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Autopsy II

Posted on 08/27/2024 @ 6:15am by Captain Cara Letsul & Lieutenant Commander Ellery Rosa & Lieutenant Sara’draphia T'eseri & Lieutenant Chiva Abasi

2,116 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Medical
Timeline: MD 007

Agatha Doyle's body having been found by security was brought into medical, after the necessary images were taken by and the scene processed. The doors to the medical lab swished open and Cara stepped inside, clothed in appropriate garb. She looked at the woman, Agatha, who had raven black hair, with a concerned expression in her eyes. The deceased woman, lying there clad in the garments she had on when she was found. A short red silk nightgown with lacey underwear of a matching color.

Cara looked towards the door hearing it open just moments after she had arrived.

Chiva came out of the back room pushing the medical tools that were going to be required for the autopsy of Ms. Doyle. She stopped beside the table and visually scanned over the body. The eyes glazed over and unseeing, the skin devoid of luster and warmth, and with the blood pooling towards the bottom gave a grayish color to the lifeless body. Chiva moved a strand of hair away from the face and tucked it behind the ear, wanting the woman to look her best. She spoke softly to the body before her. " Whatever happened to you I can only pray that your death was swift and painless. " She hadn't noticed anyone in the room with her and waited for the arrival of Dr. T'eseri.

Walking into the room a few minutes after Chiva, Sara made her way over to the other side of the table, “alright, let us see what our guest has to tell us. Should we do this the modern way or the old way?”

Chiva thought a moment. " The modern way is quick and accurate, but may not always be accessible at all times depending on the situation. But keeping brushed up on older methods for the sake of being able to use them in event of an emergency is never a bad idea. " Stated the Deltian Doctor.

Cara who had been quiet when Chiva had entered, spoke up. "I would say the old fashioned way would be good. We do not know what she had eaten before her death, nor even know what she had come into contact with." taking a look at both Chiva and Sara.

Giving a quick glance between the two officers, Sara gave them a smile, "well then, with two excellent opinions, how can I choose?" she said, as she brought up the biobed's display and started her scans, "so I shall do both. We'll start modern then move in if we find anything interesting"

Chiva bowed her head to Sara. " It shall be as you wish Doctor T'eseri. " As she stood by for the command to begin the scan. She brushed a couple long strands of red hair behind her shoulder. " Ready when you are doctor. "

"Excellent, then let us begin" Sara said as she tapped her combadge, "Computer begin recording for the autopsy of Agatha Doyle. Dr Sara'draphia T'eseri, attending physician, Lieutenant Chiva Abasi assisting with Captain Cara Letsul Station Commander observing"

"There is one other person who I feel needs to be an observer as well, she has been the lead on examining Jackson Porter's quarters and her findings have been informative." Cara stated, then tapped on her commbadge. "Ellery will you come to Medical please we are currently in the autopsy lab."

Ellery Rosa was late, having only just received the invitation to observe the autopsy. She stopped by her quarters long enough to change into a pair of rose-colored scrubs and then hurried to the designated medical lab. She slipped in and found a place where she could observe and still be out of the way.

Chiva looked up from the screen. " Doctor T'eseri, I'm bringing up the results on the wall monitor. " As she flicked the switches as the display came to life. " Her last meal consisted of Steak with sauteed mushrooms. Baked patato with butter, sour cream and chives, a chocolate mousse for dessert, and a green tea for the beverage. On her clothing is a trace of a chemical fragrance and...." The computer beeped. " That's odd. The computer is detecting a metallic trace element in the liver, but is having a hard time identifying it. What do you make of this Doctor? "

"What's that scent?" Ellery asked Cara. "Not the stomach contents, smells like some sort of perfume. Do you recognize it?"

Cara pulled down her mask to catch the scent better, "Wait that scent is familiar. Like something that was-" Cara turned sharply looking at Rosa, "Didn't you find some sort of perfume in Jackson Porters quarters?"

"Yes. I think that's the same scent," Ellery said quietly. "We should verify it, though. Could connect her to Porter's murder. "

"I will check that out on the console." Cara moving over towards another console to check on it. "From what is listed, there is a bottle of perfume that had been recovered from her quarters. I'll run a comparison to see if that matches the perfume from Jackson Porters quarters.

Looking over the scans, Sara thought she saw something off, "hmm, that's strange, the metallic trace we detected isn't actually in the liver. it's behind it" she said, looking up at her assistant, "looks like we're going in after all. Get me a scalpel please Ms Abasi"

Chiva quietly handed the scalpel to Sara, and watched as the doctor went to work.

Taking the scalpel in hand, Sara took a moment of pause before beginning, “I am now going to open the chest cavity using a standard Y cut” she said as she started her cut at the shoulder closest to her.

Cara looked over her shoulder towards Sara as the CMO started in on the autopsy. Her attention got taken by something that came up on the screen. "Ellery, come take a look at this" showing the image of the perfume. "And there was a tox screen done on that perfume. It seems to have something added to it."

Ellery quickly turned from the autopsy to the screen and scanned the list of chemicals. "Digitalis purpurea? Where's the toxicology report? Does it show the digoxin numbers in her bloodstream? That would definitely point to cause of death." It would also be another link to Jackson Porter and another layer to the mystery.

Cara looked over her shoulder towards where Chiva and Sara were at, then looked back at Ellery, "Here is the toxicology report." bringing up the reports for Ellery to see.

The scientist looked it over and pointed to digitalis purpurea." She looked at Cara. "That one. Could there be multiple cause of death?"

"There was a tea that had that particular substance found in it. I would think that those two deaths could possibly be connected." Cara looked back towards Chiva and Sara. "Lets see what else is found as well."

Ellery nodded. "Curiouser and curiouser."

Carefully peeling open the chest of her patient, Sara took a step back to allow any airborne pathogens to be processed and removed by the sterile field before continuing, "Internal organs show little sign of damage beyond a discolouration of the stomach and intestine. possible confirmation of cause of death" she said before she reached into the torso and started feeling around for the object she'd detected, "Lieutenant, when was the last time you got your hands dirty?"

Just as Chiva was going to answer, Cara noticed something upon the scan. "Sara, there is something that looks a bit strange there." pointing towards what looked to be like a metallic item. "Is that a sort of transponder she has?" Cara asked. "Or a tracking device?"

And why, Ellery wondered, hadn't that been picked up on any of the previous scans of the body? Was it shielded until the body cavity was opened?

Chiva had taken the time to pull out the medical tricorder, scanning the area the Captain indicated, giving a slight frown. "I am picking up a residual energy, whatever this is, it was masking itself with the normal body energies, but with Ms Doyle being deceased and having been opened up, it is no longer being cloaked, could the covering to mask it became inert?"

Cara shuddered, "Why would that be placed in someone? It boggles the mind unless Agatha was involved in something that we don't know about. This is certainly turning into something a bit more concerning."

Just then coming over the intercom, "Sorry doctors, we are picking up a strange energy signal coming from where Mr. Jackson Porter's body is at. The computer had just picked it up. It hadn't been noticed until now. Security has been alerted."

Cara looked at Sara, Ellery and Chiva. "To echo Commander Rosa's comment. This is getting curiouser and curiouser."

"Computer, do a detailed scan of the room and back up the results." Ellery looked at the others. "That's because I'm paranoid, and because I don't want anything that's currently here, including what's inside the deceased, to be compromised by that energy signal."

A few moments passed then the computer replied in a feminine voice, "Scanning and back up completed."

Cara felt a sense of relief at hearing both Ellery and the computer. "Computer what are your results of the scan?"

"The signal coming from this room is a match to the one in another area, specifically where the deceased Jackson Porter is at."

Raising her eyebrow, "Interesting, I wonder why the signals are similar?"

That was a very good question. Ellery wanted to know the answer, too. "Computer, scan Jackson Porter's quarters. Where is the signal coming from and what is the source?" There'd been a thorough scan when his quarters were investigated, so they had a baseline, if needed.

The computer replied, "The source of the signal is coming from the morgue, in the drawer containing Jackson Porter's remains."

"Now I really want to know what is inside Jackson Porter's diary hopefully we can get some answers as to just what he was into. This is getting rather interesting and perplexing. Was Agatha his lover? What sort of connection did they have?" Cara folding her arms across her chest.

"It's definitely interesting," Ellery said. "I want to know what's in there, too."

A security team went in where Jackson Porter's remains were, dressed in protective covering, a scan was made. The all clear was given. "The signal is from Mr. Porter's body."

Cara drew in a breath and then let it out. "Okay so they have matching signals, were theykeeping track of each other? This is even more perplexing." turning back to the console, she looked at the forensics reports of both Agatha and Jackson's room.

"Ellery, it looks like they both were poisoned by foxglove. His tea and pipe tobacco as well as her tea and perfume." Cara frowned. "Lover's quarrel perhaps, which turned quite deadly? Once the diary is cracked open there should be answers there. For now though" looking at those there. "I am going to head on out now, as I need to tend to some station business."

"While a lovers' quarrel is possible, odds are greater that a third party killed them both," Ellery said. "Let me know when you get into the diary. I'd like to have a good look at it, if I may."

Chiva stared at the body as she spoke. " Well we know the Who, When, where and how. Now the main question is Why? We've uncovered a good chunk of information and once they get the diary opened it may answer the remainder of the questions and this matter can be put to bed once and for all. "

"Perhaps the diary will have the answers, or it will bing up even more. Either way, it is now a matter of making a report as to the findings we have so far, and close this part up. Ladies, thank you for the help you have given." Looking at Ellery, " Ellery, once the diary is opened, it depends on what is found inside before I say yes or no on your question. I think though time to close Agatha and I need to find out if she had any next of kin." After that Cara turned and left medical, it was time to move forward on matters of the station.

Ellery nodded. She still had a lot of questions, but she understood. She was just the curious scientist who wanted answers. Hopefully later. She nodded to the others and headed back to her office.

Captain Cara Letsul
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander Ellery Rosa
Chief Science Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri
Chief Medical Officer
Poseidon Station

LTJG Chiva Abasi
Medical Officer/Ob/Gyn Specialist
Poseidon Station


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