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A Morning Stroll

Posted on 07/20/2024 @ 3:49pm by Captain Brina Tracy-Hall & 1st Lieutenant Jeksyne Vale

1,889 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Promenade and Throneroom
Timeline: MD 013 0800

It was lunchtime for Brina and her boys were with her. Nicholas had a scheduled meeting with Cara. It was a surprise and yet not a surprise, as Nicholas had expressed interest in working with the scientists upon the station. It was one of his loves, besides her and their boys.

As it was the boys who wished to have pizza and that was where they were heading towards when they spotted a familiar feline, a tortoise shell cat named Mindy. "Mindy!" the boys shouted and took off after the cat, without warning.

"Boys!" Brina barked out, then realized that they may not have heard her, what with the noise where they were at. She set off after them.

Mindy, hearing the shout of the three boys, got startled, turned tail and darted off. She wove in and out of the crowd, was almost cornered by the boys when she saw an opening to which she jumped upon a planter, then leaped upon someone's shoulder....

Jeksyne looks curiously at the cat on his broad shoulders, tilting his head before turning to see the mad dash of the three boys stopping suddenly and the woman chasing them there after, presumably their parent.

“I take that these are your boys…and cat?”

He asked in a friendly sort of way, picking up the cat from his shoulders and holding it in his arms.

"Mrrow?" Mindy meowed, looking up at the person who held her.

Brina after catching up to her boys. "Her name is Mindy, and she belongs to a friend of theirs. Mindy seems to be a bit of an escape artist." raising an eyebrow towards the cat in question.

Mindy innocently looked towards Brina, then just yawned and started purring. Brina could only just shake her head at Mindy's actions.

"I'm Captain Brina Tracy-hall XO of the Kingsmen." by way of introducing herself. "and these three scamps are my boys.”

“Then you’ve saved me a trip down to Marine Country. First Lieutenant Jeksyne Vale, I’ve been assigned as Special Operations Officer.”

He nods his head as he was still holding the cat in his hands. He was a broad marine, strong in muscle, with a gazing, piercing look to him. He carried himself with experience, someone who had been in service for quite sometime even for a First Lieutenant.

"Welcome to SB 50 fondly referred to Poseidon Station. If you don't mind hanging onto Mindy there, you and I can escort my boys to school, then we can proceed to Kingsmen territory." her hazel eyes not missing the experience etched into Vale's stance, his face and even in his blue eyes. She had an understanding and also recognition of his experinece in her gaze.

She led the way to where the boys attended school, also pausing to drop off Mindy at the kitty care place. "I do wonder where Buster is, unless he is doing his normal inspection of the Marine Barracks. He is a one eyed ginger colored cat who's human is a Marine by the name of Fitch. He and Mindy have definitely teamed up."

"I haven't seen another cat aside from Mindy, though to be fair, not that many pets on Memory Alpha, but I'll keep my eye out for him, ma'am"

Jeksyne replied professionally as he followed along. He made big strides normally when he walked, but kept pace with the Captain and her boys. He brushed off his uniform jacket of the stray cat hairs as he went.

"Bye mum" the three boys said to Brina, each giving her a kiss on the cheek, then they headed inside.

"Now that is taken care of, lets be off to the Kingsmen territory." Brina stated as she moved towards the turbo-lift at her normal stride. "Where did you transfer from?" she asked as they stepped into the turbo-lift.

“Was on the Tzenkethi Front at Barisa Prime. Before that was forward deployed into the Cardassian Empire, helping to stabilize the region. I’ve been a Marine for over 20 years, and recently gained my commission.”

Jeksyne replied as he stood beside her in the turbolift.

“I’m looking forward to serving with you all”

"And I am looking forward to getting to know you." Brina giving a nod and a smile. "Marine for over 20 years not bad, not bad at all."

The lift doors opened to the level where the Kingsmen resided and Brina continued on, they arrived at the doors, the person who was on duty there saluted Brina then the doors opened allowing them entrance. "You might say I've been a marine ever since I was a young lass. My father was a Marine, you know the saying once a marine always a marine."

“OO-Rah, Ma’am.”

Jeksyne enthusiastically replied.

“My parents are historians with the Starfleet Galactic Memory Bank. My brother too, professor at Starfleet Academy. I wanted something different for me other than exploring the past.”

"I can't blame you on wanting something different. I am the only one of my siblings who chose to be a Marine, to carry on the family tradition. Mum wasn't too happy at first, however she soon realized that this was what I needed to be and where my path and destiny lay. My dad was proud that I joined. You see, my dad and mum had only girls. And I'm the oldest."

"Only boys, and I wasn't the most...popular of my siblings. Wanting to be something other than a Historian did not sit well with them. My father especially. But I'm focused on the mission, Ma'am. Just point the way."

Jeksyne nodded to Brina.

Giving a return nod, Brina responded. "OKay you get settled in, and what is your assigned position here? I've not gone and looked at your transfer papers, since we ran into each other being introduced by a cat." her eyes twinkling up with amusement.

Jeksyne chuckled softly as he pulled out his PADD.

“I’m the new Special Operations Officer”

He handed the PADD over to Brina.

She took a look over the information that was on there, then looked up, "Looks good, special operations officer. Your skills will come in handy when we go on missions." giving a smile, handing the padd back to Jeksyne. "However I have a piece of advice, to get to know other crew of the station who are not marines. Don't be too surprised if you end up meeting the CO of the station, Captain Letsul."

“Understood, Ma’am. Is there anything you can tell me about current operations and missions to get to speed here?”

Jeksyne asks, looking at Brina with a stern professional gaze.

"For this part, you will be needing to come to my office." Brina's face going rather somber, and leading the way. Once they were inside her office Brina motioned for Jeksyne to take a seat.

"Current operations, at this moment we are at a lull until Colonel Patton is back from a mission he is on." Brina was still getting a read on the man who had just arrived. "We are keeping an eye out on any further Breen activity, hopefully they received the message that this station isn't one to fool around with. What are your thoughts where Caradassians, Founders are concerned, as well as Romulans?"

"Most of my experience with the Romulans come mostly from books. My Brother wrote a book called 'In the Raptor's Claw' about the Earth-Romulan War and I studied under an officer who's family line extended back to the MACOs."

Jeksyne pauses for a moment.

"As for the Cardassians, I've spent the last few years fighting the True Way while assigned to the Bajoran Sector Command. The Founders have been keeping their heads down for the last few years or so, haven't had issues with them personally."

"We did get some help from the Founders when the Breen attacked the station, along with others who came in to drive them away." Brina stated. "I won't be surprised if we may sometime have a Vorta or two come to the station, on maybe a diplomatic approach." Brina having a thoughtfui expression. "That will be an interesting situation there."

“I’m looking forward to the challenge, Ma’am. It’ll be an interesting change of pace from the trenches and the frontlines with the Tzenkethi”

Jeksyne smiles briefly before turning his head back forward as they walked.

"You will find that this station will definitely be a change of pace from the Trenches. Oh and another piece of information. The Chief of Security is a Klingon Marine, Commander Valadorn, you will definitely be meeting him sometime. He and his security team partner up with the marines when it comes to security of this station. Also don't be surprised if you end up meeting the CO of the station, she has a habit of getting to know who is who on the station. She is also a really good friend of mine, in some aspect she is more like a sister." Brina paused for a moment then looked at Jeksyne, "Probably too much in one breath?" Cracking a smile.

Jeksyne lets out a hearty chuckle, "Any information to get me up to speed is appreciated, sir. You and my Brother would get along, he's always infodumping on me with the most off the wall things. That's a historian for ya." He smiles.

Brina gave out an answering laugh. "Probably so, I've been in the habit giving out information as quickly as possible, as there had been need of doing so. Sure, right now there isn't yet." a pause, then she asked. "Is there anything you have any other questions? Or would you rather me cut you loose so you can get settled in."

"I have no more questions at this time, Captain. I'm eager to get to work if it's all the same to you. No good lazing about in my quarters when we can hit the ground running with everything here." He replied professionally, returning to walking in a stern and authoritative manner, a professional marine.

"Alright, then we'll need to get you to meeting some of the other marines , or Tomorrow morning we'll go over information and what is happening around this area." Brina having a thoughtful expression in her eyes. "I also recommend you taking a look around the station to get familiarized as well. Never hurts to get the lay of the land as it were."

"Aye, sir!" Jeksyne turned, replying as he stood at parade rest.

"Oh one other thing I almost forgot to mention, we do have a Gorn Marine, he is Sergeant H'rar code name Dragon. Okay I think that is all the information I have for now." Brina stated.

“A Gorn, you say?” Jeksyne asks curiously.

"Yes a Gorn. I was a bit surprised upon his arrival, however, I trust him with my three boys. And that should speak a lot about Sergeant H'rar." Brina stated.

"Understood, and thank you, Ma'am. I'm looking forward to hitting the ground running. If there's anything else?" Jeksyne nods and turns to stand at parade rest.

"Nothing more you are dismissed" Brina stated with a smile.

Captain Brina 'Songbird' Tracy-Hall
Executive Officer, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Brina's boys
Donovan, Sean, and Lucas

1st Lieutenant Jeksyne Vale
Special Operations Officer
Poseidon Station


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