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Triplets and Ch'Tol

Posted on 06/24/2024 @ 4:03pm by Captain Brina Tracy-Hall & Sergeant Raylan Ch'Tol

1,677 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Marine area
Timeline: MD 008 1000

It was now time for the boys to see what Raylan did for the marines.They had gone through boot camp with Schiano, gun training with H'rarr, now it was her turn. They eagerly waited for her to arrive, them taking a little bit of a water break and a snack.

Raylan reentered the room. To the boys she asked. "Are you ready."

"Yes ma'am" Donovan replied,
Lucas and Sean echoed the same as Donovan.

"I'm Sergeant Raylan Ch'Tol, my nickname is Pioneer. I will answer to Pioneer, Sergeant, Sergeant Ch'Tol, but never 'Serg', also as a noncom, don't address me as ma'am, or sir, because I'm not a commissioned officer. Understood?"

Lucas raised a hand, "Mum had said that was a term of respect. And Sergeant, you do outrank us." the boy daring to make a statement.

"Indeed, but in the Corps addressing a noncom by their rank is a sign of respect." Raylan explained.

Sean nudged his brother, Lucas with his shoulder.

"Although the Corps is mostly about fighting, and every Marine is trained how to fight, there other role or jobs that certain Marines undertake to complete the mission. I'm one of those. I'm a Combat Engineer. My job is to construct and maintain infrastructure for the Corps, that can be digging roads or ditches, constructing bridges, installations or fortifications. We work with the COD to remove obstacles, and Supply to get the resources we require. Any questions?"

"Not at this moment Sergeant." Donovan and Sean responded vocally. Lucas only shook his head then responded vocally as well by another shoulder nudge from Donovan. "No questions yet, ma' I mean Sergeant."

"Okay today, I'm going to get each of you to design a Marine Forward Base. For this we will use the holo tables. You will start off with a blank rectangle, this will represent the outer walls of your base. On a PADD I will give you a list of buildings and other structures that are required. On the left side of the table you will find the listed items represented by icons. You will drag these icons to where you think they should be and place them. I will move around and observe your progress. Once you have all completed your designs, the computer will simulate an attack on your bases, to see which stands up best to attack. Any questions?"

Donovan spoke up, "So this is basically seeing how well we can put together a base camp which can be, defended or withstand an onslaught?"

Lucas then asked. "This is a separate test instead off us working together as a team?"

"Yes, this is an individual exercise, Lucas, but you will all learn from each other's results." Raylan said.

"Okay, you have 30 minutes. Your time starts when you chose your first icon."

The boys took a good look at what there was, each of them could do a different strategy. Walls could be built up, at the center there was the main central command center.

Lucas looked at his area then frowned. "Honestly this is something that needs to be done as a team. From what I had seen and heard and read, team effort to create something that can withstand an attack..." Lucas stepped away from the holo display."Each one of us to come up with ideas and strategize what will work and what won't. I am sorry, I do not wish to continue. I wanted to see what you can do not us going through exercises."

"You bring up a good point, Lucas." Raylan said. "Okay change of plan, you will be doing this as a team, and Lucas, you will be team leader. You will listen to the ideas of your team members, but you will have final say. Understood?" She asked.

"Okay that sounds like a good plan." he looking towards his brothers.

Sean and Donovan gave a one shouldered shrug, it sounded good to them and they didn't care.

Lucas looked at his brothers, "Which configuration do we want to do? " he asked.

Donovan spoke up, "Well you know it depends on the terrain like you have liked to point out. " he said grinning towards Lucas.

Sean spoke up, "How about the one with the fake central command?" he suggested. " You know the red herring plan we had come up with?"

"Oh yeah!" Lucas replied.

The situational map ended up being designed with what seemed to be two command tents. One was the true one the other was one that an enemy could possibly fall for the fake command tent. Defenses, were guards doing the walls at different times, staggering them out to make certain all areas were covered. They were done though, with some sort of defenses depending on if it were a unit that could move or a solid stationary head quarters.

"We don't know if you like our set up." Lucas remarked. "Each area can be covered with rotating shifts." he stopped and gave a bit of a sigh. "As it is, we're almost out of time and still need to hear about what you do. I bet you can find things wrong with this. and that is okay."

"Looks good." Raylan said. "Just one little thing." She said touching the controls three new figures appeared in the base. Each was dressed in Marine fatigues. The one that looked like Lucas wore Corporal's stripes, while those representing Sean and Donovan were Lance Corporals.

"I am a corporal and they are Lance Corporal?"

It didn't bother the other two. "Oh yeah same rank as mum had been!"

"If you're ready, we'll start." Raylan said. "Computer based on preloaded parameters, create an opposing force to attack Marine Forward base 'Hall'. She ordered.

The Computer beeped its acknowledgement and Light Atmospheric Craft (LACs) approached the base.

"Those are Breen LACs, the Confederacy uses them for recon and to test an enemy's defenses. The phaser turrets should deal with them. I also know from experience, that and overloaded phaser rifle also does the trick."

The boys eagerly take a look and watch as the program proceeded.

The phaser turrets did just as Raylan explained and the LACs crashed just outside the base.

Squads of Breen warriors emerged from the surroundings.

"Is it going to work our defenses?" Sean asked.

Donovan also looked at what was happening. "The Breen, they attacked the station." he said with wide eyes.

Lucas turned to look at Raylan then back at the battle. "This is getting heated there."

As they watched, a crew of Breen brought out a portable damping weapon and fired on a section of the base.

The shield in that sector dropped and Breen charged towards that sector using heavy weapons to try and breach the wall.

"Do you think we made the wall strong enough? From what I had heard from mum, where the attack on the station was concerned, she was talking to dad, the Breen weapons are pretty tough." Dominic commented to his brothers.

"Breen weapons are, but they are also energy hungry and difficult to reprogram." Raylan said. As finished speaking a swarm of Marine drones took off from the base. Once they were airborne, they split up into their assigned groups and attacked the Breen weapon from several directions at once. The Breen soldiers started attacking the drones. They managed to destroy or damage a lot of the drones, but some got through and managed to turn the weapon into slag.

The triplets were caught up in the whole scenario, their eyes rather wide at what was taking place.

With the weapon out of action, the Breen attacked the walls on mass. Teams of Breen sappers headed for the corners of the base where their explosives could cause more damage. Many were dropped by the base's defenses, but some got though and holes began to appear in the walls. Marines, some with heave weapons ran to fortify these breaches. The shield was still up, but the projectors were failing under the strain of the sustained disruptor fire.

Lucas glanced at Ch'Tol then back to the scene. He blurted out, "Ok in the end we get over run and die?"

"Watch." Raylan said. As the shield went down and the Breen soldiers poured in , they were felled by the SFMC snipers and the heavy weapons Marines.

The Marines fought long and hard, eventually putting their attackers on the back foot, and the Marines were able to press their advantage.

In orbit around the planet, a Federation fleet had engaged the Breen fleet, with the latter sustaining heavy losses.

The Breen withdrew and Marine and Security forces beamed down to mop up the stragglers, while Medical tended to the wounded.

The holo ended and Raylan asked. "Any questions."

"Did we do okay with where we placed things?"Lucas asked

Donovan piped up, "That was um... a huge learning experience, hope our teacher likes the report."

Sean was quiet as he thought over the scenario, he then spoke up, "That certainly took a lot of coordination on everyone's part."

Raylan answered Lucas. "Yes, you made sure buildings weren't too close to the walls and the paths you left between buildings made it possible for personnel and supplies to reach their required destinations rapidly. Good job all of you."

"Yes, Sean, a Marine base has to run like a well ordered machine and huge part of that is organization, be it logistics, orders or the chain of command." Raylan said. "It works just like an ant colony, everyone has a different job, but they are working for a common goal."

"Donovan, I'm glad you learnt something." Raylan said. "I hope you all did. I wouldn't worry about the report, your teacher's going to love it."

All three boys gave out a cheer, "Thank you Ch'Tol for taking the time away from your duties, mum's waiting for us now but definitely thank you for this ." three boys brightly beaming at Raylan.

Brina's boys
Sean, Lucas and Donovan

Sergeant Raylan Ch'Tol
Combat Engineer
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station


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