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A drink between...

Posted on 06/18/2024 @ 7:23am by Lieutenant Kaylee Serra & Master Sergeant Robert Schiano & Civilian Michael Taggart
Edited on on 06/27/2024 @ 12:29pm

3,780 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: White Stag
Timeline: MD 008 0745

The alarm went off fifteen minutes before 8 am. Blue eyes flashed open and Kaylee sat straight up in bed looking around. A relieved sigh issued from her lips, happy to see that she had stayed in her bed during the few hours of sleep. Was she dreaming? She was going to have a drink with Bobby? Just in case he was going to come to her place, she had better be dressed and ready to go, just in case. As she got cleaned up, Kaylee said, "Computer please contact Bobby Schiano, Master Sergeant Schiano."

She brushing her hair back from her face. "Hi Bobby this is Kaylee, are we still on for a drink?"

"Ugh yeah... Dat iz if you like day drinkin." Schiano replied. He had just arrived back at his quarters after checking in with Jack and Brina. They had a daily meeting via comms with updates on the goings on at the station and Jack told them how the mission was going. That was of course if time allowed for Jack and his team.

"I recall that I owe you a drink and day drinking not a bad thing, it is the end of your shift so, day drinking it is for me. Is there a place you want to grab that promised drink? Do you have a favorite place." Kaylee responded.

"Well Mickey at the White Stag is always good for a laugh. His place really feels like home. I think that would be the best place." Schiano answered not sure if this was a drink with a friend or a date. He has always been the kind of guy who had to be told when a woman was interested. Never good at reading signals.

"Oh! I know Mickey! Lovely man. Okay its a date then, see you in ten minutes or fifteen minutes. How much time do you need?" Kaylee responded with a light laugh.

All of this was a tad overwhelming for Schiano, he simply was not used to the attention. At the moment he tried to decide whether or not he liked it. "Fifteen minutes should be fine." He would have to get to his quarters, grab a shower and change perhaps. "See you there." He said as he made his way to his quarters.

"I will be there waiting for you." Kaylee replied then closed communications, and gave a smile. She was a little bit nervous but also excited. Kaylee liked Bobby, didn't know where this will end up going, just something about him drew her in. Maybe it was his accent, the way he held himself, his personality? Just something about him attracted her.

Fifteen minutes later, Kaylee was at the White Stag, dressed in a light blue summer dress. Was her outfit too much? She didn't know. She just wanted to look pretty. Her blonde hair was loose and she had a pair of sandals on. Kaylee stood near the entrance waiting for Bobby.

Schiano changed from his uniform into a pair of cargo pants and T shirt. He washed up but did not put anything special on as he did not want to seem presumptuous. He arrived at the Stag and saw her standing there waiting. She had not seen him as of yet, and immediately he thought he had made the wrong choice. This was a date, and he did not believe it was. Typical... he thought. When he arrived at her side he smiled to cover up his embarrassment. "Well you are a sight for sore eyes."

Kaylee turned to see him with a brilliant smile. "And you as well." Kaylee taking in Bobby's outfit. She liked what she saw and it was evident in her eyes and smile. "You looked great in your uniform, I also think you look great in this outfit. Well prepared for relaxing before you get some rack time. I figured on dressing casual myself. Just a summer dress that is comfortable to wear." She glanced towards the inside of the White Stag. "Where do you think Mickey will sit us at?"

"Oh knowin him, he will just tell us to sit where ever we want." He replied before taking her arm and walking in. Mickey was behind the bar with his broad smile and his engaging personality. He made everyone feel at home in his pub. Taggart looked up and saw the two as they walked in. "Well if ain't da proverbial son from across da pond." The barkeep's Scottish lilt could be heard above the din of the pub.

Robert smiled as he made his way to the bar with Kaylee in tow. "Heya Mick me boy..." he put on a really horrible Scottish accent. "Hows tings?" Mickey smiled and poured out three measure of Scotch and raised his glass. "Ya know Meatball eres to da breezes..." Schiano raised his glass and toasted. "Now, den who's da lass?" Taggart asked. "This is Lieutenant Kaylee Serra." Robert replied a little befuddled for not introducing her first.

"Right now its just Kaylee, no rank or title at the moment." giving Bobby's arm a gentle squeeze. She could feel the muscle tone of Bobby, she could tell it was from hard work. Another thing that she appreciated.

She looked at Mickey with an impish grin. "And Mickey guess you have forgotten what I looked like." giving the owner a wink. "Last time I was here was quite a bit ago, in uniform. So I forgive you for not recognizing me. I am currently trying to work out where I will fit in the scheme of things here once more." she picked up the glass that Mickey poured and drank of it. "This is wonderful!" she exclaimed.

"Ach of course lass. I neer forget a face. I was just allowing Meatball here the chance to show off." Taggart said with a broad grin. "I know ye left us fer a time but glad ta see you back. What can I get you both."

"I would love a pint Mick." Schiano said as he tried to act more himself. He still could not figure out if this was a date or not. At the moment he wished Jack were here. His best friend would straighten Robert right out.

"I would like a pint as well, if you would please Mickey." Kaylee feeling that need for a pint. Giving Mickey a beaming smile. then looked back at Schiano.

Kaylee was a very observant woman, it came in the line of business she had been in. She could tell that Bobby was a little bit, uncomfortable or maybe uncertain about this. There were the indicators, even though he was hiding it pretty well. Did she come on too strong with her outfit, what she considered casual?

"So besides a pint, what do you recommend to eat?" looking from Bobby to Mickey. "I am just a wee bit hungry."

"Ach... Lass dat depends upon what ye be wantin. I have some scotched eggs if ye want some breakfast. Bangers and mash if ye be wantin some supper. So ye tell me." Mick said with all of his usual pride. He raised his glass. "A toast!" He hollered to the crowd, to which the crowd replied by raising their glasses and shouting. "A toast!" back to Mick.

For his part Schiano raised his glass too. "Here's to da breezes dat blows there skirts above their kneeses and shows us the spot that teases and pleases." Mick laughed at the bawdy toast and swigged his drink. Schiano chuckled and took a drink as well. A fair number of laughs could be heard through out the crowd. Bawdy always played well at the White Stag.

Kaylee sat there with a straight face, her eyes calm and still. She heard the toast, and perhaps it wasn't certain as to how she would take it, then she lifted up her own pint, "Aye, it looks like I dressed for the part" as her eyes panned down towards the skirt of her dress, then cracked a grin and gave a laugh giving Bobby a wink, then turned her attention to Mickey. "Scotch eggs if you please, Mickey." then turned her gaze back to Bobby. "What will you be having?"

"I'll take the eggs too Mick. Say, do you have any espresso. If so I will have a cup with some sambuca in it, and a side of sambuca." It was the coffee of champions and Robert knew it. It was always hit or miss whether or not they had it.

Mick smiled. "You know you order dat gasoline so much I may as well name that order the Meatball." He laughed at his own joke and continued. "Yeah I will have it all comin right up." He ducked away toward his kitchen area to get the orders going.

"Add an order of espresso with sambuca as well as the side of sambuca for me too." Kaylee called out just before Mickey completely disappeared into his kitchen area. She swiveled her seat to face Schiano, once more asking, "What would be your favorite thing you love to do on your personal time?"

"Most of the time you can find me in a holosuite riding a horse. There is nothing like the time spent on the back of a horse, just you and the animal. It is quite the bond. One that nothing in space or any ship can replace. Perhaps once my time is up in the Corps I will find some land on some planet and just ride horses until the end of my days." For Robert there really wasn't anything else, just the Corps and horses.

Her mouth dropped open, Kaylee's eyes going round, Bobby loved horses! "Oh they are such magnificent beautiful animals. I love to ride horses, nothing better than feeling the wind in the hair, riding beneath the open sky. I agree with you, there is nothing like the connection between a horse and the rider. I've not had the chance to do any riding in the holosuite yet. I am going to have to do that probably later on today or tomorrow. A ride in the simulation of my family's home in Italy may do just the trick to help me get more centered." she paused then said. "Want to do some riding together? I would love to see the landscape you like to ride in."

"I can and will ride pretty much anywhere. But, there is something special about Montana. Riding in the holosuite is great in a pinch, but it is no replacement for the real thing. In truth I am not the biggest fan of holosuites and holodecks. I feel it takes away from the realism of life." For the first time it seemed that Robert waxed philosophical and Mickey heard it. The barkeep was a little slack jawed and what he heard. Robert for his part simply took a swig of his drink.

Kaylee noticed the reaction of Mickey as to what Bobby had said. "And yet you have gone into them for some riding. Maybe up until now" she mused aloud, "Have you gone riding upon Aquil yet? I had heard and read that there are trails to be explored, and horses that can be ridden. I aim to go have a look and see the conditions of the horses and the stables they are in and go camping, and do some trail riding. Probably will be a little like Hawaii." Kaylee taking a sip of her coffee.

"Like I said holograms will do in a pinch, but they are not ideal." Robert began in response to her first point. "Duty has kept me on the station for the most part. I have not had the chance to go down to Aquil. Never, heard that they had riding trails or horses. I will have to think about going down there, although the weather is something that I would not look forward to."

"From what I have heard there are good days when the humidity isn't as bad. Either way the invitation is there. I do want to see if there are other places that are open for exploration." Kaylee answered Bobby, before digging into her eggs. "These are really good Mickey. Thank you." giving a sunny smile. They were good, and she was enjoying them very much.

"During one of my previous assignments I was able to ride a Sargh through the Hamar mountains of Qo'nos. That was something let me tell you. Klingons love a good ride." Robert took a bite when he finished speaking as he reveled in the memory for a moment. When he swallowed he continued to speak as if he had forgotten something. "Oh, forgive me! A Sargh is a Klingon horse. They are faster than their cousins on Earth due to the fact that they have denser muscles."

Oh Kaylee was impressed by what Bobby had spoken of and it showed in her eyes. "I will confess, that I've not heard of them before. They sound wonderful, and perhaps someday I will be able to experience that for myself. I will have to look up an image of them, unless you have an image of you upon the back of one?"

"Sadly no I do not have any images. The Klingons would not allow one back then. But I aim to go back and do it again some time. They do not look much different from horses on Earth. Although their skulls are harder than horses. Come to think of it Klingon's have harder skulls then humans. I wonder if there is something to that." Robert started to ramble off on a tangent as it were. This was something that he only did when he felt comfortable with those he was with.

"From what I have noticed, their physiology is rather tough and judging from their environment they need to be that way, from what I've read. I've not yet gone to Qo'nos I would love to do so." she paused to take a drink of her coffee then asked. "Have you been to Italy before, Bobby? That's where my dad is from, Corciano, Italy." she scooped up the rest of her eggs and wiped her mouth with her napkin. "Where are you from?" There was just something about Bobby that Kaylee liked, down to earth, she was definitely feeling relaxed talking to him.

"Born and raised in New Yawk. But my family is from Naples Italy. They came to the United States generations ago. We still keep a strong connection to our Italian roots. So you're a pisan I never would have guessed." Robert smiled as he dipped some of his egg in malt vinegar.

"I know I don't sound like it, but I am from there. And your family from Napoli? Oh they have such good food. Its been too long since I've been there, maybe over a year. Now I am getting in the mood to do some cooking. I will, once I get a place that has a kitchen." her eyes sparkling as she thought of it. "Do you have siblings?"

"I have one older sister. We used to be at each other's throats but as we got older we mellowed out. As for cookin... You could always get a holosuite and cook there. Even a holographic kitchen will cook real food." Robert laughed and took the last bite of his food. He took a swig of his drink too. "Here I am talkin bout me. What about you? Anything about your family? Siblings?"

"I don't mind hearing you talk about yourself, in fact I do love hearing your voice. " Kaylee replied with a genuine smile. "As for my family, I have three older brothers, no sisters. Mama was quite happy to finally have a little girl. Not that she minded having my older brothers, just that she wanted a girl as well, to pass along her knowledge. I do love my Mother quite a bit. I do have a few cousins, both on Betazed and in Italy."

"Betazed huh..." Schiano began with a smile. "So, I bet you can tell what I am thinking right now." He took a concentrated effort to push the attraction and other explicit thoughts from his head. Just in case she could see them.

Kaylee chuckled, "If I concentrate on it I probably could, but would that be fair?" giving a wink. "I am three quarters human, and one quarter Betazed. Which is why my eyes don't look like those who have a bit more Betazed blood in them." a pause then she added, "I do find you attractive, Bobby."

Blast, I was not good enough at hiding my thoughts. Must get control. Schiano thought. In truth he had not spent too much time with telepaths or empaths. Although the Corps trains everyone to fight that sort of stuff. Schiano just learned that he was out of practice. "Yeah, people tend to spill their guts at the dark eyes of a Betazoid." He paused and sipped his drink as he thought what he should say next. "Nah, I am just a regular guy. Nothin special about me." He blushed as her eyes were on him.

Mickey had been bustling about taking care of everyone in his usual way. He took a glance over at Meatball and Kaylee and was happy to see the tough guy blushing. "Atta girl you get em." He said to no one in particular.

"That's what my dad said about my mom, about her eyes making him want to spill out what was on his mind and he got smacked by her on his shoulder." Kaylee giggled. "I have found it fun seeing the interaction between my parents, they keep the romance alive. Even if they argue at times. when they did that we ran. Talk about Mount Vesuvius." she circled back to Bobby's statement about him just being an ordinary guy. "I- well," Kaylee could feel herself start to blush she liked him looking at her. "I think you are. " she glanced over towards Mickey having heard him say something then caught sight of the time. it was getting late, well late for Bobby, he'd been up all night! "Oh gosh, I've lost track of time, I blame it on you." flashing a teasing smile at him. "I've been enjoying your company a lot."

"And I have enjoyed your company as well. Well, seeing as this was my dinner. Where are you off to this morning. As for me, the bed in my quarters has been shouting at me." He let out a heh as he laughed at his own joke.

Kaylee chuckled at Bobby's quip, then she answered his question, "I will probably go talk to Captain Letsul, I've got some things to talk to her about. Questions that I hope she can answer." A pause as a slight cloud passed over her eyes, then Kaylee brightened up. "Anyway, I hope I get to see you again soon." And she did want to do so.

Before the couple left Mickey decided it may be time for a little intervention. "My family I have a toast in song form fer ye all. The morn comes and the pub must return to rest until this evenin. So, left em up." The crowd in the pub used to this raised their glasses with smiles. Schiano for his part turned to Kaylee and whispered. "Well now we can't leave. This should be good."

"Oh?" She whispered in return then looked with wonder at the others then towards Mickey.

Mickey raised a glass of cider and sang. "Of all the money that e'er I had I spent it in good company
and all the harm that e'er I did alas, it was to none but me
And all I've done for want of wit to memory now I can't recall
so fill to me the parting glass good night and joy be to you all
So fill to me the parting glass and gather as the evening falls
And gently rise and softly call goodnight and joy be to you all.

Of all the comrades that e'er I've had they're sorry for my going away
and all the sweethearts that e'er I had they'd wish me one more day to stay
but since it fell into my lot that I should rise and you should not
I'll gently rise and I'll softly call good night and joy be to you all
So fill to me the parting glass and gather as the evening falls
And gently rise and softly call goodnight and joy be to you all

But since it fell into my lot that I should rise and you should not
I'll gently rise and softly call good night and joy be to you all
Fill to me the parting glass and gather as the evening falls and gently rise and softly call goodnight and joy be to you all.

Fill to me the parting glass
And gather as the evening falls and gently rise and softly call goodnight and joy be to you all goodnight and joy be to you all."

When he finished singing Mickey raised his glass and drank the dregs. "Now ye sorry lot settle yer tabs and get some rest." The bar patrons had sung along with Mickey some with their eyes closed. It was a bonding experience, a time when they knew they must part ways and would be back this way again.

Schiano had a large grin on his face and turned to Kaylee. "See, told ya it would be good. Let me walk you to the Captain's office at the very least."

From the moment Mickey started to sing, Kaylee was enchanted. She'd not experienced this before and didn't know this was a tradition of his. She unconsciously wrapped an arm about Bobby and when the song was at its end, and Bobby had spoken she looked into his eyes. "It was bellisimo!"

Turning to look towards Mickey. She gave a chef's kiss towards him then said to Bobby. "Okay, I wouldn't mind that, you walking me to the Captain's office door."

Master Sergeant Robert 'Meatball' Schiano
First Sergeant/EVAC Specialist, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Civilian Michael 'Mickey' Taggart
Owner, White Stag Pub
Poseidon Station

Kaylee Serra
On Sabbatical
Poseidon Station

Author's Note: If you are interested in hearing the tune for Mickey's song in this post, click the link below.

The Parting Glass


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