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Needing passage

Posted on 06/12/2024 @ 8:14am by Civilian Mirae & Captain Cara Letsul

1,492 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Day In the Life Of..
Location: DS9
Timeline: MD 12 1100

The bar was abuzz like it normally was, Quark's Bar, a favorite watering hole for those who came upon Deep Space Nine. And a place to find information, and meet new people, or just to play a game of Dabo or have a few drinks to celebrate or drown one's sorrows.

A man stepped inside, his dark brown hair if it were loose would caress the tops of his shoulders, however it was swept back into a loose ponytail. His dark brown eyes scanned those who were there, seeing a mixture of different races, and also seeing Star Fleet officers at the bar having a drink. Those he avoided, moving to where there was a small table, away from possible glances from Star Fleet.

The clothing he wore was nothing to gain notice, grey cargo pants, with dark brown boots which were well worn and reached up towards the knees. Off white pull over long sleeved henley shirt, with a dark brown belt about his waist. His black vest was open, and he pulled out a padd to check for messages on a digital board for hiring. He had placed an ad for a meet up with a someone who had a ship of their own. Hopefully he will find someone.

Mirae sat at a small table off to the side. she was nursing her gin as she still contemplated the change in circumstances with that human... Mathias. She was still furious with him, that hadn't changed. But did she now also pity him? Maybe. It could also be her surroundings. This was Deep Space Nine, but all Cardassian stations looked the same to her. She glanced down at her PaDD and sighed. Hopefully this would be a quick and easy shuttle run.

The man's eyes stopped on Mirae, seated at that small table. He walked up, his body casting a shadow upon it, then he moved to take a seat across from her. "I hope you are the one I am supposed to meet?" of course he didn't ask to take a seat, he just did so. "The name is Dragos, are you the Captain of the Green Witch?" he raised an eyebrow with his question.

She was a beauty, Lucian taking in her as well as their surroundings. As far as he knew, no one knew of his name.

"I am, you're the client." Mirae stated instead of questioned. "Are you ready to leave or do you need time?"

Mirae studied the man and his mannerisms. He was dressed to blend in, which to her made him stand out. She knew not to ask questions, but she would be keeping an eye on him.

He noticed the look, gave a brief smile. "I'm ready to leave, along with my cargo." taking a step back from the table to not get in her way. "Lead the way." he added. He didn't give his name, not here anyway, once they were away from Quark's he said, "My name is Luke, and thank you."

The man's movements were as if he had been wearing some sort of space suit for quite sometime and was getting himself used to walking without some sort of encumberance. "I stick out like a sore thumb right now." saying this in jest.

"Better you than me." Mirae muttered. She had been getting tired of the leering looks in Quarks. "This is just a standard transport Luke, no need to thank me with anything besides latinum."

She led the way toward the outer ring and then to the turbolift that would take them to the top of the pylon where the Witch was docked. "Is your cargo ready for transport or does it have to be loaded manually?"

"It is small and I need to load it manually." Luke was very firm on his request. The cargo that was needing to be brought was something very precious to him."It won't take long for it to be loaded." looking at Mirae with a questioning look in his eyes. "and I have the latinum ready for you."

"Good. Make sure both are aboard. We leave in an hour." Mirae said in her own firm tone. Paying customer or not, she had a schedule to keep.

A scant few minutes passed by and Luke made his way onto the Green Witch, making certain his precious cargo was all secured and functioning. He reached out and gave it a final caress then went to find Mirae to give her the latinum.

"Cargo is loaded and here is your latinum." Luke said handing over the agreed price. "Where do you want me to sit."

Mirae accepted the latinum and did a quick bite to check it's purity. She didn't want to get fooled into taking just gold or anything. Pocketing the latinum she turned her chair back to the console in front of her.

"Sit somewhere that you won't touch anything or be in the way." She replied curtly. She prepared the final checks and cargo transfers before alerting the station to begin undocking procedures.

"Right." Luke answered and sat down to where he'd be out of her way. "Tis a fine ship you have here, Mirae. " by way of starting up a conversation after she was cleared for leaving the station. "pretty quick if someone were in pursuit of you."

Mirae rolled her eyes. Small talk. Really?

"Yes." She replied curtly. "It gets me from A to B so I don't complain."

The Witch Pulled away from the pylon and moved under impulse to take it's place before the wormhole where she waited for the all clear to go through. "Listen, Luke was it? Luke, I'm not your usual talkative entertaining Orion you've heard stories about. You hired me to move you and some cargo to Poseidon. That's what I'm going to do. If you want smiles and conversation, that's extra."

Even as the words left her mouth, she felt kind of miserable. She was still sore over that whole Starfleet asshole and she knew she was taking it out on this person. Still, she wasn't about to admit that to them.

Luke tilted his head slightly to one side, "I am not looking for smiles maybe some information for where we are going? I'll pay for information, not a problem. How much extra? Plus I am not going to treat you as an object either."

"To be fair, I just know it's out there on the edge." Mirae responded. "It's federation, but not as tided up on regulations from what I'm seeing. It's a relief."

As she finished speaking, the wormhole opened before them and the clearance came from DS9 to go. She taped the console and slid the levels to bring the Witch forward into the blue swirling vortex. "And here we go..."

Luke could feel his heart rate pick up as they went insode the swirling wormhole. He marveled though at the experience. He could scarcely wait to get to this Poseidon Station and hopefully come to an end of his journey.

"I'm glad that its not like other stations, and being out on the edge that will be a good thing." he remarked to Mirae.

She nodded. "It is."

The Witch shook and pitched slightly in the swirling blue vortex before Mirae got it under control. The wormhole was mapped and mostly safe, but it was still a wormhole.

The swirling energies seemed to heighten, the sign they were coming to the end and entering the Gamma Quadrant. "Almost out of the woods."

"Good." Luke seeming to relax, as they drew even nearer to the end of the wormhole. He had been watching the swirling of the vortex, being lost in thought. This next part of his personal journey was nigh upon him perhaps the final chapter of his wanderings through the quadrants.

The blue swirling flashed before them before opening into the now familiar stars of the Gamma Quadrant. From here it was a short and easy trip to Poseidon. "That's the rough part done. We'll be at the station soon enough."

"Good." Luke stated, "And thank you." He looked towards the front of the ship, filled with anticipation and worry. "I am hoping I can find some answers there, for some questions I have had hanging in my mind."

Mirae chuckled. "If I had a slip for every person who went there looking for answers of some sort I'd buy my own moon." What was it about this wayward station and people trying to find themselves, or some mystery?

"Oh I am hoping the persons who have the answers to my questions will be there. Its been a long time in coming. " giving a small frown. "Come what may, this may well be the end of one journey and maybe a new beginning." Luke answered.

NPC: Played by Letsul

NPC: Played by Scarlet


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