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Scientific Interest

Posted on 08/31/2024 @ 4:23pm by Civilian Nicholas Hall & Lieutenant Commander Ellery Rosa
Edited on on 08/31/2024 @ 4:28pm

1,307 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Day In the Life Of..
Location: Science Department

Cara told him to get to know Commander Rosa, as she was the Chief of Science. However, he didn't have the clearance to just march down to where the Science labs were. Shaking his head, Nicholas sent a message to Ellery. Commander Rosa, Captain Letsul had wished me to meet with you at some point and time, would you have a free moment to meet with me? My name is Nicholas Hall, and my wife is the XO of the Kingsmen, Captain Tracy."

Ellery set her PADD on her desk and tapped her combadge. "Hi. Yes, I'll be in my office for the next two hours, if you have the time."

"I do indeed have the time." a few minutes later, being escorted Nicholas entered Ellery's office. "Thank you for meeting with me, Commander Rosa." a smile of greeting. "I was wanting to find out, if a civilian scientist could work alongside your team."

Ellery laughed. "Of course. I was recently a civilian myself. I've been in and out of Starfleet for most of my career and was recently reactivated. You would be most welcome here." She cocked her head to one side. "What field of science do you specialize in?"

"I am actually interested in all aspects of Science, always curious, wanting knowledge and looking ever forward to what else can be found. I think at times my curiosity had led my former crew into dangerous paths." Nicholas chuckled. " I have always felt that Star Fleet worked better as we ventured forward doing scientific exploration than concentrating on the element of military. That though is my opinion."

"We need the military because there are people out there who want to harm others, but I agree that scientific exploration is important. Even here on the station, we can learn a lot from Aquil and the area around us."

"What you say is true, there is the need for military, I've found that to be the case in a few encounters I've come across during my years of command." He glanced at Ellery. "Do you have a specialty?"

"History, archaeology, anthropology, and linguistics. But I've also studied stellar phenomenon." She smiled. "I like how they help me understand the overall picture of a society's development."

"Those I am interested in as well. Myself and my former crew had the opportunity to explore an old ancient base which was carved out of an asteroid. We had found some unique artifacts, which we had studied. Had the chance to explore some ruins, and found camp setup but had been abandoned." a faraway expression surfaced as he briefly touched upon what he'd experienced. He blinked then smiled. "That space anomaly out there intrigues me to no end." His hand pointed in the direction of the stable rift.

"That asteroid sounds fascinating. I've heard of some asteroids and planetoids that were used like that, but I haven't had the chance to see any yet. " She looked in the direction he was pointing. "As for the rift, I admit that's what initially drew me here. That and the planet. There's so much here that still needs to be studied and understood."

"I highly agree, I am quite glad that Brina had been accepted to be on this station. Even if she hadn't been, I would have wanted to come here just to study that phenomena." a boyish excited grin appearing. "Have you had any experience going to another universe?"

Ellery shook her head. "No. I've just studied them. The idea is fascinating."

"I will say from experience they are rather fascinating to visit and also can be filled with danger as well. One can easily get lost when walking through an opening unprepared" his voice a bit somber on his last statement. He went to take a seat in one of the chairs.

"You can get lost almost anywhere." Although few were as dangerous as another universe. "Who got lost?"

"I did, I got lost when I didn't have the necessary activation key. I went into another universe, became a king, got married raised a family and had forgotten who my wife, Brina, was. until the Ancient being sent me home again. I had a leg that wouldn't heal, and the ancient had restored my health and my leg. It was marvelous, I was given a new lease on life."

She shook her head. "That is quite the story. I'm glad everything worked out for you and your family."

"Care to give me a tour?" his eyes twinkling with curiosity and anticipation. "Or any questions you may have for me?" Nicholas did want to get a view of the areas of the Science department.

"I'm honestly not sure what questions to ask." Ellery chuckled. "But I will if one comes up. For now, I'll show you around. Then we can discuss where you'd like to work and how much time you can give us."

"I am free when Brina heads off to work and the boys are in school, so a good amount of time I have available. I have rented a work space which used to be a store. It is my current lab, though it would be much better to be here in this set up." Nicholas giving a grin. "It is rather interesting being a house husband." chuckling.

"I can easily set you up in a lab in the science department. I'll need to look up your personnel file first so I can add you to the roster. Then I can either put you in the schedule to fit with your free time, or allow you occasional access so you have more time for your family. Whatever works best for you."

"We do have a routine, but for the most part I am free to do what I love the most besides being with my family. Brina had mentioned that she wanted me to pursue my other interests as well. Also." he handed over a crystal which held his personnel records. "That should give you what you are needing." Nicholas giving a wink. "You will be able to see just how varied my career has been in Star Fleet."

Ellery slipped the data crystal into her computer and looked over his files as she copied them to her database. "You're right. You have had an interesting career." She pulled out the crystal and handed it back to him. "I look forward to working with you. So, are you ready for that tour?"

"I am very ready to have the tour." an excited smile appearing. "I feel this is definitely the start of a brand new chapter of my life." Nicholas rubbing his hands together eagerly. "and Brina will be happy as well."

There was far too much for a detailed tour, but Ellery showed him the areas he'd be working in and a few other places of note. There would be plenty of time for him to see everything later, if he wanted. One of the things she liked most about a starbase was the space allocated to science.

When they got back to her office, Ellery copied a map of all the science labs and what they were used for and gave it to Nicholas. "If you haven't taken your kids to the arboretum, you should. There are several areas designed for the young and young at heart."

"That sounds like something the boys would enjoy and I am curious as to see what the Arboretum looks like now. For now though, thank you for the tour, and letting me be a part of the team. It feels rather good to be here." Nicholas smiled, and indeed it did feel good to him. He felt he had found his new home.

Nicholas Hall
Civilian Scientist
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander Ellery Rosa
Chief Science Officer
Poseidon Station


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