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Delivered To The Doc

Posted on 06/17/2024 @ 7:53pm by Lieutenant Gilora Paret & Commander Aer Feshau-Patton & Lieutenant Sara’draphia T'eseri

1,550 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Sickbay, Poseidon Station
Timeline: MD013 - 0930 hours

It felt like a long slog to sickbay, the infirmary, or whatever it was called, Aer didn't care. She felt terrible just now and had no idea why. Thankfully she hadn't emptied the contents of her stomach since leaving the intelligence suite but she usually found of late that her mornings got better as they went on.

Gilora had been helping her and she was thankful for it. Some people stared a touch walking by and truth be told they could have easily transported but it hadn't occurred at the time.

"People are looking at me like I'm an invalid." Aer commented as they approached the large sickbay doors.

"I believe they are just worried for your health Commander. When I went to Starfleet Academy I learned a cliché that I believe is true here. The larger the ship or station the smaller the group. The easier the information travels. It is a wonder that anything is kept secret in this place." Gilora smiled to show Aer that she was joking. However, she was only half joking the crew Poseidon Station sure seemed to love their gossip.

"Oh I'm under no illusion how quickly word travels fast on this station." Aer chuckled softly. "Before I reach the infirmary I have no doubt that I'll be at deaths door as scuttlebutt continues to run around." She shook her head at the notion.

The doors of the infirmary opened and Aer had forgotten how large the space was. She indicated for Gilora to take her to one of the beds and fetch the doctor for her.

Gilora helped Aer cross the room to a biobed. She took the liberty of turning the bed on so that when the doctor arrived the scans would be there to read. She smiled and Aer and gave a short nod as she walked away to find the Doctor.

Aer looked around as the noises of the biobed began to flutter around her. She hated people looking after her, she always felt she could do fine on her own two feet. Also, it's not like she didn't like doctors and sickbays, it was just the place always felt too clean and to her that often meant a cover-up or a fake environment of some kind. A feeling she has found hard to shake.

Gilora found the Doctor in their office and unceremoniously walked in. The blue skinned doctor seemed to be sorting through some PADDS. "Dr T'eseri sorry to disturb you like this. But, Commander Feshau-Patton is ill. I have placed her on a biobed in the other room."

Looking up from her desk, Sara gave Gilora a gentle smile, "It's perfectly fine Lieutenant, lead the way" she said as she quickly stood up, grabbed her medical tricorder and followed Gilora back out into sickbay.

Walking over to stand beside the biobed, Sara flipped open her tricorder as she gently placed her other hand onto Aer's shoulder, "So then Commander, how long have you been feeling these symptoms?"

"Maybe the past week or so?" Aer questioned even herself. "I'm not entirely sure. I've just been feeling tired, some sickness. Must just be coming down with what Human's call 'a bug'." she added as she watched Sara continue to scan her.

Reaching up to Sara's hand she placed hers on the back of it. "It's nice to see you back Sara." she smiled softly at the blue skinned woman.

Sara gave Aer's arm a gentle squeeze, "it's good to be back Aer. Now let's find what it ailing you" she said as she started her scans. After a moment a look of curiosity crossed her face, "well then, I may have found the source of your symptoms." she said before bringing up the holographic display for the biobed to double check her work.

Aer had accepted a nice glass of water from Gilora whilst Sara had been scanning away and Aer was now both happy to hear there was something found and hopefully a little hypo would sort it out. She was currently drinking but gave a little nod for Sara to continue.

"Well, it would seem that you are with child." Sara explained, looking at the biobed scans again, "and it would seem there's more than one."

The contents of Aer's mouth came out in a rush of spittle and water from the glass at the news. Wiping her chin she looked at Sara with shock, "No... no that can't be right." she said shaking her head. "I'm too young... what will my fath- scan me again."

"I've already scanned you three times my friend, there's no doubt, you are with child" Sara said, before closing the holographic display, "Are you ok Commander? I assume by your reaction that this was not expected."

"I...I..." Aer stammered as the news refused to sink in. "I may be a little late..." she finally commented. "But I... wait, you said more than one. I'm having twins?" she asked.

A little surprised by Aer’s reactions, Sara wasn’t quite sure how to respond, “um, not exactly” she said as she gave Gilora a quick glance before returning to Aer, “like I said, it’s still early to be certain, but the indicators are there, and they tell me that you are in fact going to have three children. Isn’t this a good thing? From what I’ve heard of Human traditions, receiving news of a pregnancy is usually met with jubilation, however you seem distressed by the news”

Sara looked back to Gilora looking for some answers if her own, “Is there something that I am unaware of?”

Ignoring the look at Gilora Aer took a little offence to what Sara had said. "I'm just shocked... Jack and I hadn't really talked about kids all that much and we definitely weren't planning on having some so soon after our wedding." Her mind cast back to the wedding night... that's when it must have happened.

She was going to comment that she was El Aurian and not Human, and that not all Human traditions translate across other species but in this instance Sara was not wrong. Her hands began to cradle her still flat stomach. "I'm going to be a mom..." a subconscious grin formed on her face.

Gilora's face transformed from worry to the broad smile that had become trademark of most Cardassians. "This is wonderful news. Congratulations Commander! I am sure this is going to be quite the event. I am going to have to inform the Department. Little feet running around this station should brighten up the place." Gilora may have been gushing but the good news was exceptionally welcome after all the bad that had gone on recently.

Taking a step to one side, Sara brought up the holographic display again to double check her work. She thought she saw something a little strange about the developing embryos, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. The three embryos seemed to be developing correctly, the mother's physical health was textbook for this stage of the pregnancy.

On a whim, Sara ran genetic scan of the three embryos, and the results came as quite a surprise. While she expected to see three hybrid genetics between El-Aurian and Human, the results showed instead one hybrid, one full Human and one full El-Aurian. Recording her findings onto a PADD, Sara wanted to tell Aer, but thought that she may not be in the right frame of mind to process such information just yet.

Looking at Sara Aer brought herself back down from cloud 9. "How are they, are they okay?" she asked. "I know they are only little tiny specs, I must only about 4 weeks along..."

Putting on her best doctor face, Sara turned back to Aer with a smile, “At this point, everything looks fine. There are a few more things I wish to check but for now you are right to go. I shall send you a pre-natal care plan tailored to your biological needs.”

Gilora stood there a tad sheepishly. She really did not know what else to do other than congratulate her superior. "Commander, I am gladdened that you are not ill, and that you will have children. I look forward to telling them of your daring do. However, I think I will return to the office. I know the Doc can take it from here." She smiled another one of those Cardassian smiles that seemed to hide so much more that should be said. Then Gilora returned to her duties.

Aer nodded towards Gilora as she then left before looking at Sara. "Okay, well thank you for giving me the best news I've had for a long while." she placed her hand on Sara's shoulder as she rose from the biobed. "I can't wait to tell Jack." she grinned. "I'll come back in for another check up and stuff when you call me in."

Sara was again confused by Aer's reactions. At first she seemed distressed at the news of her pregnancy, then she turned around and appeared to be happy. These federation species were a strange bunch indeed.

Lieutenant Gilora Paret
Logistics Officer
Poseidon Station

Commander Aer Feshau-Patton
Chief Intelligence Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri
Chief Medical Officer
Poseidon Station


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