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Warriors Meet

Posted on 02/18/2024 @ 7:14pm by Lieutenant Yvette Beauvoir & Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn

2,315 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Pages...
Location: Deck 69-2 The Live Gagh
Timeline: 1200 hrs

Yvette decided it was time to get to know Starbase 50's resident Security Chief.

"Computer, What is Commander Valadorn's current location?" She asked.

> Commander Valadorn is on deck 69-2 at the Live Gagh. Responded the computer.

K'doc sat at a table by himself reading some report on his PaDD and eating from a bowl from which the contents seemed to be moving, that and a large steaming mug of raktajino and what appeared to be a bowl of seasoned french fries.

After getting instructions from the Computer, Yvette arrived at the Live Gagh. From the Klingon Chef she ordered Gagh in Grapok Sauce, a mug of raktajino and a bowl of Zilm'kach for dessert.

"nuqneH, Commander Valadorn." She said to the Klingon Security Chief.

K'doc glanced up and saw what the Lieutenant had on her tray , he nodded and motioned for her to take a seat at the table. " You seem to have a taste for a warriors food. " He said as he lay down his PaDD on the table. " They got a fresh shipment of Racht in today. " As he stabbed one of the squirming critters from the bowl, it was about twice the length and thickness of the Gagh. He bit off the head and then popped the rest of it into his mouth. " I'm sure you didn't come here just to talk about food Lieutenant Beauvoir, And yes I memorize all command and senior staff members from their profiles. "

Yvette took the offered seat and placed her tray down in front of her. "Well, first of all, I was interested to see if any of your department acquired any Breen tech from their last attack, I'm familiar with Breen tech, and I thought I may be able to help repurposed it to our advantage." She said.

K'doc stroked his beard as he listened to Yvette's offer. " I would prefer to keep this in house if we can. We have environmental suits, Hand weapons and rifles, we've got worker bees out amongst the breen ships wreckage trying to salvage anything of use. Hell, we still got a breaching pod stuck to the side of the station since the hole hasn't been repaired as of yet. Did you know that those damn Breen dissolve inside they're suits when they die? Most annoying I assure you. "

" I'll speak with the commander so we can let you research as much Breen tech as I can let you have. We have received word from Starfleet Intelligence R&D that they will be arriving to collect as many items from the station as possible to study. But if they discover something, we might not hear about it for a year or two. We'll see if the commander will let us set aside something aside for ourselves. "

"Understood." Yvette replied taking a handful of the squirming invertebrates and putting them in her mouth.

Once she'd finished chewing, she said. "So, since your a former Klingon Marine, I bet you're honored as a Dahar Master."

K'doc stopped lifting the fork and looked up at Yvette. " Former Marine? " he asked sounding surprised. " In the Empire I am still listed as Major K'doc Valadorn of the 132nd ground assault group. I am still active duty to the Empire and to Starfleet at the same time. I am here on loan to pay an honor debt owed by my father to a Starfleet marine who saved his life. My father in the commander of the 132nd and could not come himself, So as his son it fell to me to go in his stead. House Hurric Marines always pay a debt of honor. "

" As for being a Dahar master, that is a goal of mine. I still need to take the time to go fight in the Bat' leth tournament. My Bat'leth had to be custom made. A warriors Bat'leth is 92 cm in length, Mine is 152.4 cm. " He then stood up from the table to his full height of seven foot two inch and grinned. " For obvious reasons as you can plainly see. " Before sitting down again.

"I meant no disrespect, Commander." Yvette said. "I was wondering if you'd like to spar some time, I have learnt how to use the Bat'Leth and Mek'Leth, with some proficiency, I prefer the Mek'Leth, it better fit my fighting style, which is an amalgamation of several different fighting disciplines." She added.

" Relax Lieutenant. You would know if I found your words disrespectful. I do find it hard at times to find a training partner. I earned the nickname Brute Squad in the academy for some odd reason. " He said with an amused grin. Before I decide if we'll spar together, I'd like to see you in action first. I have a holodeck combat program, it would be the two of us going in to capture an enemy leader in a jungle where the he is holed up in an underground compound. I normally do it solo and with the safety feature turned off. But since your going to be with me if you choose to come, I'll have it on. "

"Sounds like fun, I'm in." Yvette said taking another mouthful of Gagh.

" I'll set up a time for the session in the holodeck and let you know the time. " K'doc's Padd flashed notifying him of an incoming message. " It seems the message I sent off on your request has been approved, It seems we have enough to share with Intelligence and your department as well. But should we just happen to find some salvageable ship parts then you may research. " He paused a moment and looked directly at Yvette. " If we find something like that do you think you could reverse engineer it? " he asked her.

"I look forward to it, Commander." Yvette said. "That's great, as for reverse engineering Breen tech, it would depend on its condition, but since the Romulans have similar tech, I could use that to fill in any gaps." Yvette said. "Just don't ask my where I'll get the Romulan tech." She was only half joking.

K'doc glanced up from the table to Yvette. " As long as you can get it working and we can come up with a defense for the device, I really don't care where the tech comes from. The lives we save are more important, don't you think so? " If they could get this to work and safeguard lives at the same time, then he could overlook a few minor technicalities. As long as there was no danger to the station that is.

"Understood." Yvette said. "I agree, I'm former Intel, part of our job was to safeguard lives." She added. "This Gagh is delicious."

K'doc chuckled. "Of course it is. There are forty seven different varieties of Gagh. Each with it's own subtle taste difference. I will say that I am mildly surprised to learn that you were once part of Starfleet Intelligence. That could come in handy sometime in the future, such knowledge could help avoid redtape from headquarters. So I hope you don't mind if I pick your brain from time to time on proper procedures of dealing with the intelligence division."

"I no longer have the clearances I had, but I still have a few contacts in the Intelligence community, so I'll do what I can to help you navigate that world."

K'doc inclined his head slightly. " That would be most helpful, Anything that would help me through the red tape quicker is appreciated." Said the large Klingon." Starfleet tends Approve and Disapprove with about the same amount of speed, So I'd like to avoid that if I could. "

"That's bureaucracy for ya." Yvette said. "Its the death of any achievement, and gives power to petty tyrants."

" I prefer the Klingon way of dealing with tyrants, that's why we have so few of them. I know the Federation isn't perfect, but it's a lot better then a lot of governments out there. At least they're not out there trying to enslave other species. But I would rather fight a tyrant then deal with the red tape, at least tyrants die. Red tape is always there regardless how many times you kill it. " Stated the Klingon with a semi amused look upon his face.

"Indeed." Yvette agreed. "The secret to getting around red tape, is quid pro quo. Everybody wants something, you get them that something, and they're more likely to return the favour. If they don't then you may have use more 'unorthodox' methods." She added with a wink.

" I am good at unorthodox in getting want I need, it might be frowned upon by the Federation in the tactics used however. " He stroked his beard briefly. " So a little tit for tat then? I shall keep that in mind. Klingons do tend to get annoyed when they are being stonewalled by petty desk clerks. I am still not used to all of the human customs as of yet. "

"I learnt Klingon customs in my youth." Yvette said. "My father would take me and my brothers to the yearly Shakespeare conferences, some of which took place on Qo'noS."

K'doc nodded approvingly. " For one to truly appreciate Shakespeare, it should be heard in the original Klingon version. Hamlet is one of my personal favorites. I am glad your father taught you other cultures at an early age, it makes the universe a much more interesting place. "

Hearing that Hamlet was one of the Commander's favourites, Yvette said. ""taH pagh taHbe'!" ("To be or not to be!")." She smiled. "Is Prince Hamlet really mad, or is a tacit to cause his enemies to underestimate him, and lead them to their eventually deaths?" She asked.

" It is a tactic of course. " Stated K'doc. " When one is fighting alone against many enemies, one must employ whatever tactics to accomplish their goal and win the day. I admire Prince Hamlet for making his enemies underestimate him and to learn more about their plans and how to thwart them at every turn. Prince Hamlet had unmitigated gall, and I admire gall." Said the big Klingon with a grin. I also have several Shakespear hard cover books in my quarters, along with a copy of Sun Tzu the art of war, the Hagakure a book of bushido wisdom for battle, life and death. And of course the book of the five rings by Miyamoto Musashi. All wonderful works of literature. "

Yvette laughed. "That's the way I always saw it, and he was on a honorable crusade, to avenge his father's death." She said. "I've read the art of war, the man was a tactical genius. Have you read 'Principles of Warfare' by the Andorian Clyran? If not is is an interesting read, its written in the Andorians' normal haughty, self-important way, but gives a lot of insight into Andorian Culture."

K'doc thought briefly. " No I haven't read that one. But it is always good to know something about the person and culture that one is dealing with. Klingons do keep detailed records of the species that we have fought against and refer to them when needed. But I believe that I will take your recommended suggestion for reading and give it a good hard looking over . " He tapped into some information on his PaDD. " There we are, one more book added to my need to read list. "

K'doc's PaDD beeped showing that he had received a message, Suddenly the large Klingon frowned. " This isn't good. " He said softly. " I'll have to notify the command staff." He looked up Yvette. " I'm sorry, My father just sent a warning about the incoming scout sniper heading my way. What could mother possibly want and why is she showing up here? " He asked the question To no one in general and received no answer that would make sense to his mind.

"Its okay." Yvette said. So I not the only one to have mother troubles. She thought to herself.

K'doc tapped his combadge. " Commander Valadorn to Captain Letsul. Advising that my mother will be arriving on station in the next twelve to twenty four hours. " K'doc nodded as the message was acknowledged.

K"doc looked to Yvette. " I know we still have plenty of Breen technology aboard the station, Which science lab would you like it to be sent to? I will also send a memo to the Captain and advise her of the project that will be worked upon. "

"Thank you, Science Lab 17 Deck 39, Outer Ring." Yvette said. "I don't mean to pry, an tell me if it is none of my concern, but while is their so much trouble around your mother arriving on the Station?"

K'doc looked up at Yvette. " As I mentioned, My mother is a Hurric Marinc scout snipper. I poyrank her as a marine, but she is still the Lady of house Valadorn. When she shows up unannounced for no known reason it can only mean trouble. To come here all the way from Qon'os. " He shook his head. " Ijust have a feeling that whatever her purpose here is, it will not bode well. " After a brief pause he spoke agaon. " I will have the Breen items sent to the requested lab that you indicated. "

"Thank you, I'll leave you to deal with your mother, Qapla'." Yvette said, getting up and taking her tray to the recycler."

K'doc looked Yvette directly in her eyes. " Find what you can about the Breen equipment, it's strengths and weaknesses so that we may exploit every aspect of it and turn it against them. The more you learn, the more Federation lives will be saved. Qa'pla! " K'doc stood and dropped off his items in the recycler as well. " Now if you'll excuse me I have a meeting to prepare for.. "

Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Yvette Beauvoir
Assistant Chief of Operations
Poseidon Station


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