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The Price of Revelation

Posted on 09/09/2024 @ 3:37pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Commodore Reginald Walker
Edited on on 09/19/2024 @ 3:22pm

1,760 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Timeline: MD 24


Morning, a new day with a new Commanding Officer. Cara turned from gazing out towards Aquil, watching as the light of their new day appeared where she could see it. Cara finished up her tea, washing it out and placing it where the other cups were at. 0800 arrived and she left her office heading towards the Commodore's office. Once at the door, she pressed the chime to let him know there was someone there to see him. Just breathe, it will be alright.

RJ glanced up from his desk, where boxes of personal belongings lay scattered across the floor. "Enter," he called. Settling into a new position was always challenging, but taking over for someone as beloved as his predecessor made it even more challenging. Though Harrington was gone, his presence lingered in every corner of the room.

As the door slid open, RJ stood, offering a nod as Cara stepped inside. "Captain Letsul," he greeted her with a slight tilt of his head. "I'd offer you a proper welcome to the ready room, but as you can see, it's still very much a work in progress."

Glancing around Cara chuckled, "Ah yes the great move in day. The first official day can be a bit busy, maybe even the first few days. " turning her gaze back to RJ. "I've experienced this sort of move myself. Anyway, I am here to see if you need briefing on matters of the station, also you will have Petty officer Maisy Shields as your yeoman. She was Captain Harrington's yeoman while he was in command."

"I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting Miss Shields yet, but I'm sure I will in due time." RJ glanced around the room before adding, "A quick briefing would be helpful; I haven’t quite caught up on everything yet." He opened a small box and pulled out several family photos.

"This is our oldest," he said, pointing to a picture of a young man in a uniform with gold trim. "Michael. He's an Engineering Officer aboard the Tokyo."

He gestured toward another photo. "And here are our two girls. The eldest is Mia—Emily. She's a doctor on the Dragonfly. The youngest, Soph, just got accepted into the Academy."

Looking at the photos "They look rather happy." noting the love and fondness the commodore had for his family, this brought out a smile, from Cara. "Also congratulations on the accomplishments of your children."

"As for the briefing on station status, the Jackson Porter case is pretty much closed. It looks like it was two people who murdered each other. Our Chief Science officer who was rather helpful in doing forensic work, she feels that a third party may have been involved, which there is a strong indication, from his diary. Jackson Porter had gathered quite a bit of information on different people creating contacts as well as creating enemies. The list is long and I feel that any further investigation should be turned over to a Star Fleet investigative team that isn't here on the station. There is a trail that needs to be followed, and where that trail will lead who knows where it will end up at and just how long it will take for an even
more in depth investigation."

"Star Fleet had sent him here in order to help out the image of the station, but instead we found ouselves in a sticky situation. For us, case is closed it was a double murder. Any further investigation, it is out of our hands, and all evidence needs to be handed to StarFleet. That is my recommendation, Commodore." Cara taking in a breath, after rattling off the first part of her briefing.

RJ nodded, taking in Cara's words before leaning back in his chair. "Well, Captain, your recommendation aligns with what Admiral Obeta has just informed me at Starfleet Command. The Federation has officially ordered that the investigation be turned over to them. We are to send all evidence, statements, and reports to their team for follow-up. It seems they're not pleased that Porter was killed while under our watch, and with everything that’s happened here, they feel it’s best to move forward under their jurisdiction."

He paused, "They want to ensure there are no loose ends left unattended, and frankly, they think it might raise fewer eyebrows if they take it from here. So, effective immediately, this case is no longer ours. I’ll have my yeoman draft a formal report, but we've been ordered to comply fully." RJ's gaze lingered on the scattered belongings around his office. "It seems my first day comes with a few more challenges than anticipated."

"It is in some aspect a run of the mill sort of beginning. I am going to speak freely on this though Sir. It is of my own feelings that they should actually be thanking those of us here, finding out what is in side that diary. As it is uncovering something that has been hidden for quite sometime. Information that Jackson should not have had. I am quite happy to turn in all of that to them. They inadvertantly sent someone here to supposedly bolster up our ratings and instead. as I said just earlier, we found trouble that they didnt' know about. And now they have their own headache to deal with. Who knows how far this sort of information contacts did Jackson Porter acquire."

RJ let out a sigh, leaning forward on his desk. "You raise a good point, Captain. They sent Porter here to improve our image, but instead, we uncovered a whole web of secrets they didn’t anticipate. It does seem ironic, doesn’t it? We did the hard work, and now they have to clean up their own mess." He paused, drumming his fingers on the desk. "Still, that's how these things tend to go. When the stakes get high, Starfleet command likes to keep a tight grip."

He gave Cara a knowing look. "But, you’re right. We uncovered something far bigger than just a murder, and it’s their headache now. I imagine Porter’s connections run deep. Whoever he was involved with, we’ve only scratched the surface. Hopefully, Command handles it with the seriousness it deserves, but for now, we can wash our hands of it."

RJ stood up, picking up a data pad. "Let’s get everything wrapped up and sent over. Whatever’s in that diary, it’s out of our hands now." He glanced back at Cara. "And maybe, just maybe, we’ll get back to something resembling normalcy around here."

"Well as normal as what can be termed for this area of space. Once you've got your ready room all taken care of, I do suggest that you get to know the other key people on the station, Chief of Security K'doc Valadorn, Chief of Intelligence Aer Feshau, Commander Jezka Joah head of operations and engineering, Commander Ellery Rosa science department head. Chief Counselor Lieutenant Jayak Zek. CMO Lieutenant Sara’draphia T'eseri, and Colonel Jack Patton the other executive officer and one very important as well. There are others that you may end up meeting as time goes by. I know I'm making a list but as soon as you get to know the rest of those here the better. Believe me, you've got quite an assortment of people here which keep the station going. For now though welcome to the Station once again. Sir."

RJ nodded thoughtfully, "Thank you, Captain. I appreciate the introductions." He glanced around his disorganized office, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "I’ll make sure to get those formalities wrapped up and handed over. And once I’m settled, I’ll reach out to the team and start building those connections." RJ extended his hand to Cara. "Thank you for your insight and for helping me navigate this transition. I’m looking forward to working with you and the rest of the crew. Let’s hope for a smoother start from here on out."

"I also look forward to working with you as well. Thank you for seeing me, and enjoy the evening." Cara giving a smile, then left the Ready room.

As Cara left the office, RJ took a moment to look around, "step one, unpack." He sighed, "then the crew."

Meanwhile, somewhere unknown

The sun set low on the horizon, casting a golden hue across the white sands of the secluded beach. In the midst of the surroundings, Jackson Porter leaned back in his lounge chair, a chilled glass of something tropical in his hand. He took a slow sip, savoring the moment. Beside him, a slender Trill woman with faintly spotted skin rested her head on his shoulder, her arm draped lazily around his waist. The two looked perfectly at ease, as if they'd been hidden away here for years, far from the prying eyes of the galaxy.

The resort was silent, save for the whisper of the breeze through the palm trees. No one else in sight. It was as though this place had been reserved just for them—because, in a way, it had been. Jackson’s lips curled into a slight smirk, the satisfaction of pulling off the impossible still fresh in his mind. Staging his death had been no easy feat, but with the help of biomimetic gel and careful planning, he had slipped away from the chaos of the station, leaving behind nothing but questions and loose ends for Starfleet to chase.

He glanced over at the Trill woman, her soft smile mirroring his own contentment. She was in on the secret, of course. One of the few who knew the truth. They had planned this escape meticulously, each detail considered to ensure no one would ever find them. As he raised his glass in a quiet toast to his newfound freedom, Jackson couldn’t help but feel the weight of his old life fall further behind him. No more clandestine dealings, no more enemies waiting around every corner. Just him, the woman beside him, and the vast, untouched horizon ahead.

"Here’s to new beginnings," he smiled softly, clinking his glass against hers. Whatever Starfleet uncovered now, it wouldn’t matter. Jackson Porter was gone, a ghost to them, living out his days in paradise—exactly as he had planned.

Commodore RJ Walker
Regional Operations Officer

Captain Cara Letsul
Poseidon Station Operations
Poseidon Station

With Appearances by:

Jackson Porter & Yunu Ragnur


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