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Dancing in the Rain (Part II)

Posted on 07/12/2024 @ 12:43pm by Civilian Mathias McPhee & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

1,497 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: MD 13 0900


"I would preferably take the tour just to experience it as we go along. As to the shop, it was called, Whimsy Tea Shop and Gifts. They made pastries to go along with the teas, as well as crafted gifts. I at times supplied them with things I had carved and created. Besides them also crafting items as well." Mathias breathing in deeply and having a fond smile and expression in his eyes. "Avelina she got married and Evelyn... I have no clue where she is at the moment."


"I believe there is space on the promenade for your shop. It sounds lovely." Her smile lit up her face. "We can start the tour with an evening rain."

"Ah, an evening rain, that sounds wonderful. Nothing better than to walk upon the ground or grass with bare feet, feeling the coolness of it upon the soles." Mathias responded with an ecstatic grin.

"Yes. And I do enjoy walking in the rain." She smiled. "The trees like it, too."

He grabbed his shoes and packed away his tin whistle and lightly swung down to ground below. "Where can I put my belongings at, so that we can enjoy the walk in the rain?"

"There's an office in the back. You can put them there." She could leave her shoes there and change the controls for the rain and sun there, too. She dropped off the branch and landed lightly on her feet. "This way." She wove through the trees and down several paths to a door to the storage and potting rooms and to her office beyond.

Mathias followed after Brianthe, marveling at what he was seeing. "This is magnificent, beautiful." he uttered, "I am feeling quite giddy with excitement to seeing what this has to offer. I feel an energy just filling me with more hope."

She turned around and smiled. "I'm glad. Nature should do that to people." It was the one thing she missed about her home. There she had lived in the woods with trees and flowers year round. This arboretum was as close as she could come in Starfleet without being planetside.

"My Uncle James Teague works at Starbase 180 with the Aquaponics area. They were growing food there, and I helped out a great deal before I joined Star Fleet. Well, I was a rather curious lad, and it had been decided that besides my going to school on the base, I needed to have hands on training. I didn't mind as it was great!" Mathias exclaimed.

"I agree about the hands-on training. I think it's the best way to learn. That's what my family thought, too." Although she didn't agree with all their training, she had learned a lot over the years. "What have you done since then?" She checked to be sure her shoes and socks were still on her desk. She wanted to change into a skirt and blouse to walk in the rain, but she really didn't have anywhere private for that, so she'd have to make do with her uniform.

Mathias being a rather astute individual, took a moment or two to study her body language then quietly asked, "Wouldn't you be more comfortable in wearing something else, to experience my first rain in the Arboretum? I can step out of this area if you choose to do so."

"Actually, I would. She gave him a radiant smile. "I didn't know you were so perceptive. I don't generally wear my uniform unless I have to, and it's not the best for walking in the rain."

"Very well. I shall wait out there," placing his bundle to one side and then stepped out. "Let me know when you have changed." Mathias called out over his shoulder, before disappearing out of sight.

Brianthe nodded, even though he didn't see her. She replicated a multi-colored skirt that draped her hips and flared out to her calves. It was perfect for dancing in the woods, if she chose, and she liked the way it moved when she walked. She accompanied it with a cream-colored peasant blouse and a patterned vest in browns that matched her skirt. She let her hair fall loose past her shoulders and then clipped her combadge to her vest, in case she was needed for anything. It was something she wore back home and it made her feel like she belonged to the woods. She opened her door. "Ready."

Mathias, his back having been towards the door, turned and all he could do was stare at Brianthe for several long moments transfixed by her changed appearance. There was no expression of lustfulness from him, just him taking in Brianthe's breathtaking beauty. For the moment no words could Mathias utter.

Brianthe's family taught her to live with and appreciate nature. When she wore her Romani clothes, she felt more in tune with the plants and trees around her. That Mathias appreciated the change made her happy, so she performed a few steps of a traditional dance and spun in a circle, stopping in front of him. "Thank you," she said, smiling.

"Thank you as well." Mathias finding his voice once more. "You dance most gracefully." he added. "Shall we go walking or, singing or dancing in the rain?" a grin going from ear to ear. "As a boy I loved to go out during the rain, and still do when I get the chance."

"Yes. I love to walk in a gentle rain." Then she added. "And I love to watch a good thunderstorm." She slipped her hand through his arm. "Let's go dancing in the rain, shall we?"

Mathias reached over with his other hand and gave a slight squeeze of her hand then released it. "You have the lead, Brianthe, in this dance. I don't always need to have the lead."

As if on cue, the ceiling filled with clouds and a light rain began to fall. "Then we shall start with that," she said, leading him into the main area. "I'll give you the general tour, and if you'd like to make any alterations in the plan, I will be happy to take them into consideration." She gave him a brief, flirtatious smile and began to explain about the ceiling that changed with the time of day and the seasons. "As you can see, when it rains, we have clouds. We can also program thunder and lightning."

An intake of breath of awe from Mathias, "That I would love to see some time." he held up his free hand, to catch the raindrops in the cupped palm of his hand, raising his face upwards feeling the light pitter patter upon his face and laughed with delight.

"Perhaps. I don't generally do it when there are others here. It tends to scare some people. But there are times when the arboretum is empty and I will turn it on." While Mathias enjoyed the rain, Brianthe took a few steps forward and began to dance. This, too, was not something she generally did while others were around, but it felt right, and she did enjoy it. It was almost a primal need to pay homage to the gods of nature--even though she was indoors in an artificial rain.

Mathias felt Brianthe's hand slip away from his arm a few moments later his eyes opened and he turned towards where Brianthe danced, his movements graceful, and he joined in the dance, offering his hand to her as part of it.

She took his hand and smiled, altering her movements to blend with his. She hadn't danced this freely with another person in a long time. They danced together for a while, each intuitively knowing how to compliment the other and when to blend their steps together.

Thrilled, enchanted, well there were other words that could describe how Mathias was feeling dancing with Brianthe. It had been a long while since he had danced like this, just this connection he felt he was sharing with Brianthe made this dance in the rain so invigorating. At the natural end of the dance, he gave a bow and kissed the back of her hand gently. "Thank you." his voice deep with emotion. "Words are just failing me but, you have helped to cleanse away what was hidden in the darkness of my mind."

"I'm so glad. I haven't enjoyed dancing like that in a while. for that I thank you." She gave him a hug. "Shall we continue the tour?"

Her embrace wasn't something Mathias had expected, but it was a pleasant surprise. He stood still for just a moment, then his arms went around Brianthe returning the embrace, then releasing her.

"T-thank you." he whispered, "I appreciate that embrace."

"It seemed like the right thing to do." Just like the dance, Bri was acting on instinct. And she thought he could use a good hug.


Mathias McPhee
Civilian Scientist
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca
Poseidon Station


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