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Posted on 06/13/2023 @ 5:34pm by Captain Cara Letsul & Civilian David Scarlet & Civilian Alden Powell

2,433 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Mission 23:Pages...
Location: FUBar


Dressed in civvies not wanting to draw attention to herself, as being a ranking officer, a dark haired woman stood at the threshold of the Fugazi Bar. It was a bar that catered to Marines who came to have a drink and just relax to have a good time. The woman who stood there was Cara Letsul. It had been a long while since she had gone into a place that was frequented by Marines. The last one, was the Tun Tavern, her friend Brina liked to go to when they were on the USS King George V and also on the station built within an asteroid. She had heard whispers of a fight that happened, well from what she had heard, it was just a mild scuffle with two people fighting back to back. An Andorian woman and a rather large man, taking on wanna be Marines.

She stepped inside, hearing the hearty laughter, and smelled the scent of the alcohol being served there and... Cara's eyes widened, she smelled nachos! Her mouth watered catching that scent. She moved to one side to decide if she wanted to try for a table or just sit a the bar and grab a drink.

"Definitely safer at the bar just now until that group clear out." Alden spoke slowly and carefully as he pointed the rowdy group of young marines making a lot of noise. "I figure they have one more round in em before one throws up, one loses consciousness or they get into a fight with each other and leave. Please..." he guided the woman to the bar. "What brings you here, ma'am? Looking to see how the men and women in green relax?" he hinted that he knew she wasn't a marine. He could tell by how she held herself.

Cara grinned, "Oh, one hasn't truly lived until they've experienced the way the marines drink. Especially a Klingon Marine." walking up and sliding onto a barstool. "I was just deciding on either a table or a stool. I've got two close friends who are marines. One is my adopted sister, and the Klingon Marine? He's out teaching the way of the Marine's." she reached out and grabbed some of the snacks from the bowl and munched on two pretzels. "I can catch the scent of nachoes, care to set me up with a portion? And are you from Texas?" sizing up the man behind the bar. Oh she was familiar with the accent from Texas.

Scarlet looked up slightly after the woman sat down next to him at the bar and helped herself to the pretzels. He took another sip from his glass of rum and and reached in for a pretzel once she removed her hand.

He'd heard about Fugazi Bar when he'd first arrived at the station. It was a Marine hangout and he thought he'd feel comfortable in the familiar surroundings. He was, but not as comfortable as he thought he'd be. As much as the pips had bothered him as an officer, the behaviour of the younger marines was also starting to grate on him. Either he was getting old, or this wasn't his life anymore. He wasn't sure which was better at this point.

Listening to her speak, Scarlet had been trying to place the somewhat familiar voice. Just as she was guessing the accent of the bartender, he was trying to figure out why her voice sounded familiar.

Cara as she waited for Alden's answer, she turned her attention towards the man next to her. "Hello, how are you doing?" She didn't know who he was but, her curiosity was piqued. Then again she did like to meet new people.

That's where he knew her voice. She'd been the one organizing and communicating from the station during the attack. Scarlet raised his glass to her. "Just relaxing after that whole fiasco. You did a hell of a job organizing the defensive." A sly grin came across his face. "I was piloting one of the civilian ships, the Wyvern. I'm David Scarlet."

To say that Cara was stunned would be an understatement, she quickly looked into the mirror which was behind Alden, worried that someone may have heard what this David Scarlet had said. Not seeing any undue attention she relaxed just a little bit. She really didn't want anyone to know she was... an outsider to the marines. Though Cara was realizing that she had a stiffened posture, old habits die hard don't they.

"Thank you, um, just don't noise that around though. " Cara blushing, looking at both David and Alden, "Even though I am not a marine, I would rather be here to relax, do some people watching and not make people get all uptight." she nodded to her reflection, "I really need to work on not standing out again." then she added, "Just call me Cara, I believe you already know my last name."

Alden brought over the nachos that Cara had requested, Texas style. Every single chip was loaded up with refried beans, cheese and jalapenos. Served on a tray with an array of favourite dips. "I hope these are alright, ma'am. If not I can whip up toppings of your choice, or none at all." he smirked. "Anything for you boss?" he asked referring to male. He'd not long been in, he wasn't a regular, not yet but still he held himself as a marine. The female did not. That didn't bother him, all were welcome here.

Salsa and sour cream were all that Cara wanted and she pickedup a rather filled chip and popped it into her mouth, feeling the crunch beneath her teeth and the ohhh so delicious spice of the jalapeno intermixed with the cheese and beans. She closed her eyes as Cara savored the flavors, once that first bite was consumed, she looked at Alden with her dark hued eyes, "This is the best I have ever eaten!" thusly picking up another and popped it into her mouth. "You've got to try these they are rather good!" looking towards David.

Scarlet frowned a little, he hadn't meant to blow her cover so to speak. He glanced at Alden and was relieved to see the man hadn't reacted to it. He tapped his glass and nodded. "Just another one of these."

Looking at her offer, he declined again. "No thank you, enjoy them."

Scarlet managed to remove his frown and almost smile. "I'm only here for the drinks tonight." He stared down into the near empty glass for a moment wondering if this occasion was somber or joyful to him. Looking back up he glanced at Cara. "On second thought, if you don't mind."

Scarlet bit into the chip and chewed it for a moment before swallowing. She was right, it was good. He caught his reflection in the mirror behind the bar. He needed to shave. Feeling for a moment that he should at least talk to her after accepting her food, he struggled to come up with a topic that wouldn't cause her to be distressed again.

"What are you celebrating tonight?" He asked haltingly, coming across as unsure how to make small talk.

"I am not really celebrating anything, just wanted to be out and about the station. Trying to get comfortable in my own skin once more." Giving a siight smirk. "Finding my own way?" giving a slight shrug. "Had gone through some life changes, that sort of tossed my inner balance into disarray. So just exploring."

Alden always had an ear out, was always listening and he smiled as he replaced the near empty glass the man had with a full replacement. "So, your choice to find your 'inner balance' was to come to my grubby bar and mix with the grunts, and officers..." he held his hand up to the back of the room, the mention of just being grunts there often made officers feel a bit under appreciated. Alden noticed the woman and man look back and Alden cleared his throat to bring them back to the present, "Sometimes officers feel left out."

Seeing him refill David's order of a drink called Cara to mind she'd not even ordered a drink yet. "Hmmmn I'd like some rum if you please Alden, and make it neat." giving a bit of a smile, turning her attention back towards Alden and also David. "I worked for a time at the Admiral on Deck. Just figuring out just where my life path was going to take me. I was on sabbatical, so I worked as a civilian." her eyes caught Alden's "Yes, so I came here to gain some balance." giving a light laugh, visibly relaxing.

Turning her attention back to David as well, "I don't know why I was being uptight being worried about someone knowing where I worked, the voice over the comms. I do apologize for my skittishness."

Scarlet had his opinion of officers, and it generally wasn't a good one. Pips made him itch. Knowing he was currently in mixed company, he decided to keep that to himself. He took a sip from his refilled glass. and gave a nod to Alden. "Grubby bars are where the best alcohol is."

"I shouldn't have assumed. You're off duty and with what happened you need a break like anyone." Scarlet replied. "I've been there, and now I'm here. With very little cares and even less direction." He added the last part before he even realized he said it.

Looking down at his drink, Scarlet gave a light hearted chuckle. "Life changes often bring about more changes."

"Indeed they do." Cara picking up another scoop of nachos with her fingers and popping it into her mouth her teeth crunching down upon the chips. This was finger food until the leftovers warranted the need for a spoon.

"The one thing I don't like, is to hang around officers who have that uppity entitled air about them. I like being around those who are down to Earth, who don't put on airs, who are a bit of a rogue. Those who have actually been in the trenches." Cara stated, before picking up another chip and scooping up a bit more refried beans.

He slowly took another chip from the now shared plate and crunched down on it. "My opinion used to be that we needed more officers who'd seen the trenches." Scarlet shrugged. "That was a different life though."

Lifting the glass to his mouth, he took another swig to wash down the somewhat salty chip. "Tell me Alden, what came first? the Marines who needed a bar or the bar that drew the marines here?"

"Marines always need somewhere to drink that doesn't care about rank or file." Alden replied as he took a sip of his bourbon. He'd poured himself one whilst the two in front of him spoke. "Somewhere grubby, as you say. I retired from the Corps 3 years ago but always remembered the places I've felt comfortable to drink. Took those ideas and brought them here." he gestured to the wooden styled Texan bar. "Both my homes in one place."

Cara lifted up her glass, in a toast, "Here's to Texas, and those who live and lived there." giving a charming smile, and then took a drink, the lowered her glass, "There is the adage, even if a marine leaves the corps they don't leave their training. Once a Marine always a marine my friend told me. For her it held true. Once she raised her boys to a certain age, they told her to get back to her roots. In fact she's living here on the station now, with her husband and her three boys. Her boys are going to be tall, they are already taller than me." giving a laugh.

She looked over towards Scarlet, "And you are on your journey of self discovery. May you find your way, through the paths you may trod." lifting her glass towards him as well, before she took another drink.

Scarlet listened to Cara as she spoke about once a marine, always a marine. His grip tighten on his glass as he pondered the words. Was he delaying the inevitable in not going back? Or did he ever truly belong somewhere?

He snapped out of it as Cara addressed him directly and hesitantly raised his drink. "Cheers." He said half heartedly, still mulling her previous words over and over in his head. There was a detachment here on the station, and while he wouldn't expect his old rank and position, he might be able to make a good standing for himself in short order. Or was he just falling back into comfort for comforts sake?

Cara looked down at the plate where the nachos had once been, they tasted great, but Cara was wanting something more and she wanted to get to know the man who had shared her nachos a bit better. Not here though, she just was maybe feeling a little bit out of place, and also maybe Alden's accent was bringing up some memories, maybe some wistful memories and it was causing her some pangs and a slight shimmer of tears in her eyes, she held them back though, just taking a breath to keep them at bay. She just wanted to leave.

Cara slid some credits over to Alden. "This is for our drinks and the nachos. They were fabulous." a smile towards him.

Turning to Scarlet, Cara then asked. "Would you mind taking a walk with me? I feel like taking a walk but, I don't want to take one alone."

Scarlet slid the credit back toward Cara and put down his own. "I've got this covered. Consider it a thanks for the conversation."

He quickly finished his drink and gave Alden a nod. "Thanks for the drinks and the chat. I'll be back before too long." Looking back to Cara he stood up from the stool and gave a friendly nod.

"After you." Scarlet said with a slight motion of his hand while still standing rather ridged.

"Well, it was was a pleasure to meet you ma'am." Alden gave a little two fingered salute from his brow and then looked at Scarlett. "You too Mister. Don't be a stranger." he spoke with genuine compassion and care. He watched as they both walked off into the proverbial sunset that was the lighting of the promenade.


Alden Powell (pnpc Aer)
Owner of Fugazi

Commander Cara Letsul
Chief Counselor
Poseidon Station Operations
Poseidon Station

Civilian David Scarlet


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