Mission 14: Blast From the Past

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Status Completed Mission

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” ~ Marcus Garvey


Fresh from their shoreleave on Earth, the Nogura is ordered to the Carlson Nebula to investigate several strange readings recently picked up on long range scans. It is a simple mission and after the events on Prolla 5, the crew is rather pleased. Upon arrival at the Nebula, Harrington orders each department into their assigned task. However, before the crew can begin their work an unknown energy wave engulfs the ship rendering the crew unconscious. Each member of the crew awakens at a specific point in their past that had a significant impact on their character’s present. Unable to effect, alter, or change the events of the past; the affected crew is fated to live these events all over again. Forced to reconcile their own past, the crew find themselves trapped; left with no other option to continue.

After coming to terms with their past, the crew awakens to find themselves in the exact moment of their arrival at the Carlson Nebula. With no explanation or reason for how this took place, the Nogura begins their scan of the Nebula only to find all the previous strange readings now gone. Launching a probe, Harrington orders the Nogura to remain and analyze the data. But is all as it really seems? Or did something happen, that no one is aware of?

Start Date 10/03/2018 @ 3:03pm
End Date 01/01/2019 @ 2:03pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Complicated Family Dymanics
by Captain Cornelius Harrington & Adira Toril-Harrington
MD 6:2000 Toril Quarters
Is This For Real
by Captain Cornelius Harrington & Civilian Teresita Harrington
MD 6 Harrington Quarters
Couple's Counseling by Holograms - Part 4
by Captain Cornelius Harrington
Couple's Counseling by Holograms - part 3
by Captain Cornelius Harrington
Couple's Counseling by Holograms - Part 2
by Captain Cornelius Harrington
Couple's Counseling by Holograms - Part 1
by Captain Cornelius Harrington
A New Direction
Current Mission Starbase 1
Investigative Services
by Captain Cornelius Harrington & Lieutenant Commander Junipyr Danae
Doing something she hates
Current Counseling office
The man who loved your mother pt 9
by Adira Toril-Harrington
The man who loved your mother pt 8
by Adira Toril-Harrington
It’s beginning to look a lot like what?
Current Mess hall
"Moving in Old Betsy"
Current Cargo bay/Liam's quarters
Grand Theft....?
a few days after waking up Sickbay
We need to talk
after "Was this real?" Counselor's Office
A Change, Part 2
by Captain Cornelius Harrington & Adira Toril-Harrington
Harrington Quarters
A Change, Part 1
by Captain Cornelius Harrington & Adira Toril-Harrington
Harrington Quarters
Was this real?
by Captain Cornelius Harrington
post wake-up Ready Room
Captain? A favour if you would?
by Captain Cornelius Harrington
Ready Room
Troubled Soul
After "surprises" Counseling office
Guinea Pig
by Captain Cornelius Harrington
18 years ago / Present Unknown
An Intellectual Chat
Intelligence Vault (The Vault) - U.S.S. Nogura
Why Are You Here?
by Captain Cornelius Harrington
The man who loved your mother pt 7
by Adira Toril-Harrington
The man who loved your mother pt 6
by Adira Toril-Harrington

Mission Summary