemed... stressed perhaps? Or at the very least unhappy. "I take it this is no social call. What's wrong?"

"Thank you." walking over to get a green tea, and mug. The teabag was placed into the mug, the hot water poured, she watched as a curl of steam arose, then carried the mug by its handle and went to take a seat. Blowing out a puff of air through her lips, Cara met Kyrruk's gaze. "I would rather this be a social call, but as you have surmised, its not." placing the tea upon a side table.

"Star Fleet is shuffling things around when it comes to command structure and departments." she stated, "With Harrington being gone" Cara's voice being filled with emotion "they have determined that I am now in command of the station. Raised my rank to captain and, I am no longer Chief Counselor I-I had to give that up."

"I'm sorry." It seemed the correct response, considering she seemed quite upset about the change. "If you really didn't want the promotion, may I ask why you didn't turn it down?" He pointed to her mug. "Drink. It always helps."

She picked up her mug blew on it for a moment then took a sip lowering it she woodenly said, "Its because the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. In essence, Captain Harrington has been declared dead as to a video clip we had received." her voice going quiet as she relayed that bit of news. "I saw his execution, and there is no way around it. I can't let this station crumble to pieces, it would be dishonorable and just that... this place has become my home, I have family here."

His face fell. "I see. I'm sorry again, then." He stood and went to get himself a cup of tea, then sat back down with it. "You're right of course." Kyrruk let out a long sigh. "One of the Vulcan mottos my family still believes in, as... difficult as it can be to actually do."

"And now comes the difficult part for me as well with me being in my position. Star Fleet is requiring a change in positions besides mine. " She drew in a breath, took a drink of her tea, before Cara said the next part. "Star Fleet wants you to step down from being Chief Science Officer."

Kyrruk took a drink of his tea, then sat quietly for a moment, collecting himself. "Was it something I did? Something I didn't do?" He asked, calmly, not quite sure what to feel just yet. "Am I to simply go back to being a linguist? Will I be staying here?"

"You will be staying here. And it isn't anything of that nature, as to what you did or didn't do. Star Fleet is wanting to change things around, and there is also an opportunity for you to expand your knowledge where it comes to science. Star Fleet is needing someone who is familiar with all the aspects of science. With my experience in running a station they insisted on my becoming the CO." Cara replied.

"Hmm." Kyrruk replied with a frown. "I see." He sighed, "I won't shoot the messenger, don't worry. I think you had little choice in this, and Starfleet doesn't take what I want into account."

"Sadly, they do what they feel is the best thing for the station, for Star Fleet. Doesn't matter what the individual desires, in the long run. Its what is necessary and they will do this, come what may. The good thing is, you will be here and I won't lose another person I am fond of." Cara stated, with a smile.

Kyrruk offered a little smile. "I suppose this does open up my free time." He sighed a long sigh, sipped his tea, and then looped up at Cara. "Fine then, in the interest of the station, I won't put up a fight over it." Then he grinned more playfully, "So long as you promise to make use of my extra free time. I think you're my closest friend here."

"I will certainly keep you busy." Cara giving a warm smile, then it dimmed. "Also we are not the only ones who have fallen prey to Star Fleet's reorganization. I had come here after a meeting with an Admiral and Ellery Rosa. Star Fleet said to Ellery in essence, you are coming back to Star Fleet, basically utilizing what they can do. Changing someone's status from being Civilian to Star Fleet calling them back into duty. They have that power. They have assigned her Chief of Science now and gave her the rank of Lieutenant Commander. She was caught by surprise as was I."

Kyrruk nodded again. "She is a fitting choice, though I assume she is about as happy about all this as you and I are." He shrugged then, "Right now, the news is too raw. I find myself having trouble envisioning someone else in what I still feel is my position." He took a deep, centering breath and closed his eyes. "I will need to meditate tonight, I think."

"That is something I am going to need to do as well. I kind of feel like my head is slightly spinning mentally wise with all the changes. I will leave you to your meditation." Cara paused, then moved over to embrace Kyrruk with one arm. "Rest well my friend."

Kyrruk returned the friendly gesture. "Come find me anytime. I look forward to our chats." He said and smiled again. Then he stood, "I'll have to clean my things out of here..."

Cara gave a nod in understanding. "Not an enviable task. Would you like some help or would you rather I leave and let you commence the task." She queried.

"Most things are better with two than one," Kyrruk said, looking around as he chose a place to start. "Lucky I haven't been here too long or this would be a much more difficult task."

Cara gave a laugh. "Oh that would be my office. I had quite a bit of personal items to move out. I had to get a grav cart to help me move." walking over and began helping to move the personal items from the office. "Teas, plants, little snacks." she stated.

"When I worked on a Vulcan ship, they didn't like any personal items in offices... said it was illogical, this was a work space. That personals should be kept in quarters." Kyrruk commented as he emptied his things out of the desk drawers.

"I had sort of made my Counseling office a refuge for me and also a place to help ease the minds of those who came in to see me, and it seemed to get them to open up more." Cara giving a smile, as she looked around to see if there was some other items Kyrruk wanted to take with him. "I would love to learn some more languages." Cara remarked as she picked up a couple of language books.

There were several things around, little items from his home, or things he'd picked up along the way. He pointed to a shelf, "Would you put those in a box or something?" Then when she mentioned learning languages, looking at some of his books, he grinned, "I would love to teach some languages." He gestured to the books she'd grabbed, "That's Ancestral Vulcan and a guide to the Ancient Tribal Languages of Vulcan."

"This certainly would have been helpful when I made the Katric vessel for T'Mar's Katra. Well better late than never right?" moving to start clearing the shelf Kyrruk had indicated. "Clearing out things can be troublesome and yet, it is an opening for new things to happen." she said quietly.

Kyrruk chuckled. "Always better late than never." He said. He glanced at her as she spoke. "Hmm. I suppose that's true." He smiled then, "But at least this time, I am staying somewhere I feel a part of something."

"Out here where we are at, where the station currently is. There is the unknowns we still face, unexplored areas of the Gamma Quadrant. New places to discover, new races to meet. And then there are the races that had been enemies and may not be later on." Cara remarked.

"I'm a Fleet linguist, a large part of my job is studying the language of those surrounding us." Kyrruk said with a shrug. "So that they can be better understood. "Language is a huge part of culture and culture is vital to understanding a species, for their culture guides their actions, their beliefs."

"I agree. Back when I was serving on another station, we came across a species of what appeared to be sentient felines. They weren't Caitians, they looked like cats, housecats. We referred to them as Treecats. The only way that they communicated was by, what we could interpret as, mind songs. They had digits which they were able to work with tools. It was incredible to have experienced, the meeting of this species." Cara giving a fond smile at that memory.

"Sounds fascinating," Kyrruk commented. "I know of a number of languages that are not spoken. Some, similar to human sign language, others communicated through body language, or various non verbal sounds, or telepathically, through mind pictures." He packed away some of his things. "That's what I'm out here for. To experience those things. To put my skills as a linguist to good use."

Cara had placed a few more items in the box, the final pieces on the shelf, Kyrruk had her do. "Have you gotten the chance to talk to the Aquilan's? I've not had much interaction with them." this conversation giving Cara food for thought.

"Hmm... no, I never had the pleasure. Maybe a cause for a little... scientific field trip, someday?" He suggested with a grin. "I do love this station, but the idea of getting out there and *meeting* people... Nothing better."

"That sounds like a fun idea. I don't know how many of those here have had the chance to interact with Aquilans." Cara responded. She drew in a breath and looked to see if there was anything else that needed to be packed away.

"I would love if that can happen... Even if it is not soon." He took a final glance around the office. "I think that's everything." He sighed. "It... saddens me that this has happened."

"You and me both." Cara responded softly. "But the winds of change are ever blowing, deciding to sweep down when they see fit. All we can do is hang on and find places to anchor ourselves to weather out the storm."

Kyrruk chuckled softly. "How true that is. For better or worse." He nodded towards the boxes, there were two, "Want to take that one to my quarters?" He shrugged, "If not, it's okay. I'll make two trips."

Cara gave a chuckle. "Sure I'll carry the one." picking it up and walking alongside Kyrruk, towards his quarters. "This is way easier then my packing up my former office." grinning. "Thankfully left the furniture there." giving a wink.

Kyrruk smiled sadly. "I left a lot of things behind on that Vulcan ship. I just wanted off so badly, I left more or less everything behind." He turned the corner and kept heading towards his quarters. "Fair warning, don't mind the mess."

"Oh don't worry you won't see me being judgemental about a mess. I have boxes in my quarters right now due to my moving out of the office. Now I need to rework my quarters." Cara blithely said.

Kyrruk smiled as he opened the door to his quarters. It was messy, but it also... wasn't? As if it were the most organized mess she'd ever seen. Papers and physical books on the desk, but ordered. A PaDD lay out, straightened on the night stand. His bed was made. It was clean, but cluttered, but cluttered... neatly. "Set them down anywhere. I'll put everything away later, he said as he set his box in a corner.

Once Kyrruk set down his box, Cara set her box next to it. She straightened up and took a look around the quarters, it wasn't bad, she could see the organization that was there. "You have lovely quarters. " giving an approving nod.

Kyrruk smiled, but there was disbelief in his look. "Thanks." He said. "Better let you get back to work, huh?" It had been during their duty shift after all.

Cara caught the expression in his eyes. "What? Did I say something wrong? And sure I suppose I can get back to work, though I never seem to be able to truly clock out." giving a wink.

"That's why they made you Captain," Kyrruk replied easily, smiling. "No, nothing wrong. I just don't think the place looks that good right now."

"I can see promise here, and the developing of making this your home. Just a few dabs of paint, up on an otherwise blank canvas." she looked around at the place once more. "However I will take myself off back to the office, and see what else is in store for me." giving Kyrruk a warm smile.

"Feel free to come by anytime," Kyrruk said, walking to the door to let her out. "See you later. Captain." He said and returned her smile.

With a wave, Cara left Kyrruk's quarters, "Most definitely see you later." She answered and headed back to her office.

Captain Cara Letsul
Commanding Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Kyrruk Bergeron


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