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The Reassignment Riddle

Posted on 07/26/2024 @ 3:32pm by Commodore Reginald Walker & Civilian Laura Walker

1,095 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: Starfleet Command, Earth

The ballroom of Starfleet Command was filled with the shimmer of dress uniforms and the murmur of polite conversation. Chandeliers hung like stellar bodies, casting a warm glow over the elegantly set tables. Tonight’s formal dinner was a blend of high-ranking Starfleet officers and distinguished diplomatic guests, a testament to the unity and strength of the Federation.

Commodore RJ Walker, newly promoted, stood tall in his crisp dress uniform. Beside him was his wife, Laura, in elegant yet formal civilian attire. The couple was seated at a table near the center, which RJ found a bit unnerving. He didn’t like being the center of attention.

As RJ engaged in light conversation with a neighboring guest, a familiar figure approached. Rear Admiral Thomas Rice, his demeanor confident yet approachable, walked over with a striking woman on his arm. RJ stood to greet them, his expression a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Admiral Rice was supposed to be at their table.

“Tom, good to see you,” RJ said, extending a hand.

“RJ, it’s been a while,” Thomas replied, shaking RJ’s hand firmly. “Allow me to introduce Ambassador Olivia Quinn.”

Olivia, her eyes sparkling, nodded gracefully. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

RJ smiled warmly. “And this is my wife, Laura.”

Laura extended her hand to Olivia. “It’s lovely to meet you, Ambassador Quinn.”

“Please, call me Olivia,” the ambassador replied. “And congratulations on your promotion, Commodore.”

“Thank you,” RJ said.

Tom said, a hint of pride in his voice, “We just recently got married.”

“Congratulations to you both,” RJ smiled.

“Well, bless your hearts,” Laura exclaimed, genuinely pleased. “We simply must toast to your happiness.”

Olivia nodded, smiling with Laura. “How about we get some drinks? I have a feeling we might need a little something to get through this evening.”

Laura laughed softly. “I do declare, I think you’re right. RJ, we’ll be back shortly.”

As the ladies walked away, their laughter and leisurely conversation adding a light note to the evening, Tom turned to RJ, his expression shifting from social to serious.

“RJ, we need to talk,” Tom said, his voice low.

“What’s going on, Tom?” RJ asked, picking up on the urgency.

“There’s a problem at Starbase 51,” Tom began. “After meeting with Vice Admiral T’pek, Starfleet

Command feels it’s serious enough decided to make a change. Effective immediately, you’re being reassigned to Starbase 51. You will be taking over as Regional Operations Officer, a mix of Sector Command and Station Operations.”

RJ’s eyes widened slightly. “Starbase 51? What’s happened?” RJ didn’t really need to ask; the station had been in the news for some time. Any reasonable person knew it was only a matter of time before someone stepped in, but why now?

Tom glanced around, ensuring their conversation remained private. “It’s a delicate situation. We’ve had reports of increased Romulan activity in the sector after the murder of Captain Harrington. Intelligence suggests potential insurgent movements, and there have been a few skirmishes near our borders. Starbase 51 needs strong leadership, someone with your diplomatic skills and command experience.”

“Where does Vice Admiral T’pek fit into this scenario?” RJ asked.

“It is no secret that Starbase 51, Poseidon Station, has been getting a lot of negative publicity lately, in no small part due to the actions of her former captain. Many in Starfleet still believed Harrington was unfit to lead.” Tom paused; it was clear that he had some form of friendship with the man. “Harrington was a good man but a troubled one.”

“After the Federation reassigned me, I named Captain Letsul to take over as Captain. Vice Admiral T’pek seized the opportunity to convince the Council a change was needed.” Tom pointed to RJ. “Insert change.”

RJ nodded, absorbing the information. “I understand. When do I leave?” He had a lot of questions, but they were ones that really didn’t need answers. They would answer themselves in time.

“Tomorrow morning,” Tom said. “A shuttle will be ready to take you there. I’m sorry for the short notice, but the Council wants someone they can trust in command.”

RJ took a deep breath, the weight of the situation settling on his shoulders. “I’ll be ready. Thank you for letting me know, Tom. Am I to assume that the command team knows nothing of this yet?”

Tom placed a reassuring hand on RJ’s shoulder. “I have faith in you, RJ. You’ll do great. And don’t worry…” Tom avoided the question. While the Admiral knew what needed to be done, it was very clear on some level that he didn’t agree.

RJ smiled, though the concern in his eyes was evident. “Thanks, Tom. I appreciate it.”

The Next Day

The morning sun streamed through the large bay windows of their home in San Francisco, casting a warm glow on the minimalist decor. Reginald James Walker sat at the breakfast table with a cup of coffee in hand, his eyes scanning a datapad filled with Starfleet updates. Across from him, Laura sipped her tea and glanced at her husband.

“You’ve been quiet all morning; reading that padd over and over again isn’t going to change anything.” Laura’s voice was gentle, her eyes studying his face.

RJ looked up, his calm demeanor momentarily giving way to a smile. “Just reading through the orders again. This station is a good opportunity but comes with a lot of baggage.”

Laura reached across the table, placing her hand on his. “Sugar, we’ve faced challenges before, RJ. We’ll face this one too.”

RJ nodded, feeling the reassuring warmth of her touch. “You’re right. We’ve always managed to pull through.”

The sound of the shuttle’s engines warming up outside their window signaled it was time to go. RJ stood, pulling Laura into a tight embrace. “I’m glad we’re in this together,” he whispered.

Laura smiled, looking up at him. “Always.”

As they walked to the shuttle, RJ felt a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The future was uncertain, but he knew they were ready for whatever lay ahead.

RJ and Laura were also excited to be working with Captain Thorrin again. An old friend and former colleague from the USS Concordia, his presence was a welcome comfort amidst the uncertainty. The journey to Starbase 51 was just beginning. The shuttle doors closed, and as they lifted off, RJ gazed out the window, contemplating the new adventure awaiting them.


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