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Questions and Revelations

Posted on 07/26/2024 @ 7:10am by Captain Cara Letsul & Civilian Nicholas Hall

1,940 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Big Easy Bistro
Timeline: MD 23

A message from Nicholas surprised Cara and also sent a wave of strong feelings of guilt throughout her body. It had been awhile since she had spoken to him. In fact, the last time she spoke to him was when they worked things out for Brina to come to Poseidon Station. It had been one of the last things she did before she stepped down from being the Admiral of the NEC. Sending a message in return, Cara headed for the Big Easy Bistro where Nicholas wished her to meet him at.

A few minutes later, she arrived at the entrance, of the Big Easy Beistro and stopped abruptly, Cara feeling like she had just slammed into a wall of highly emotionally charged memories. Memories of getting food for the date she had with Thorrin, then a date with Tom, and the events that followed afterwards. Of course she also met Captain Andre LaBeau, a shy man who seemed to have his own charm. That though was a possible seedling of a relationship. So many memories tied into this place. taking another moment or two to catch her breath, she stepped inside looking for Nicholas Hall,

Nicholas rose to his feet, when he spotted Cara entering inside the Bistro, his eyes lighting up when he saw her. A huge smile spread from ear to ear wnet into a full blown grin. When she approached he teasingly said to her, "I was beginning to think I would need to ask Brina for the use of a couple of the marines to bring you to me, or even K'rang's cousin K'doc sending a team of security to find you and bring you to me." giving a laugh when he saw Cara's cheeks begin to turn pink.

"Nicholas,stop it" Cara's hands going up to her cheeks, feeling them heating up.

Nicholas threw back his head and laughed.then motioned for Cara to take a seat.

Cara nodded towards Nicholas, and took a seat. It never ceased to amaze her just how well he held himself and such a tall and imposing posture mixed with his own congenienality.

Hall took a seat after Cara did noting the signs of stress upon her. "I took the liberty to order you and I a meal, your friend Lisette seems to know the foods you like to eat."

Cara gave a nod, "Thank you." after a few moments of silence and drinking from the glass of water Hall had poured for her, She remarked, " You are looking rather well."

Hall noded in answer then took a sip of his water, thank you." he said after lowering the glass rotating the glass around in his fingers, staring at it as if he was thinking deeply about something.

Cara could sense and also tell from Hall's body language that there was something weighing heavily upon his mind.

Lifting his head, Hall locked his Gray eyes with her dark colored ones. He opened his mouth to say something when their meals were brought over along with some tea interrupting him. Nicholas decided to eat and bring up what was weighing upon his mind after they had something to eat so the meal was eaten in relative and yet companionable silence. He's had meals with Cara just like this one on Avalon Station, both desiring to eat before they spoke of goings on at the NEC.

The food was almost gone, Cara having had fresh shrimp in spicy etoufee, and Nicholas having had creole Jambalaya.A bite of that etoufee reminded Cara of Thorrin. The dessert was Banana Foster, and a few spoonfuls of it, there were memories connected to that dish, that of Tom, Thomas Rice, she couldn't finish that dessert. Cara broke the silence. "What is on your mind Nicholas, I know soemthing is there that you are keeping hidden."

Lowering his spoon after eating his own Banana's Foster, Nicholas sighed. "I wanted to wait until we were finished eating, before we talked,as I have questions. And now that we are finished eating, You and I need to talk, without prying ears." Nicholas rising up, Cara hearing the familiar commanding tones in his voice, rose up as well and followed after him.

When they stopped walking, Cara found herself in front of what looked to be an entrance of a shop but not open for business. When Nicholas opened it up and stepped inside, Cara could see it was an area that Nicholas had setup for his own science studies of which he had always been fond of.Inside were memoribelia of his days of being on the sea when he was young and other momentoes of his life. When the door closed behind them, Nicholas locked it.

Cara wasn't concerned as she trusted Nicholas, and has done so with her life. She took a seat and waited to find out just what he wanted to speak of.

"Now, as for what is on my mind, where has the Wayfarer Way station gone to? I had hoped to resume my studies on it, along with the science teams that had been assigned, however I found that it was no longer there. There is a mystery as to what happened, and it seems there is a strong connection as to its disappearance and you."

Cara had been holding a piece of scrimshaw regarding it, and she dropped it, her face turning pale as her eyes met his, wide open with fear.

"Nicholas, I don't know what happened to it. I have no memory as to its disappearance only that it is now gone. I have a memory blank, or a block on my mind, I don't know why. All I know is, that information is not available to me, even though I've been interrogated by some unknown people, seeking knowlege as to its whereabouts. They were unable to get anything from me. I've not spoken to anyone until now about this, until now."She paused and looked around, "I forgot to ask if this is secure."

Nicholas chuckled, "You have forgotten what Brina and I did before we left Star Fleet."

Cara had to think for a moment then nodded, "I haven't forgotten just that its been filed away in a mental lockbox." a little bit of a frustrated huff. "Nicholas have you and Brina been, followed by anyone? Any questions of ulterior nature?"

"I did have to appear before several people asking me as to what happened to the Ancients Waystation, I was unable to give them information as I have no idea."

A relieved expression crossed Cara's face, her shoulders relaxing as they had become tensed. "Good, I am glad you had no idea. I had to keep you and the others safe, safe from... some or someones wanting that very information. I have a feeling that I have that information locked up inside here." pointing towards her temple. "I can't tell you anything further, I can't let anything happen to you, or Brina or anyone whom I care about greatly. In fact Nicholas I called it off with Fernadez, I had to close that chapter there, after I gave him T'Mar's Katra in a Katric Vessel. I had a friend who helped me and guess what Nicholas, he's not around right now. I know it isn't my fault and yet he isn't around anymore. I don't know if he is dead or alive." her voice breaking.

Cara rose from her chair and started pacing around, trying to get her emotions under control "I've been making mistakes left and right, though the Station hasn't burned down yet. Anything else I can't really tell you."

Nicholas opened his mouth to say something and Cara whirled around and gave him a sharp glance, "I know you know what it is like to run a station and I have run one but this... without Neil around I feel that spirits have been broken." her voice went quiet, "I believe I had mine broken, well it isn't completely broken thanks to several people. Still I feel that all I am doing is faking it until I make it..." tears starting to trickle down Cara's face. "I have lost out on things, due my personal feelings of not getting close to anyone. And there is one thing I wanted to say to you and Fernandez when you convinced me to become an Admiral, Damn you, Damn you and Fernandez. You left me, all of you, and I was alone."

Nicholas just listened to Cara without a word, he had taken a seat and listened. "It seems you have had a lot of resentment and anger bottled up. Is this helping you out venting to me?"

Cara let out a huff, "I've had this all bottled up not wanting to bother you but sorry the genie is out of the bottle and I am not putting it back inside. Did you know that Star Fleet Intelligence put me on the USS King George V to watch you and Fernandez and to report to them?"

Nicholas raised his eyebrows at that. "I hadn't any clue."

"I kept that from you and Fernandez, you already had distrust of Counselors and I don't blame you with what you've experienced." Cara stated

"Did you tell them anything?" Nicholas asked.

"The only reports I gave them and the same for Intelligence was that for counseling report, everyone was doing okay and were still fit for duty. As for Intelligence, they were not happy with my lack of reports as to anything of a nitty gritty information. I couldn't I fell in love with the crew, and the ship. And I was going to protect the secrets that others had, and I did and still do."

"You could have told me and Fernandez." Nicholas remrked, having a little bit of a frown.

"No I couldn't, I truly couldn't. If there had been any word of my telling you or Fernandez,I would have been taken from the ship. You know how Star Fleet works." Cara replied, her voice going into a whisper an arm wrapping around herself. "I had to play the game, and am still playing it I suppose. However now you know some of what is going on, and I now need to get back to work. Thank you for the meal, Nicholas."

"I'd like to speak more about the Ancient's Way Station later on." Nicholas answered, "And also you are welcome."

Cara gave a nod. "When you get the chance make friends with Ellery Rosa, and go check on the department. Just contact Commander Rosa before you go there."

Nicholas gave a nod, I will make sure I do, I was already planning on that."

"I am leaving now, and I will see you later on." Cara stated heading twoards the door.

"And make certain to come to dinner, I know that Brina has been asking you, and your godchildren have been asking for you. They miss Auntie Cara." Nicholas knowing that she had a soft spot for the triplets, and yes, Nicholas can see the softening in her gaze and he knew she would be coming to dinner now since the invitation had been tentatively offered.

Cara gave a nod, and left the shop/lab he had. Once the door was closed, and she was on her way back to Station Operations and her office, Cara felt a bit vulnerable, she hadn't intended on laying all of that on Nicholas. As what she said the genie was now out of the bottle.

Captain Cara Letsul
Poseidon Station

Nicholas Hall
Poseidon Station


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