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Dancing in the Rain (Part I)

Posted on 07/12/2024 @ 12:42pm by Civilian Mathias McPhee & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

1,471 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: MD 13 0900

Mathias was drawn to the Arboretum, a place of nature upon a station. He had heard that it had been restored and with his penchant for being around greenery he had to see it, to experience it. Stepping inside his eyes scanned the plant life even knelt down by a planter to test the soil there. A pinch of it a small taste he nodded with approval. It was filled with nutrients, enough for the health of the plants that were there. He rose from his kneeling position, leaving a light trail of dirt upon his earth colored dungarees. His wandering through the place led him to a tree which was meant for climbing, he could tell by its inviting branches, perfect to grab hold and climb into. He was nimble as a s
squirrel making his way to a branch where he could gaze at the verdant green plant life, and stretch one of his long legs along a branch and the other sort of crooked for balance. He had tied the bootlaces of his dark brown soft boots draping them over his shoulders before he had made his climb. The boots were a contrast against the light blue medieval style shirt he wore. His auburn hair was tousled from him rubbing it once he got settled in his perch. Mathias smiled and pulled out a tin whistle and began to play. The tune was The Bonnie Banks Of Loch Lomond.

Repairs to the arboretum were finished. It took half the scientists on the station, and a number of volunteers, but it was done. Bri was proud of all the work they'd put in to not only restoring but upgrading the area. Now the majority of the work was done, she was walking barefoot through the gardens to see what else needed to be done. it was then that she heard someone playing a tin whistle. Curious, she altered course, to see who it was. She didn't mind, but it was always nice to know who was taking advantage of the space.

Mathias was getting ready to switch to another song when he noticed from his perch the approach of a woman. "Hello there, I am Mathias, 'tis a lovely place to be relaxing and play a little bit of music. Am I disturbing anyone?"

"Not at all. My family believes that music and nature go together like romance and moonlight." The irony of it made her laugh. It was a light, bell-like sound. "For myself, I believe music and dance pleases Mother Nature. They celebrate the joy of life, don't you think?" Then she laughed again. "I apologize for waxing philosophical. I'm Brianthe, keeper of the gardens."

"Oh, I agree most wholeheartedly. One can learn of music through listening to the wind as it rustles through the leaves and branches of trees. Or hear the flute like sound of wind blowing through broken reeds. Of which I believe was an inspiration for the panpipes." Mathias responded with a smile.

"So I've heard. My ancestors preferred string instruments and tambourines. They rarely used pan pipes, but I agree that they can sound like wind through trees and marshes. They can be quite haunting."

"Indeed they can be." A pause then Mathias asked, "Your people, where are they from? And would you like me to come down there to chat or would you prefer to have a seat upon one of the branches here?" there was something about the woman he was speaking to, but couldn't quite put a finger upon what that was yet. She did though seem rather interesting as she was the keeper of the gardens.

"I can come up there." Bri had been climbing trees since she was a child and quickly made her way to a branch near Mathias. "I'm Romani. My ancestors came from earth and were among those who settled Solaria III." She grinned at Mathias. "My grandmother tells me that we still follow the ancient ways."

"I am from Aberfoyle, Scotland a town that strongly believes in the Fae." Mathias stated. "It is truly a magical place where the old ways are practiced. Shearing of sheep, and using of the loom to weave cloth." giving a fond smile at his memories.

"I've used a loom, although I haven't spun wool. My grandmother does that. And she helps my aunts weave cloth for traditional clothing." She smiled at Mathias. "We also believe in the fey. I know that some parts of Ireland and Scotland still believe, but I've never been there."

"If you would like, I can show you in the holodeck, what my hometown is like and the Faerie Tree pub and restaurant. Next to it is an inn bearing something of that name as well. Ah it is a lovely place to visit, and stay. They even have a festival where residents and those who come to the town dress up and they have a festival of the Faeries." Mathias grinning from ear to ear, his face just beaming at that memory.

"I'd like that. The festival sounds like a delightful place to visit." She hadn't traveled as much as she'd like and this sounded like somewhere she really should see. "Are you stationed here or just visiting?"

"I am not stationed here and yet can't truly say I am just visiting. All I do know is that I was drawn here, where I found a friend who I thought I had lost." he drew in a breath looking around at the Arboretum. " I resigned my commission with Star Fleet. As it wasn't giving me any joy and I was almost swallowed up by the evil of banality." His voice deepening with a level of emotion. "I was becoming just a shell of a man."

"I've only been here a short time, but I know this garden is magical. It's withstood a lot and I've met several people who find solace and happiness here. Perhaps, between the arboretum and finding your friend, you can find yourself as well."

"I have found him, he had to go on a trip but will be back. In the meantime, I am undertaking a quest of finding where I may belong. At another station I had performed puppet shows, did a game of finding Ferdinand the Dragon. He is a special Dragon where a young girl pleaded for his life, saying that the knight who hunted him maybe needed to make friends with him." Mathias chuckled. "Ah the wonder and imagination that children can have when it comes to make believe. There are adults who have that special quality as well, willing to believe in magic, and the unexplained, a little bit of whimsey." he paused and chuckled. " I love it when others become creative."

"Yes." Bri smiled. That was one of the things she missed about her home world. There were nights when one member of her family or another would start telling stories. Most were made up based on the audience. "Creativity is its own type of magic."

"I truly agree with you there." he drew in a breath, gazing around at the plant life there. "This is truly amazing. I wonder if this station will welcome me, or even the spirit of this arboretum. I will probably have to commune a bit with the one here. Though there have been some injuries to this place haven't there?"

"Yes. It was damaged during the Breen attack." Brianthe looked around, smiling. "But she's fully recovered now. We've even added some features. The renovations gave us a wonderful opportunity to do some upgrades."

"That sounds amazing, would you care to tell me what the upgrades here are? And I wonder if there is room for another scientist a civilian scientist, a helper for the Arboretum or mayhap I set up a shop much like what my sisters had set up back on Starbase 180."

"There's always room for more helpers--especially those who love nature," Brianthe assured him. "For the upgrades, I can tell you, or I can show you." She smiled. She much preferred showing, but she could give him a quick rundown if he preferred. "But first, what sort of shop?"

"I would preferably take the tour just to experience it as we go along. As to the shop, it was called, Whimsy Tea Shop and Gifts. They made pastries to go along with the teas, as well as crafted gifts. I at times supplied them with things I had carved and created. Besides them also crafting items as well." Mathias breathing in deeply and having a fond smile and expression in his eyes. "Avelina she got married and Evelyn... I have no clue where she is at the moment."

(To be continued...)

Mathias McPhee
Civilian Scientist
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca
Poseidon Station


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