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Present Arms Part II

Posted on 12/22/2021 @ 6:55am by Colonel Jack Patton & 2nd Lieutenant Erin Inferson & Master Sergeant Robert Schiano & Sergeant Alicia Reilly & Captain Skol Vek & Sergeant Audie Fitch & Captain Brina Tracy-Hall & 1st Lieutenant Anthony Hill & Staff Sergeant Kaia Li

5,009 words; about a 25 minute read

Mission: The Mirror’s Edge
Location: The Throneroom - Poseidon Station
Timeline: Following Present Arms Part I

Last Time On Present Arms Part I...

Jack nodded solemnly. It was the perfect test for Skol, and he had passed. "Well Captain, I certainly do not see any reason for you not to be in the Kingsmen. There is a tradition with this unit that holds for every new member. First there is the interview, which we just had and you passed. Then there is the induction. This is a ceremony of sorts where the rest of the Kingsmen decide if they accept you. You see in this unit above all we are equal. So they must accept you as much as I must accept you. These inductions are usually hard, but I will tell you that they will most likely be harder on you seeing as you are CID. If you are ready we can begin right now."

Vek replied with a solitary nod as he thought about his mother in the back of his mind.

And Now The Conclusion...

Jack tapped his comm badge. "Attention all Knights of the Round report to the Throneroom on the double! BlackJack out!" He sipped his rachtajino as he silently replicated two small items. Jack was often sure of himself and his decisions. This time he was pleased to find that he could be wrong about one of them.

Anthony had been down the hall from the Throneroom working in one of the material labs. He'd been tinkering with one of the 'pop-up' turrets they sometimes used on the ground. The call to attend threw him slightly as he hadn't seen anything on the roster for a meeting, but sometimes things came up at short notice. He downed tools, little bit of dirt on his hands and uniform before making his way to the Throneroom as ordered. As he entered he saw Patton, gave him a quick nod, and another man whom he did not recognise, he also got a nod of recognition.

Brina arrived, soon afterwards, a grin appearing. She was going to be on the other side of the coin. She remembered what her first encounter was like signing on to being Jack's XO. That was a grueling, but worthwhile experience. It made it to where she got to know the men and women who made up the Kingsmen. A close knit group. She gave the others who were gathering there a nod.

There were times that meetings, however droll, could be welcome, and one of those was when they saved Audie from having to do exercises that she really didn't want to. Still in her sweats -- there hadn't been anything about showing up in formal uniform -- she trotted to the Throne room, dashing in with a flare.

"I'm here!" she announced, grinning widely, "you may commence!"

Brina chuckled when Audie came in. "Glad you could join us! Apparently we've got someone new joining us. I am looking forward to seeing whom it will be." a twinkle in her eyes.

Metball, Sparks, and Big Red arrived all together. They had been discussing, well more like gossiping about what the next mission may be. There had been a lot of scuttlebutt around the station. When Jack ordered them to attend to the Throneroom all three of them knew that it could mean only one thing. They had another officer to approve. "Oh, look who made it early for a change." Meatball said to Audie with a smile. Erin simply winked at Hill as she walked into the room. As for Big Red she did not say much. The woman was sullen with the sudden departure of her partner.

In her introspection Alicia did take notice of the Vulcan, but not fully Vulcan that stood with Jack. He seemed like a contemplative man, very stern if not sterner than most Vulcans. She thought that it was perhaps about time that they had a Vulcan perspective on their unit, their family.

Kaia tailed up the last of the Kingsmen to arrive, she hated being late but she had been rather occupied when the call came out. Taking her position she folded her hands behind her back as she waited for whatever Blackjack had in store.

Skol had arrived to see the room full of other marines he raised an eyebrow trying to figure out what was going on. This didn't seem like the normal assembly he was used to. He didn't know anyone other than Patton, but he stood ready to interact with the other members; however, they didn't seem like they wanted to make small talk with him.

With a nod from Jack, Meatball spoke up. "Right, Kingsmen attention. That is enough of the crap and shenanigans. Fall in..." One by one the Kingsmen present fell into a straight line and came to attention. "Who are we?" Schiano's New York accent called in cadence. "The Kingsmen..." the team replied followed by a grunt.

Jack began to pace in front of his lined up Marines. "Men, we have been through life and death together. We have seen this unit grow and now be granted full battalion status..." As he spoke it was hard for anyone to miss the shining silver oak leaf on Jack's collar. "...With this expansion comes new members to our ever expanding roundtable. Our beloved Corps has deemed it necessary that we have a CID man. I am never one to argue with our beloved Corps. However, as is tradition the question remains are you. I have selected Captain Skol Vek a man who is tireless in his pursuit of justice and who is tirelessly fair. You have been summoned here to decide if he merits a seat at the roundtable. let us begin now. Captain Skol Vek attend to the Kingsmen."

Jack walked off to the side to observe the proceedings as is his place during this ceremony and induction. In the back of his head he was curious to see how Skol was going to handle the ceremony. The Vulcan logic may turn the unit on its ear. "Captain Tracy- Hall as you are the second in command the honor is yours as is the floor." he said.

Brina walked up her head held high, feeling proud to be a part of this. When she came up to where Captain Vek was, she looked out towards those gathered giving them a smile then turned her attention to the newest member.

"As you can see, we have quite the bunch of men and women serving in the capacity of the Kingsmen. They have fought long and hard to be here now." Brina giving a smile, then the smile faded away as she contemplated Skol. It was a long hard look, drawing an image in her mind, of Skol. Like she normally did with the others. She noted his hair, his eyes, the way he stood. Brina gazed long and hard into his eyes, then she spoke.

"I could ask you many questions but the questions and the answers would have to be spoken of, in a private area. That will have to be at a later date and time. I will ask you this, if you had found a rare flower about to be trodden upon, would you protect it or would you allow it to be stepped on. And if the flower was in an area where there was no safe way to go around it, without someone stepping on it or face physical harm what would you do."

Skol thought for a moment to the question that sounded similar to a riddle. "The action would depend on the logical action which could include the safety of others. If people were in harm's way I would not protect the flower because I have sworn to protect the others around me. Some could say the flower would be something to protect and if the situation arose where the flower was in danger and the best logical action was to protect it I would do all I could. The second part of the question isn't as easy to answer because the physical harm of others is not something I enjoy after the things I have seen. If it came to the protection of the flower I would inflict harm on myself, but if others were in harm's way the flower would be stepped on with the memory of what it was to be honored by myself." Skol answered back without hesitation.

Brina smiled when she heard Skol's answer. To the redheaded Marine XO it gave her the essence of the man before her. He was someone who had a heart but the heart was also guided by his intelligence, and wisdom. He showed that he wasn't a cold blooded individual, but also was well aware that there was a duty to be done, and willing to do so.

"Aye that is a good answer, Captain." Brina stated, softly. "Ye're a good man. Keep it that way. And never lose sight of whom you are." then she stated in a strong voice where all could hear. "I am Marine Captain Brina Tracy-Hall Codename Songbird, I will be honored to have ye be a part of the Kingsmen." she thumped her chest with her right fist then placed her right hand on Skol's right shoulder. "Brother to Brother, yours in life and death."

Jack smirked of all the questions posed in all the years that the Kingsmen had existed, having a riddle proposed to a Vulcan was a new one. From behind Skol Jack spoke clearly. "Right, next the First Sergeant. Meatball have at him." Jack's words seemed to lighten the mood a little as some hoots and hollers could be called. Erin even called out "Get him Meat..."

Robert Schiano took two steps forward and stared Skol straight in the eye. He waved his hand toward the crowd to quiet the murmurs. Robert had a private conversation with Jack where he expressed his distaste for having a CID man in the unit. The fact that Skol stood before him was proof that Meat had lost that argument. It was rare for Schiano to be able to look someone in the eye but he imagined it was unnerving nonetheless. As he took the measure of the Vulcan he was not sure what to make of the man. As Robert completed a circle around Skol in utter silence he came nose to nose with the Vulcan and spoke. "We fight, bleed, love, live and in some cases die together. Da Kingsmen are more than a unit we are family. Now I was always taught that family don't rat, if one of us does wrong we handle it internally we don't tell others. So I gotta know why you think we gotta let someone from da tattletale squad in."

"Well that didn't take long..." Patton thought as he took a deep swig of rachtijino.

Skol was waiting for a reply like this from someone. He knew the CID was not loved and the fact that he was now here was not obviously something some people in the Kingsman were fans of, but like it or not it had happened. He knew that he was walking on a tight line and had to make sure that he proved himself to them.

The abrupt try to make Skol uncomfortable was a futile fail by the officer who had a look of hate in his eye towards Vek. "You call us the tattletale squad, but let me pose a question to you. If one of your fellow members died." He motioned to the group in a circle around him "And the person who killed them was in the group or just a Marine who had a vendetta against the other officer and no one could figure out who did it who would you go to?" He stopped and walked over to the Colonel "Colonel Patton would not have the ability to look into the matter because he is a part of the unit and not a member of the CID." He walked back over to Robert.

"You call the CID the tattletale squad, but if there was anyone who could find out who killed your fellow member it would be me. I may be part of the CID, but I understand a brotherhood and I am a Marine regardless of how I am affiliated. I would protect anyone of you to the death if it was needed, but I also have a duty to uphold, which sometimes means not being liked by everyone. If you don't like me so be it, but realize I am here to protect you and the other Kingsman. It is my primary purpose and what I swore to do when asked to become a part of the Kingsman."

Skol stood straight and looked into Roberts eyes with no amount of hesitation in his words or posture making sure the Marine knew just who Skol was.

Meatball was impressed, if he didn't know better he would have thought there was some passion in the Vulcan's voice. He learned a lesson and anyone who can teach an old sergeant a lesson is worthy to be in the Kingsmen, Robert thought. "Youze know dat not all battles are fought on a battle field. Dat is something to be admired..." He punched himself in the chest with his right fist and placed the hand on Skol's right shoulder. ""I of my own free will accept you to lead me unto my death. Brother to brother, yours in life and death."

Skol nodded in a gesture of thanks. This was not like anything he had ever been a part of, but he knew that it wasn't over yet. He turned back to the Colonel waiting to see who would be next.

Satisfied with the answer Schiano stepped back into the circle. Jack cocked an eyebrow from his position in the corner of the room. This was definitely the most interesting induction they had done in some time. "Spitfire... You're up, the floor is yours." Jack called out as he eagerly awaited where this would go next.

Anthony stepped forward out of the line of amassed marines and stared at the Vulcan that stood before him. "In this job we come across dangerous situations, life threatening or otherwise." he began rolling his sleeve up to bare his right arm. From the back of his hand up to his shoulder there was extensive burns from an old mission on Gamel V (see bio). "I don't care if you are CID, but that the colours you wear on your uniform run through your veins... although as a Vulcan that's probably truer than most." he said with a rumble of laughter in the group. "We put our lives on the line each time we go out, not just for each other but those we protect in the Federation so my question really is about courage, about sacrifice. I didn't get this from a barbeque." he gestured to his arm. "Would you lay your life on the line for us, for someone you hate, if it meant letting whom you are chasing get away?"

Skol stood firm and looked unwavering as he began his response to the question. "If you recall I just stated I was here to protect the Kingsman. That doesn't change in any respect." He pulled up his pants leg and revealed an extensive scar that went from his ankle and past where it could be seen. "This came from doing exactly what you are asking I was helping a member who hated me for being Vulcan and not someone who thought I should be in the Marine's. The case had taken me to a combat zone and in the end, I sacrificed my leg to protect the Marine. Thankfully I didn't lose it." He again gestured to the group "I may have people here that hate me for my job or even that I am a Vulcan, but I will never cower from saving someone else. My life is just as important as yours, but as an Officer and a Vulcan the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. My life would be the few."

"I remember what you said perfectly, Captain." Anthony replied. "But hearing it from your mouth to Gods ears doesn't make your words true. Seeing the scars of past battles proves more than words." he said indicating his own. "I can promise you that no-one here will hate you for being Vulcan, we aren't like that. We'll always have a designated driver at parties." he joked before punching himself in the chest with his right fist and placing the left hand on Skol's right shoulder. "I of my own free will accept you to lead me unto my death. Brother to brother, yours in life and death."

Brina was certainly finding this rather interesting with the questions being place before Skol. What other questions could be brought up. Or would others just decide to accept him without questions due to what has been asked already. For the man's character was coming out from the first questions.

During these ceremonies Jack had always viewed himself as a Ringmaster of sorts. Guiding the new member through all that the Kingsmen were going to throw at him. This time Jack was at a loss. He had no idea where this would go next. But he was curious what some of the noncoms thought. He already heard from Meatball and he issued the challenge that he always issued. But what of everyone else? With a smirk Jack knew who should be next. "Magic Hands. You're up... What say you?"

Audie raised an eyebrow...while she understood the need for this sort of thing, it still made her uncomfortable, especially to be grilling a superior officer. And she had the same thought as Brina...what was left to ask?

Well, there was one thing!

Stepping up to Skol, she looked him in the eye, her expression deadly serious. "Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?"

Skol paused raising an eyebrow at the very unexpected question. "Personally I have only ever had one pizza in my life and it was so deplorable I have never tried one again. So honestly I cannot answer this question with a yes or no. The best answer I can give is I don't know."

Breaking into a grin, Audie placed her right hand over her heart, then to his right shoulder. "Fair enough. Brother to brother, in life and death." Her grin widened. "And the next pizza is on me...and you aren't obligated to like it!"

Jack was happy that someone enlightened the mood a bit. He did sometimes fell that these rituals became somewhat dour. "Thank you Magic Hands...." He began to speak as the Corporal returned to the line of Kingsmen. It was time to break out the hard hitting guns. "...Big Red what say you?"

Alicia Reilly took a walk around the Vulcan without saying a word. He certainly was a tall drink of water she thought. When she circled back to his front she stood at about his chest. "Before we proceed would ya mind stooping down a bit. I like ta look people in da eye." The fiery red head smiled as she spoke.

Vek slightly rose an eyebrow, but did as he was asked stooping down so that he could like "Red" in the eye.

"Well now dats better. So I can tell that ye be a handsome man of yer convictions. But I hafta wonder how deep those convictions run. So I am goin ta ask ye two questions. The first if ye saw one of us break a directive in order to achieve mission success, would ye report us?" She paused and looked the man up and down drinking him in, then continued before he could answer. "Also... Are ye single?" She smiled and winked at him.

Some of the other Kingsmen, in particular Erin snickered and her question.

Vek was getting really tired of having to answer the same question in different ways, but he was not going to make that known. "That question is harder than you think. I am upheld by my duty to report breaks in orders or the directive of every marine including the Kingsman. I will not break any pledge that I swore to uphold for the sake of one person. Even the Kingman as a group should not want to break that Directive, as all of you have given the same pledge."

Vek cleared his throat "I am single, but maybe not for long." He winked just so Red could see it.

"A man is nothing if it were not for his word. So, ye being a man of his word..." Alicia began as her hazel eyes flashed with a bit of mischief as she punched herself in the chest with her right hand and placed it on his right shoulder. "I of my own free will accept you to lead me unto my death. Brother to brother, yours in life and death." She paused and held the position for a moment longer, as she held his gaze as well. "I do so love a man who knows what he's after."

Those gathered let a few ohhs and ahhs, some laughs and one whistle as Alicia let Skol have it in more ways than one. Still leaning on the side wall the ever present Jack eyed the patch with what would become Skol's call sign. It seemed that the name was becoming more and more appropriate. "Well not many left now. But lets see what the one we call Devil Doc has to say"

Kaia hated these meetings, she wasn't one for public humiliation. These questions put people on the spot and at times were not pleasant, for either party. As she walked over to Vek, she looked him over top to bottom. "Takes guts to stand up here and endure this ritual," she commented to the man. "Looks like he has a pulse," Kaia flashed a smile, "better then some of the other's we have around here," she commented rather loudly, "He'll do."

Placing her hand over her heart, then on his shoulder, "Brother to brother, yours in life and death."

Jack laughed boisterously. "Short sweet and to the point. Well done Devil Doc..." He turned toward Vek for the moment. "Seems to me that she thinks the job is yours until we find someone better or you're dead. Now we have last but not least Sparks. Let's have it."

As Kaia returned to the group Erin Inferson took her steps forward to Skol. She eyed him for a moment. Only those in the unit knew of the trials and tribulations Erin faced in her career, mainly because of her gender. There were still those in the Corps who had those biases. So, she had to make sure that Vek was not one of them. "All here have asked and spoken to you about yourself, and what you would do. I have something different in mind. I have a mind to ask you about what I can do."

Erin paused as she eyed him closely again, this time she walked around him in a circle as she spoke. "Sir, my call sign is Sparks, mainly because I make things explode." She held up her hands as she spoke again. "These hands have carried the weight of countless explosives. The question I have for you is do you think they can carry your weight? Do you think when push came to shove I can bear you out of a combat zone. Answer honest no BS."

Jack cocked an eyebrow at Erin's words. This was not her first induction, and it was the first time she asked this question. He wondered what brought this out in her, and took a mental note to speak with her later about it.

Vek thought for a minute looking closely at the feisty officer. He could tell she had a go get them attitude. She was small, but with adrenaline anything was possible not too mention she had been trained as a Marine which meant she could carry her own. "Sparks not only do I believe you could bear me out, but I believe you could scare the highest echelon of the CID with that demeanor. You are a Marine and gender means nothing. You have been trained as a Marine just like everyone else and if you have been ridiculed for that I apologize for all the idiots who didn't see your worth. My mom was a Marine and she was my hero because of her I am here today."

Those were the words that Erin needed to hear. That he was not like one of the old regime as it were. She stared him straight in the eyes. "I hope that I never have to carry you anywhere..." The implication was that she hoped he would never be injured. Erin punched herself in the chest with her right hand and placed it on his right shoulder. "I of my own free will accept you to lead me unto my death. Brother to brother, yours in life and death."

As Erin joined the rest of the team Jack came to the center holding the ever present wooden box. The box contained two distinct items given to all members of the Kingsmen upon their entrance. "Skol you have spoken clearly and succinctly. You held nothing back and took no guff from those around you. If I knew nothing else about you, that would be enough. However, I also know you to be a man of principles, unflinching principles. That is everything in one who is to be the CID of this unit. It is my great pleasure to present you with the official patch of the Kingsmen to be affixed to your right shoulder and your codename to be affixed underneath." Jack handed the box to Skol and then turned to all those present. "Kingsmen Attention..." Everyone responded as expected. "I present to you one who you now have accepted. Captain Skol Vek code named "Sherlock" as our CID Officer."

Vek nodded accepting the patch and name which made him chuckle slightly.

Once the announcement was made, Brina cheered along with the others, then walked up and clapped Vek on his shoulder, "You got off lucky." giving a wink towards Patton, and a teasing smile. Then turned her gaze back to Sherlock, her grin slipping away. "I definitely welcome you to the Kingsmen, all joking aside this group, this family is one who will have your back."

Skol gave a solitary nod as he didn't really think this was a taxing experience, but maybe that was the half Vulcan in him.

"And we'll get you some real pizza," Audie commented with a grin as she passed by Vek. "Welcome to the madness!"

"All this standing around has made me thirsty... pints and pizza in Fugazi is what we are needing!" Anthony cheered to the gathered crowd of marines. "Wouldn't be a good welcome without a party!"

Erin smiled despite the veil of dislike that CID often had she was glad to have someone watching their backs both physically and legally. "I am never one to turn down a good party..." She said flirtatiously in Anthony's direction. "You know every Sherlock needs a Watson. Perhaps Big Red wants the job..." Erin pushed Alicia toward Skol.

The fiery red head jostled with Erin as she pushed her forward. The reaction was that of a woman who was being pressured to talk to one she liked against her will. As Alicia turned to talk to Skol she smirked seductively. "You know tall, dark and brooding is how I like em. We will have to see if you have what it takes in more ways than one."

For his part Meatball simply clapped Skol on the arm. "Welcome to the dysfunctional family sir. It gets a little better from here." He then joined Anthony in planning the impromptu party.

Kaia smiled as the others congratulated their newest addition. Her only thought now was on this party that was being planned. She wasn't a fan of pizza but when in rome, she smirked.

Jack approached his new recruit with smiles. He was proud and a bit touched to see the rest of the team accept the newcomer so readily. He would never admit it but Jack was afraid they would reject the CID man as part of the team. "Skol, Always remember to do everything that you ask of those you command. The highest obligation and privilege of citizenship is that of bearing arms for ones people. If you can remember those two things then you will go far in this unit. May your counsel be honest and true, your aim steadfast and your loyalty everlasting." He paused as he looked over his ever growing family. "Whose men are we?" Jack called in cadence and everyone responded with a booming "We are Kingsmen." After a pause and chuckle Jack added "Then you are dismissed. Try not to party too hard." Jack followed everyone out as he put his arm around his old friend Meatball.

Lieutenant Colonel Jack Patton
Commanding Officer, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Strategic Command
Poseidon Station

Captain Brina Tracy-Hall
Marine Executive Officer, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Captain Skol Vek
Marine CID, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Corporal Audie Fitch
Corpsman, "The Swords"
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

1st Lieutenant Anthony Hill
Platoon CO, "The Castle"
Combat Engineer, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

2nd Lieutenant Erin Inferson
Platoon CO, "The Swords"
Demolitions, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Sergeant Alicia Reilly
Platoon SGT, "The Knights"
Sniper, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Master Sergeant Robert Schiano
First Sergeant, The Kingsman
Poseidon Station

Staff Sergeant Kaia Li
Corpsman, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station


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