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Closing a chapter

Posted on 08/29/2024 @ 1:37am by Captain Cara Letsul & Lieutenant Kaylee Serra & Captain Cornelius Harrington

1,935 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: CO Ready Room
Timeline: MD 23 1200

Her steps were slow, showing the signs of reluctance at the task she was facing. In a larger part Cara felt that she was closing down hope that Neil would be returning. That thought was dashed away by a feeling that hadn't died, he was still alive despite that rather horrifying convincing display of his execution. Her hand trembled as she placed it upon the door to his ready room, it opening with an almost silent swoosh. A deep breath drawn in, a few steps forward, the door closing behind her. Cara had only been in here, maybe twice, and not long enough to really take a look at the room, to see how Neil decorated it. Before she began, Cara took another deep breath, closing her eyes just to 'feel' the room.


A rather determined Kaylee returned to Station Operations, she saw the changes upon the manifest, a new CO had arrived. Another switch of the command, how was that going to affect Cara? Perhaps a spot of tea will help the Captain out, Kaylee just needed to chack on her. Kaylee stepped fully into Operations glancing about to see if she could find Cara.

"Excuse me miss, what are you doing here? Are you authorized to be here?" It was a new member of security, that Kaylee didn't recognize. Much has changed since she had been a part of security.

"I am authorized to be here, I am here to see Captain Letsul." Kaylee looking about. " I will just head up to her office." taking a step around the ensign to make her way towards her goal.

She had noticed that Cara wasn't in there but was certainly near enough. Ah there she is. Kaylee proceeding towards Neil's office, avoiding the ensign who was trying to prevent her from going any further with no success.

Cara's eyes flew open when she heard Kaylee's voice and another person, the door opening to Neil's ready room.

"Now miss you can't just waltz right in there, I am going to be getting into a whole lot of trouble." pleading with Kaylee.

Cara sharply turned, "It is alright Ensign, she can come inside."

"Are you certain Captain?" glancing from Cara to Kaylee and back to Cara.

"Yes I am certain." Cara responded firmly, dismissing the ensign to go back to his other duties.

Kaylee watched as the ensign took his leave, then turned to Cara, "Its that time isn't it." taking a look around the room, memories playing through her mind. She had been here several times to talk with her adopted brother. Feeling Cara's eyes on her she looked at Captain Letsul.

"Yes it is Kaylee, what brings you here?" watching the younger woman.

"Oh, I felt I needed to come check on you. I had noticed that there was a new person in command." Kaylee's voice having a musical nonchalant tone. "Would you like some help here? " her look at Cara was one of she won't take no for an answer.

"You won't take no for an answer will you." a dark eyebrow raising, with an amused smile curving up the corners of Cara's lips. "I would have to have you bodily removed wouldn't I?"

Kaylee nodded emphatically, then gave out a laugh. "Well you could make it an order but please don't. I-I need this"

A nod of understanding from Cara and the two women took a look around, searing the memory of how Neil had set up his office into their minds before they set to work packing things away.

Neil's ready room, a comforting sanctuary more than just a workspace, was his retreat. Here, he could immerse himself in his duties at Starbase 50 while staying connected to the things that mattered most. The modestly decorated room was intentionally designed to feel welcoming for his family, especially his young children, who often visited.

Behind his desk, a handcrafted dark-polished wood cabinet, a gift from a Klingon ambassador, stood proudly. Inside, Neil kept his collection of unique alcoholic beverages from various worlds, a private indulgence protected by a fingerprint scanner only he could access. The cabinet’s deep grain and intricate carvings added a subtle elegance to the room, a reminder of the deep connections he had fostered throughout his career.

To the left side, shelves lined the wall, filled with framed photos that told his life story. In one, his late wife Lucia smiled gently, a quiet reminder of the past. Nearby were pictures of his current wife, Adira, with their children: Tess, the rambunctious twins, Charlie and Ari, and Mikky, his 7-year-old ward. The snapshots captured their joy; beach days, family camping trips, and moments on horseback echoing Neil's love for the outdoors.

To the right of his desk, under the largest window, was an oversized dog bed for George, his loyal companion, who often sprawled lazily while Neil worked. In the corner, a small nook was set up just for his children, with toys neatly arranged, waiting for them to play. It was a personal space within the heart of his professional life, blending work and family in a way that gave Neil balance amid the demands of his command.

Both women simultaneously drew in a breath letting it out slowly. They looked at each other giving out a light laugh at the stereo sigh. The smiles faded as the seriousness of the next part settled upon them both.

A storage area had been made for the contents of Neil's things,and all that was needed would be a transponder placed upon the item for the transporter to beam it to the storage area. Cara handed Kaylee a few transponders to place upon the boxes when they were fully packed. Without any discussion the women went to different areas.

Cara's attention had been drawn towards the cabinet that held Neil's private alcohol collection, running her fingers along the intricate carvings in the wood. It was a beautiful masterpiece. She placed a transponder upon it and signaled for it to be transported, it disappearing in a shimmer of multiple colors. Cara felt a lump form in her throat, as the first of his items disappeared.

Kaylee had watched its disappearance happened, then turned her head wiping away a tear from her cheek. She went to start packing up George's bed, and his toys. Placing the toys in a box in her mind imagining the big dalmation chewing on them and making several squeak. She in fact squeezed one making it squeak, then put away. Those disappeared, leaving an empty space.

The children's corner with their favorite toys were next, Cara imagining the kids playing in the corner having gotten Neil to crawl on the floor to join in on the fun. She chuckled at the image in her mind. "I can see Neil having taken time to play with his kids."

Kaylee looked over towards Cara, and walked over to where the captain knelt, placing the toys in the box. "He loved his kids from what I can tell. I didn't get a chance to meet them, I know you have though."

"I took care of them while Adira and Neil were on a mission." Cara giving a wetery smile. "I enjoyed it but I know they missed their parents greatly." then she added her voice cracking, "and they are missing him now, including Adira." burying her face in her hands, "They have to find him, I know he isn't dead, I can feel it, just.. so hard"

Kaylee wrapped her arms around Cara feeling the storm of emotions that were engulfing her. Cara wrapped her arms around Kaylee, fighting to control the emotional storm, which she was able to quell it. Kaylee released Cara, from her embrace, the latter wiping her tears away. Kaylee wiping her own tears away as well.

The toys were all put away, and sent on their way, And other momentos were gathered up and sent off as well, now though it was now time for the shelves containing the photos.

It was as if the two women had saved what could be the most difficult thing to face, to put away, and that was the pictures of Neil's life, his past, his present. Cara reached out to start taking down the pictures, the first one being that of Lucia, she shivered feeling goosebumps cover her body, there was such an emotional charge to it, Cara remembering when she first met Neil and trying to help him say goodbye. Each picture was wrapped carefully and placed in a box, her fingers caressing the image of Adira, her cousin her newly found relative. And the image of Neil with Adira and family. They were so happy in that photo.

Kaylee packed away the camping pictures and the horseback riding photos, exclaiming "Dang it I would have loved to have gone riding with Neil."

"Maybe you will get to do so, sometime in the future." Cara answering Kaylee. " I have faith that he will come back."

As each photo was stored, the women exclaiming at the captured images of happy times, as well as seeing Neil's mother in a photo as well. There was one final photo that was found, which sent goosebumps all over Kaylee. It was a photo of Neil's Father it having been tucked away hidden from view. Kaylee felt the sting of tears well up, as she saw his image.

"I- I was there when he got the message from his mother of his father's death. The issue between those two never got resolved, and I felt that it gnawed at Neil in the back of his mind." Kaylee's voice soft. " I never could find out if the heartattack he suffered was, natural or something caused it. That hss been bugging me still." she gave out a sigh, "And it may not ever be resolved."

"Just another mystery, but maybe it will be solved, who knows. Maybe not by us but maybe someone else." Cara replied looking at Kaylee with compassion in her eyes.

Kaylee nodded, wiping away more tears.

The photo of Neil's dad was the last thing placed inside the box, next to the photo of his mother. The box was sealed shut and it was swept away to its new resting place in storage. The ready room was now cleared out, nothing left of Neil having been in this office, the warmth that had been established during his command and how he had placed things now gone. It was now a blank canvas for the new CO of the base to put his own touches in it, redefining how things will be for the station.

Cara felt a sudden chill run up and down her spine, as if cold fingers traced down her back. She wasn't certain why she felt that but maybe it was more due to the ready room now being empty. "Come on Kaylee, its time to go. Time to close this chapter of Captain Neil Harrington being in command of the station."

A sniffle from Kaylee tears streaming down her cheeks, "O-okay, lets go."

As the two women stepped outside of the ready room, Cara paused then turned around saying, "Until we meet again Neil" one more thing she added, "Computer Lights off." the ready room going dark.

Anyone who had looked with curiosity would see the two ladies leave an arm around each other's waist and having tearstained faces, disappearing from view.


Commander Cara Letsul
Poseidon Station Operations
Poseidon Station

Kaylee Serra
On Sabbatical
Poseidon Station

Description of Neil's Office Written by RJ Walker


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