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Beyond the Facade

Posted on 06/16/2024 @ 8:12am by Captain Cornelius Harrington

756 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 24: The Kingsmen: Duality
Location: New Romulus
Timeline: Unknown

Neil jolted awake, confusion and disbelief clouding his thoughts. It had been weeks since he last saw Dr. Rempeck and the guard who looked disturbingly like his wife, Adira. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he realized he was no longer in his cell. He found himself in a comfortable bed, surrounded by unfamiliar yet strangely soothing surroundings. The room, decorated with elegant Romulan designs, hummed softly.

Something felt off about his body. Looking down, he saw slender hands marked with distinct Romulan ridges. Panic surged through him as he ran to a mirror. The face staring back was Romulan, with piercing eyes and ridged forehead. He recoiled, his mind struggling to process this transformation.

A gentle knock interrupted his thoughts. Before he could respond, the door slid open, revealing a woman. Neil almost fell over in disbelief. She stood there with a warm, familiar expression. "Good morning, Harniclium," she said softly. "Did you sleep well?"

Neil's heart raced. "Lucia?" he asked, his voice shaky.

She smiled and stepped closer, gently touching his arm. "Yes, it's me, Lucia. Are you alright? You seemed restless last night."

His mind raced with confusion and fear. Was this another of the Romulans' cruel experiments? He had to stay strong. "I... I'm fine," he lied, barely above a whisper. "Just a strange dream."

Lucia nodded sympathetically. "It happens to all of us. Come, breakfast is ready. The boys are waiting."

She led him into a spacious living area where two young boys, both with Romulan features, eagerly awaited him. "Father!" they exclaimed, their faces lighting up.

Neil's heart ached. He wanted to believe this was real, but doubt gnawed at him. As they sat down to eat, he struggled to piece together his fractured reality. Was he truly Sub-Commander Harniclium, or was this an elaborate illusion?

Throughout the day, Neil interacted with his supposed family, feeling moments of genuine affection and warmth. His sons, Tarek and Rulan, shared stories and asked about his work and why he had been away for so long. Lucia's presence soothed him, but uncertainty lingered.

As night fell, Neil found himself alone, staring at the starry sky of New Romulus. The weight of his dilemma weighed heavy on him. He needed answers, but more importantly, he needed to hold onto his true identity.

Lucia approached him; concern etched on her face. "Harniclium, are you alright?"

He turned to her. “Lucia, I need to know the truth. Who am I, really?"

She looked at him with sorrow in her eyes. "You are Harniclium, my love. A loyal Romulan, a devoted husband and father. Why do you doubt yourself?"

Neil took a deep breath. "Because I remember being someone else. I remember being Neil Harrington, a Starfleet captain. I have memories of a different life, a different family."

Lucia's eyes softened, and she took his hands. "Memories can be deceiving, Harniclium. The mind is fragile and easily manipulated. But your heart knows the truth. Trust that."

Her words, though meant to comfort, only strengthened Neil's resolve to uncover the truth. He had to find a way to contact Starfleet and prove his identity. As he lay in bed that night, Lucia beside him, he silently vowed: "I am Neil Harrington. I will find the truth."

The next day, Neil began his subtle investigation. He observed his surroundings, looking for clues or inconsistencies. He interacted with his supposed friends and colleagues, who treated him with respect and familiarity. But the more he learned, the more convinced he became that this life was an elaborate facade.

In a quiet moment, he accessed a communication console and tried to contact Starfleet. His heart raced as he entered his old identification codes, hoping someone would respond. Each attempt failed, the system denying his access.

Neil's desperation grew. He knew he had continued to play the part of Harniclium, all the while gathering information and planning his escape. The following evening, as he sat alone in his study, Dr. Rempeck entered, his expression unreadable. "Sub-Commander Harniclium," he greeted calmly. "How are you adjusting?"

Neil's eyes narrowed. "What do you want, Rempeck? To gloat over your success?"

Rempeck shook his head, "I came to offer you a choice. Accept your life here, embrace your true identity, and find peace. Or continue resisting and face the consequences."

Neil stood firm. "I know who I am, Rempeck. And I will never stop."

Rempeck sighed, regret in his eyes. "Very well, Captain Harrington. But remember, the mind can only endure so much. Choose wisely."


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