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Where is Harrington?

Posted on 07/10/2024 @ 2:36pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Lieutenant Kaylee Serra

1,817 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Cara's office
Timeline: MD 00 0900

Kaylee stood outside of Cara's office after Bobby had escorted her there. She drew in a few deeps breaths trying to calm her pounding heart. She wasn't certain as to what will happen when she stepped through those doors. She had noticed that Neil's office, was closed up tightly. And she hadn't been able to find out where he was. Licking her lips which seemed rather dry, she reached out to press the chime.

Cara lifted up her head from where she had placed it, having fallen asleep at her desk. The chime had woken her up. She had been putting in long hours already with the disappearance of Neil, and she hadn't even bothered going back to her own quarters. She did try to straighten her hair as it had been plastered against her face. She quickly took a brush to her unrully hair and swept it back from her face in a loose ponytail then called out, "Enter."

Kaylee stepped inside, and noticed the state of Cara's uniform. "Hello.. Captain Letsul." Deciding to go more formal, in her greeting. Kaylee catching the sense of worry and stress from Cara. "So.. what is going on if I may be so bold in asking? And may I have a seat?" Kaylee arching an eyebrow.

"Certainly, would you like some tea? A snack? If you don't mind I will be having something to eat, I am feeling a bit peckish." Cara heading over to the replicator to order herself something to eat.

Kaylee watched the dark haired woman, who was now the CO of this station, something that the former assistant chief of security was rather curious about.

Cara ordered herself something simple along with a green tea. Her quick bite was a sandwich. She turned to look at Kaylee, "Are you certain you won't like some tea?"

"Oh, no thank you, I've had breakfast and a beverag already." Kaylee brushing back an errant strand of hair.

Cara was feeling just a bit frumpy at the moment, comparing herself to Kaylee who looked rather fresh as a daisy. "You must have had a lovely sleep."

"And a lovely breakfast as well." Kaylee responded, giving Cara a bit of a scrutionizing gaze. "Okay what happened here after I left?" the blonde deciding to be rather direct.

"I would like to have something to eat before we get into my interrogation if you don't mind." Cara's tone being a little bit icy in her response. She could feel some anger starting to rise. She definitely needed something to eat.

"I will let you be for the moment." Kaylee responded, as her thoughts drifted to where Schiano was concerned. She felt rather happy, more happier than what she had been when she met-. Kaylee made her mind go elsewhere to the fact that Mickey had sang a song. it was so lovely.

Cara ate in silence, not wanting to engage in a conversation with Kaylee. As when they get into that conversation, Cara felt it wasn't going to be enjoyable, at first.

Kaylee was quite content in not making any conversation, she was glancing over towards Cara from time to time then closing her eyes to not be rude and just stare at Captain Letsul. She must have dozed off for a few minutes when she felt someone gently shaking her shoulder. It was Cara.

Kaylee blushed not having meant to fall asleep in the CO's office.

Cara chuckled. "I am glad you were able to catch a nap."

"How long was I asleep?" Kaylee looking around for a clock, her eyes widened when she saw the time. "I slept for half an hour?"

Cara gave a nod, feeling much better after having something to eat. "Okay now lets get down to brass tacks. You wanted to know something?"

Kaylee brushed back a lock of her hair which had found its way to her cheek. "Uh yes, where is Neil, uh Captain Harrington?"

"You can call him Neil, its just between us here." Cara drew in a breath through her nose holding it for a mometn before releasing it in a puff of air through her lips. "Well, Kaylee, he isn't on the station anymore."

"Wait what?!" Kaylee abruptly standing up. "What happened!!"

"Kaylee, please sit down." Cara motioning for the younger woman to do as she requested, feeling a headache coming on.

"I can't, I have to walk around for a moment." Kaylee responded, her emotions in a tumult. "Just tell me what has happened since I left, and I shouldn't have left." she uttered rather quietly. "Not with him." feeling her spirits deflating like a balloon losing air.

"Kaylee, don't do that to yourself, what's done is done, you are now out of that situation. Let's concentrate on the present dilemma." another drawn in breath. "Kaylee, this time please sit down." Cara firmly requested. Her emotions she knew Kaylee was most likely picking up on them.

Kaylee did indeed pick it up realizing that Cara was exhibiting great restraint as to where her emotions were concerned. She obliged Cara and took a seat upon the sofa beneath the window. "okay tell me what is going on, please."

Cara hesitated for a moment "Just-hear me out before you interject anything." Locking her gaze with Kaylee's.

Kaylee could feel her heart sinking fast, and getting that sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. "O-okay tell me."

With a heavy sigh, Cara went to sit down by Kaylee and took her hand. "He was taken off the station" Cara felt Kaylee put pressure upon her hand as she moved to grasp it.

"Wait what?!" Kaylee exclaimed despite her agreeing to not interrupt.

Cara shook her head then continued on feeling Kaylee's grip on her hand tighten. "Kaylee, loosen up your grip please."

Kaylee obliged, feeling embarrassed.

As Cara told the tale of what happened, how she assumed that Neil was there in his office or even with Adira, she could sense Kaylee's strong emotions, then the last part, and she was finishied Kaylee leaped up, and exclaimed.

"You-you shouldn't have assumed that he was with Adira and having lunch with her! Just.. just. oh gosh!" Kaylee wrapping her arms around her waist. "I was the last person to see him wasn't I." she whispered hoarsely."Oh.. dear! Poor Adira!" several tear trickling down her cheeks. She wiped them away with the back of her hand. "Can I go look for him? Can I be read in?"

Cara shook her head. "I am sorry Kaylee, you are a little bit late on that offering to be part of that, besides Patton has already formed a team and is already gone."

Kaylee's face looked like it was ready to break into tears but she pushed them back. "Just how quickly did they head out?"

"Right after it was found that he wasn't on the station. K'doc almost tore the station apart looking to see if he could find Neil." Cara stated.

Kaylee nodded, feeling her emotions calming down, "Okay I am glad that happened. Just... I don't know. I wish I was more in tune with things here."

"I am thinking you are more in tune with what is going on, than you think. After all, having looked at security footage, you helped someone out to avoid a bit of trouble." giving a soft smile. "That was good work." she leaned back against the cushion of the couch, "Are you considering coming back into the fold of Star Fleet?"

"Uh I am not certain as of yet. I need to take sometime and think about what is happening." Kaylee responded.

"Take your time then, I know i did for a small amount of time when i was trying to think of the direction my life was needing to go. And now here I am, a CO of a station once again. Good thing I look good in red." Cara giving a light laugh and a shrug.

Kaylee's eyes widened her mouth forming an 'O' she blinked several times then exclaimed, "Wait, you were a CO of another station?" Kaylee finding this suprising. "I just remember you, the last time we spoke, that you were a commander."

"Well to just give you a quick run down, I used to be an Admiral and ran a station. And before you ask why I was dropped to the rank of a comander, it was my request when I was asked to come out of my sabbatical and step into command. I was needed and therefore I returned. As for you, make certain you take the time to figure things out before you go back into duty."

Kaylee nodded vigorously. "I will take that into consideration. So you've felt like you have lost your way trying to find your footing in life?"

A gentle nod of her head, " Much like you as of right now. Though I am thinking that you had a rather lovely outing with someone, as I saw a glow of happiness radiating from you. I am glad of that." Cara raising an eyebrow and an impish smile.

"Oh yes I did have a wonderful outing. I don't know where it will end up, but this person, I do hope to be around him a bit more." Kaylee's face lighting up.

A glance at the clock, Cara gave a slight sigh. "I am afraid we need to end this conversation, and checking in. I have other things I need to attend to, besides worrying about Patton and the hunt for Harrington. "

"Okay I can take a hint." Kaylee giving out a laugh. "I'll leave you alone, for now. Just don't forget to let me know if any news on Neil coming back. Please!"

Cara gave a nod, "I will give myself a reminder. Now off you go, I need to spruce myself up before I get into a meeting. I think I need a quick shower."

Kaylee gave a scrutinizing look at Cara, " Yup you may need one to get yourself looking more awake." flashing a cheeky grin.

A mock glare from Cara and a shooing motion of her hands. "Okay out you go!"

Kaylee laughed out loud, " Yes, Ma'am" giving a salute and quickly left Cara's office. Once the door closed behind her, Kaylee glanced back at the door then walked over to where Neil's office was at. It still shut, and dark. No entrance allowed. Kissing her fingertips she placed it upon the door, and whispered. "Come back big brother, come back." then she left.

Cara stood and looked out towards the planet below, not truly seeing it, almost becoming lost in her thoughts. She shook her head straightened her shoulders and headed out of her office, as what she had said to Kaylee, Cara had work to do.

Captain Cara Letsul
Poseidon Station

Kaylee Serra
On Sabbatical
Poseidon Station


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