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Posted on 07/24/2024 @ 9:12am by Captain Cara Letsul & Commander Raphael Mattix & Lieutenant Commander Jezka Joah & Lieutenant Sara’draphia T'eseri

1,233 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Observation Room
Timeline: MD 23


"Any comments, statements, questions? We've got a station to keep moving forward." Opening up for anything else anyone might want to say.

K'doc spoke up. " Security and the Marines will do they're duty and protect the station at all cost. " He then stood up and pulled his d'k tahg from his belt and squeezed the blade with his hand until blood dripped on the table. " The cowardly bastards that committed this act and took one of our own shall pay for this. To this I swear. " He looked around the table with his gaze stopping at Cara. " If I may be excused, I have work to do. " He said simply.

Cara gave a nod and watched as K'doc left the room.

When the door closed behind the rather large Klingon, Cara looked at the three that were left, her words she said previously still echoing in the room. The images of Harrington being executed, was still in the forefront of her mind and the shocking exit of Admiral Thomas Rice. The quiet in the room seemed to hang heavily in the air, as Cara wanted to say something else but couldn't.

“May the prophets watch over his soul.” It sounded empty and without much emotion, but Joah had seen too much death in his lifetime. Still, the way the Captain had been executed had stirred something inside him. He walked away from the conference table to the Replicator without saying another word and ordered a glass with ice cold water.

Taking a deep breath, Sara looked around at the other officers with empathy. Although she did feel sad for Harrington's death, Sara had learned to accept such deaths as something that was inevitable. She was likely to outlive not only everyone here, but also their children. Looking to Cara, she gave her a smile, "he was a good man. he welcomed me aboard the Nogura and aboard this station. he's been very understanding with my cultural oddities."

“There’s one thing I don’t understand. Romulans rarely do something without having a plan. What did they gain from killing him?” Joah drank some of the ice cold water the replicator had seemingly made of thin air. “Other then provoking us and Starfleet?”

"The video needs to be authenticated, make sure that what we saw is truly what happened," Raphael's voice was even, maybe even cold. He'd seen death, this wasn't something new to him. "Because to answer your question, Commander, they don't gain anything. If we think he's dead, they gain a rather valuable source of current gamma quadrant intel."

"It certainly brought out some damning and emotional responses from a few of us." Cara uttered. "It will be up to Patton to find out the truth. Though, it was rather convincing and looked so real. The staging was rather well done and someone did pay the price for this." Cara giving out a huff "Another thing that we do need to take in account that not all want to have a resumption of a war between the Federation and the Romulans on either side."

Cara walked over to the replicator and ordered a tea for herself, as she did so she commented, "As for now we need to get the station back in order, scrutiny is on us by Star Fleet. I am wondering though, there is a faction within Star Fleet that would want us to completely fail. And to get back into the ways of war. All of us have had that taste of war, have lost loved ones, and have seen too much destruction. "

Cara turned around walking back towards the table. "There are still areas out here to explore and gain more knowlege of, and we do have that rift that still needs to be studied and find out more about it." she took a sip of her tea, lowering the mug, "There is also the matter that the station is going to have to be moved. That has been delayed due to unforseen circumstances. I have received some rather insistent and determined conversations from the Governor of Aquil. Do you think the station is ready to be moved, Commander Jezka? I do know it will take a little bit of time, to do so."

“It’s doable, but not without careful calculations, breaking some rules, and precise control. The only practical way I know of is using all of the stations thrusters and that means it will take some time before we reach the nebula.” Joah explained. “It’s either that or be really creative and find a innovative way of moving the station.”

"Well, I wouldn't have any idea as to what that innovative theory could be, all in all, we just need to move things forward and get that started." a drink of her water Cara lowered the cup, "Okay is there anything you'd like to add or be brought up on concerns?" she directed her gaze to Mattix, "I truly hope that what had been seen was a hoax, but it was certainly well staged I will be honest. It had me twisted up in knots."

“Nothing from my end. I know what I and my team have to do. Operations won’t be twiddling thumbs anytime soon.” Joah interjected and then looked to Mattix see hear what he would answer.

Taking a moment of thought, Sara had an idea, “um, I know I’m only the Chief of Medicine, but I might have a way to move the station to its desired location faster than simply using the thrusters alone.” She said before looking to Jezka, “is it possible on a Starfleet station to create a subspace field around the entirety of the station? Similar to a warp bubble if you will but we don’t actually go to warp speeds”

"I've learned over my career that you can't necessarily trust your eyes, sometimes you have to dig a little deeper," Raphael replied with a half nod. "As far as moving the station, I'll leave that to those smarter than me."

Cara looked over at Sara, her idea sounded feasible, however Cara wasn't an engineer and wouldn't know. "Jezka what do you think about Sara's idea. This is your realm of expertise and not mine. Can it be done?"

“Well, it’s innovative. My compliments on that, Doctor.” Joah offered Sara a glance and smiled. “There’s only one thing and that is that the station only has fusion reactors. Big ones, but unable to power a warp field. That is what we would need. And we we are missing warp field coils to actually generate a warp field around the station.”

"Perhaps this can be taken to the engineering team and work on this project. As it is." Cara looking at her PADD hearing a beep, "I've got a meeting to attend to."

“I’ll take care of it, ma’am. In fact, our good doctor has given me another idea to explor, be it a little crazy.” Joah had a twinkle in his eye when he said that. “I’ll report my findings as soon as possible.”

Sara gave Joah a smile and a nod, “I’m glad I could be of help”

Captain Cara Letsul
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander Jezka Joah
Chief of Station Operations
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Sara'draphia T'eseri
Chief Medical Officer
Poseidon Station


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