View Awards - Cara Letsul

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Out Of Character Awards

Award Reason
Service Accommodation Service Accommodation
Awarded 01/07/2022 @ 7:44pm
Nominated by Captain Cornelius Harrington
Cara has been instrumental in the life pulse of the game. She fully engages every player in the chat rooms as well as in storylines. She ties together loose ends and keeps track of mission status. There have been times where she sought out additional players to help a struggling department for a post while ensuring those struggling do not feel stepped on. She offers meaningful advice to the command team, which has proven invaluable when important choices are set before them. Without Cara, the game would not thrive as it has. ~Adira

Cynthia has only been with us for a short time but it feels like she has been with us for years. I love how she plots and schemes, and ends up throwing ideas at me like confetti at a wedding! Over these short few months I have valued her greatly here on Poseidon and I feel like we have become such good friends as a result. I always know I can talk to her about anything and I usually get a sensible answer hehe. Cynthia screams enthusiasm, love for the game, and her imagination knows no bounds. We would definitely be at a loss without her and I hope she stays with us for many years to come. We can only get madder. ~Aer

Cara came in like a wind from the East sweeping by. She knocked us for a loop in a good way. Cara has a knack for making you really delve into the heads of a character and flesh them out. She is never one to back away from an idea. First as my XO in the Marines and then later as a member of the command team, I have found Cara to be a vital asset and dare I say, friend. She is more than a simmer, she is a storyteller and a world builder. I am a better simmer and writer for knowing her. I look forward to what surprises she has in store for us all as the next year dawns. ~Patton

It's hard to imagine Poseidon Station without a Cynthia in the game. While only being with us for a short time, compared to some, she had found a way to blend her heart, soul, passion, and drive into every facet of this game. Someone once said, "Creativity doesn't wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones." I think this fits our dear sweet Cynthia. She doesn't wait for a story to come to her, she finds moments within the game and weaves this world out of thin air. She has truly become a pillar in our community and I couldn't imagine running this run without her. ~Harrington
Good Conduct Medal Good Conduct Medal
Awarded 01/07/2022 @ 7:55pm
Nominated by Lieutenant Hiro Yoshida
To me the writer behind this character does an outstanding "job" on Poseidon Station, both IC and OOC, and more than qualifies for the award.
Pulitzer Citation Pulitzer Citation
Awarded 01/07/2022 @ 7:58pm
For her writing style and ability to portray several npcs.
Commendation Ribbon Commendation Ribbon
Awarded 01/07/2022 @ 7:58pm
For the quality and frequency of her posts.
Professional Merit Professional Merit
Awarded 01/07/2022 @ 7:58pm
Nominated by Captain Skol Vek
In the small amount of time I have been apart of SB50 I have seen an amazing amount of activity from Cara. I have had the pleasure to write multiple post with her now and see the incredible amount of work that has been put into the character and the background.

Though I cannot commit to just one post I am nominating Cara for the many post I have seen that help to solidify she is worthy of this award in more ways than one. I continue to look forward to what's coming

Recruitment Award Recruitment Award
Awarded 04/01/2022 @ 11:55am
Nominated by Colonel Jack Patton
For bringing K'Doc to us. The couple that sims together stays together.
Achievement: Not That Much Achievement: Not That Much
Awarded 12/06/2022 @ 8:51pm
Nominated by Colonel Jack Patton
For the post I Need Your Help, Maisy
Achievement: Not That Much Achievement: Not That Much
Awarded 12/06/2022 @ 8:52pm
Nominated by Colonel Jack Patton
For the post A Quiet Red Alert
Achievement: Not That Much Achievement: Not That Much
Awarded 12/06/2022 @ 8:53pm
Nominated by Colonel Jack Patton
For the post Lunch or Dinner
Achievement: Let It Flow Achievement: Let It Flow
Awarded 12/06/2022 @ 8:53pm
Nominated by Colonel Jack Patton
For the post Out of the Frying Pan
Achievement: Let It Flow Achievement: Let It Flow
Awarded 12/06/2022 @ 8:53pm
Nominated by Colonel Jack Patton
For the post Evacuation
Commmunity Service Citation Commmunity Service Citation
Awarded 12/31/2022 @ 9:47pm
Nominated by Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn
I think this one explains itself. Cara Letsul has been there for EVERYONE on this sim. From writing with those who have no one to sim with, To ramrodding a storyline. She checks in with quite a number of us online, and does her best to be a friend to new and seasoned players alike and to help those in need. She helps out when and where needed and helps make this sim the community that it is.
Commendation Ribbon Commendation Ribbon
Awarded 12/31/2022 @ 9:49pm
For her continued commitment to Poseidon, making sure that no one is left without tags; and her friendly presence on discord.
Commmunity Service Citation Commmunity Service Citation
Awarded 12/31/2022 @ 9:49pm
Nominated by Captain Cornelius Harrington
What can one say about Cara that hasn't already been said? Cara is truly the OOC Queen. It is hard to think of Poseidon and not think of Cara. She's always willing to lend a hand. Joint Posts, Mission Planning, Character Development, and Member Engagement; Cara is already at the forefront ready and willing to assist any member with whatever needs they might have. For all these reasons and so many more, it is my honor to give Cara the Community Service Citation.