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News Briefing

Posted on 05/25/2024 @ 9:55am by Petty Officer 1st Class Maisy Shields & Captain Cara Letsul

1,356 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Level 65 Civlian Affairs.
Timeline: MD 006 1900

In a conference room near Civilian Affairs Cara stood behind a podium, there were news reporters and other representatives that were awaiting answers to questions that were on their mind. Where was Jackson Porter?

Cara looked at Maisy giving her a nod, before she cleared her throat to get people attention. This was being broadcast over the whole station.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen of the press, and representatives attending this meeting. I have gathered you together in order to answer your questions as to where the Illustrious Author Jackson Porter is."

Several piped up "Yes we have been requesting interviews from him but we have not had any word from him at all. "

Cara turned to look at those who made himself known. "You will be getting your questions answered shortly."

She picked up a glass of water to take a sip of it before continuing. "I regret to inform you that, Jackson Porter has passed away."

There was a stunned silence in the room, as all those present were in shock.

Cara prepped herself for the next part, once the shock was over, a storm will be blasting at them. She softly said to Maisy, "Wait for it."

"With bated breath captain." Maisy replied watching the mood in the room change.

A rumble rose from the room. Quiet at first but it rushed in like the tide, waves of hands going up, their shouting the white horses rocking on the water as far as the eye could see.

Permission was granted by the finger of Captain Lestul and a reporter spoke. "Ricardo Sottil, FNS. How did he die?" he asked. It was the most obvious question but it had the chance of opening up so much more.

"He died of a heart attack." Cara said simply.

A hand raised Cara acknowledged. "Miriam Ross, I heard that he has had some death threats. Was it a simple heart attack or something else instead?"

Cara looked at the reporter directly, "At this time there is an ongoing investigation. This is protocol being followed to figure out cause of death."

"But you just said he died of a heart attack! That it was his cause of death!" another reporter yelled out from the abyss. "Do you think it wasn't natural? That there is belief that someone, or something, may have caused this?!" he was insistent.

There was a beep upon her padd and Cara glanced down at it, then looked back up. "It has been confirmed that Jackson Porter did not die of natural causes. He was poisoned, the substance that was the cause of his death? Foxglove."

There was an uproar within the small seeming confines of the press hall but one voice spoke up amongst the rabble. "I have it from a reliable source that the autopsy was completed by a Dr Benjamin Wood yesterday. Why is the doctor not here, and will they be available for comment?" they asked. "Also foxglove is not a common thing on a Starfleet station, was Porter murdered?" a hush descended over the room awaiting the answer.

"Doctor Woods had been called away to another assignment. And we are investigating the matter fully. Foxglove from what has been discovered, can be mistaken for the herb, borage. Borage can be used in teas, salads, even other drinks." Cara answered. "Just a few more questions then I will be calling an end to this news briefing."

"This station has been a hotbed of Starfleet failings recently... a revenge attack on the station from the Breen due to an incursion made by one of the stations senior staff, weapons tech thefts, the now death/murder of Jackson Porter, and now I have heard that Captain Harrington has gone MIA. Many of us have tried reaching him and the fact you give this press conference now doubles down on the fact he isn't here. How long before Starfleet brass realises that there needs to be a drastic change up on this station before those on board here end up as space dust for the Ferengi to salvage?" came a rant/question from a hooded figure at the rear of the room. Clouded in mystery this figure could not be made out at all, species, gender, nothing.

A small furrow formed as Cara concentrated on the person who spoke, for a few long moments. Cara gave a unconscious shiver as she couldn't pick up anything from them. This meant that they could be dangerous, or in intelligence. Or both. Whoever it was, she would love to find out. However there was something that she needed to answer.

Others clamored for an answer as well. Cara raised her hands, "Yes, he isn't on the station, and there is already steps to take care of what is going on here on the station. As of now I am in charge of the station. Two more questions and that will be it."

The fact she admitted to now being in charge gave the hooded figure a smirk that no-one could see. "So, Starfleet is declaring him officially missing then? If you are charge of the station then the buck falls with you. People want to know if we are safe. Can you assure us of that? Or will I simply relay to those that need to hear it that as bodies fell months ago when the station was under siege, that Starfleet Captain's can go missing just as easily as powerful and protected Federation citizens such as Jackson Porter can be murdered that Starfleet is losing its grip, its authority over other species and that it is open season where people can do and act as they please?"

Cara's eyebrow raised at the battery of questions this one mysterious news personnel was asking. "Number one, you are talking as if Starfleet is exercising some sort of control over those who are part of the Federation of Planets. Remember, it is a Federation of planets, of races, not Starfleet exerting an iron controlling hand. It is unfortunate that Jackson Porter has been murdered, we are investigating what led to that happening. As for security measures, there have been even more put into place and it is tightened in order to keep those here safe. And one addition to your other comment, yes we are out here where it can be termed the wild west of the quadrants. Yes things are not perfect, and crimes do happen. However those here who serve on the station are and will do, our utmost to help those who live here on the station and to keep them safe."

Hands were raised for more comments but Cara's voice cut through the din. "Thank you for coming to this news brief, it is now at an end." she paused and made one more comment. "Before we go, to those who are listening and watching, security will be in force to help maintain the peace here, it is indeed a sad day for the death of Jackson Porter, please endeavor to quietly get any mementos you may want to collect of his works. Thank you."

The hooded figure could do nothing but smirk under the darkness his clothing provided. The swarm of hands that shot up, the volume in the room reverberating off the walls with questions. It was a good day when you could stir a pot and walk away unscathed. Slinking away into the shadows they would go and stir some other pots in other places.

"Well ma'am, that was definitely something..." Maisy looked out at the crowd and shook her head. "Let's get outta here before the mob runs us down."

"I wholeheartedly agree, to be honest, Maisy, this is the first time I've had to do a news briefing about a murder and also including things about a missing CO of a station. Hopefully I didn't bungle it too badly." With a motion of her hand, two security came up and escorted the two ladies to safety out of the briefing room.

Captain Cara Letsul
Acting Commanding Officer
Poseidon Station

Petty Officer 1st Class Maisy Shields
Captain's Yeoman
Poseidon Station


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