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You Again?

Posted on 05/06/2022 @ 5:34pm by Rear Admiral Thomas Rice & Lieutenant Commander Junipyr Danae
Edited on on 07/03/2022 @ 1:27pm

1,401 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mini Mission: When The Cat's Away
Location: Operations
Timeline: MD02 1130


Tom had left the meeting with Cara, still sipping his rather cold coffee as he looked around operations. It was different being back up here, now that he wasn't the Commanding Officer. He walked over to the nearest replicator as he set his cup into the machine, swapping it out for a hot cup of coffee. He'd picked up the cup as he took one last look around the room, sipping his coffee he saw a face that caught his attention.

He wasn't aware that this particular Officer had returned to the Federation, a part of him had hoped she wouldn't but he was proven wrong once again. He walked over to the figure. "Commander Junypr Danae returns to the Federation once again?" He looked at her, "welcome back Commander."

Juni looked up and raised her dark brow, "Welcome?" she asked. "I find it surprising you would bother welcoming me back." She humphed as she folded her arms.

"Now Commander," Tom grinned, "I would have thought that vacation of yours would have tempered that attitude, clearly I was wrong." He sipped his coffee, "I am sure Neil is pleased to have you back," he commented rather off-hand.

Juni raised her brows, almost wondering what he meant by that. "I believe he is. He trusts me and he could have used good personal support recently," she said guardedly. "And I was hardly on a vacation." she grunted, "But you missed that detail and was just glad I was gone."

Tom just smiled, "don't think I don't know the details, I've had several meetings with your Ambassador," he sipped his coffee. "For what's its worth, I am happy you were returned," he added, "you are right Neil does need people he trusts." He looked around Operations, "have you met with the Captain, where will he be placing you here as your former position is now taken?"

Juni was a bit taken aback by his response. She frowned, "I have met with him, but my position has not been established. For now I'm helping getting the Embassy established, and beginning my Alcaren investigations." she said shifting a bit slower.

"I have met with your Ambassador," Tom replied, "a pleasant," he paused, "man." He shifted his weight a bit trying not to look uncomfortable, "how is your investigation going? Have you made any breakthroughs?"

She shook her head, "Not that this point. We've only just begun gaining access to federation tracing computers to try and track down some suspected slave traders and see if we can't find any of our people connected to them. It's going to be a long and hard project. There are several thousand Alcaren stolen..."

"Quite the daunting task," Tom commented outloud, "I don't envy you, in this task."

"I'm sure you don't. Keeps me busy and out of your chain of command, which is all the better for you hmm?" she said with a little of that old bitterness rising in her again.

Tom huffed, "some things never change," he muttered, "I think that's a good thing for both of us," he smirked with a bit of a twisted smile. "You know you could learn to lighten up a bit, a lot of things around here changed while you were gone. This station isn't the same place."

"And I'm not the same terrified officer who can be bullied around." she said. "I've changed, I've been through a lot of things you couldn't understand. So yes, its a good thing, because things do change." she said narrowing her eyes at him. Was he just being pompous to be the better man, or was he really different?

"Change seems to be something everyone in his crew fears," Tom replied, "however change can be a catalyst for some very positive outcomes. If only people were more willing to accept that change." He wasn't sure where this was coming from, it just slipped out. "Perhaps, just perhaps there is more change in the future," he added, knowing the mission Thorrin and Neil were on.

He already knew Danae's security clearance cleared her for certain things that most Officers couldn't hear. "Things wouldn't be the same, especially for our Captain," he added, "I can't say much not here, but your mission to the Mirror Universe two years ago has bit him in the butt and now the DTI is taking him to fix previous mistakes."

He could see her temper flaring up, "and I will remind you that most in the room don't have the clearance to hear this, so keep your reply quiet."

Juni felt a shock rush through her as she stepped closer, as to keep her voice lower. She didn't want to touch Rice' mind to use telepathic speech, unless she had to. "What the hell are you talking about? Which mistakes?" she demanded, knowing full well a number of those mistakes were her own, ones she did informing Harrington after the fact to solve his problems.

"Neil and his crew are heading back to the Mirror Universe to fix the mistakes made two years ago," he paused as he turned to face her, "you are only hearing about this because you were involved back there. Outside of us, this conversation never took place."

He paused for a moment, "it would seem that your former Commander Valentine is alive, and the DTI has ordered her extraction from the MU."

She felt dread wash through her, "Alive? No thats impossible." she said, "Damn it should be there Rice! I wasn't just involved... I..." she paused "I was very involved." she stammered not wanting to say too much.

"I've been briefed," Tom replied indicating he knew more than most. "I wasn't included in this mission, people with more brass than I did this." He wasn't going to address her outburst, it was warranted. "I know you care for the crew here and have an attachment to the Captain, for all our sakes I hope this mission goes better than the previous trip. No one can afford another problem."

She pressed her lips together, "Certainly not." she grumped feeling even more put out she had not been included in this mission. She needed to stop more problems, and Neil was not exactly in a great state of mind, she knew that. "Will you keep me in the loop as information about the mission comes in?"

"As much as I can, Commander," Tom replied, "the DTI is keeping things close to the chest on this one, and if I am frank you're not currently serving in an actual position here. The DTI is very," he paused, "secretive if you get my meaning."

Juni pressed her lips together, "I was considering speaking to the DTI, I need a position here anyway. My homeworlds mission will only keep me busy and connected for so long." she admitted.

"That wouldn't be a bad assignment for you," Rice admitted, "I am not happy that Thorrin made Neil his XO. The man has enough to deal with here on the station. Having you on that ship," he smirked, "assures that Neil will be ok. I don't entirely trust Captain Thorrin or the DTI."

He looked at Juni, "don't expect too many more complements."

"From you? Never!" Juni said with a weary smile. "If trusting the DTI is an issue, its even more of a reason to advocate for me to get a position there." she smirked, "Especially if they are going to be pulling Harrington for an XO. He's going to need an ally next time," she said.

"For once you and I agree on something, Commander," Tom nodded, "I didn't arrive of Neil's placement aboard the DTI ship but I didn't say anything at the time. Something says I would have been overruled, but we will have to see to his status once he is back."

She nodded, "Perhaps after fixing this wrong, that wasn't truly his wrong, they will release him from that ship." she commented. "I'll get out of your thinning hair now, please keep me informed, and maybe we can make some good out of this in the end."

Tom instinctively rubbed his head, with the thinning hair comment. "Dismissed Commander," he scoffed as he turned to walk off. "Miss Danae, Neil is damn lucky to have friends like you in his circle." He didn't wait for a reply as he continued to his office.



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