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Monster in laws

Posted on 04/02/2024 @ 7:54am by Captain Cornelius Harrington & Adira Toril-Harrington

2,063 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Pages...
Timeline: MD 001 1130 (Backpost)

Adira was sitting at the table and watched as the twins half ate and half played with their lunch. Her left hand trembled with no control in her lap, while half her face twitched and slacked.

Ari was eyeing her untrustingly as she chewed on her bread. Charlie was just spreading yogurt across his tray.

Adira glanced up at the hall hearing Tess skipping down, with her grandmother walking behind her. She groaned internally and leaned closer to Charlie to contain his mess with a wet rag.

Marcella approched the table and looked over at the couch were Mikky was eating his sandwich on the couch, curled up with a tablet, watching his show. "What is this?" she asked.

"Lunch?" Adira said. "Do you want some?"

"Ooooh maybe we should eat here Abuela!" Tess grinned.

Marcella glanced at the couch and the twins again and made a face, "What are you feeding these children?" she asked.

"Grilled cheese and yogurt." Adira said simply.

"Grilled.... cheese." Marcella said making a face again. "Tess, that is an aweful lot of unhealthy food, how about Abuela treats you to a real good meal. We'll meet up with Abuelo. Come along."

Adira frowned, "Tess doesn't have to eat that... its just what the rest of the kids wanted, its replicated." she explained. "We can make anything here."

Marcella looked over at the clean kitchenet, "While we are here I want to be sure Tess develops a taste for real food. Since that is clearly a challenge for you, it is my joy to share the love of food with my little angel." she said with a bright smile. "Maybe you can cook some of my recepies for your brother and sister soon Tess. Wouldn't that be fun?" she said.

Tess grinned, "I would love that! My mom was a really good cook, and I wanna be like her. She got all her good cooking from you!" Tess said happily. "Its ok if I go with Abuela for lunch isn't it Mama'dira?" she asked.

Marcella didn't even let Adira comment, "Of course it is Tess. I'm your family. Lets get changed and we can get some lunch and then come back and use your kitchen for the first time."

"We use it..." Adira started, but the pair were already heading back down the hall way. She let out a frustrated sound and dropped her head on the top of the table.

Neil strode into the living room, his face contorted with disappointment that he struggled to conceal. The sight of Marcella, his former mother-in-law, only made matters worse. She was the last person he wanted to encounter at this moment. The cancellation of their trip was bad enough, but having to bear the news in front of her was a crushing blow.

Turning to Adira, Neil posed a question that served as a prelude to what he was about to reveal. "Do you happen to know of a writer named Jackson Porter?" he inquired. Before Adira could reply, he continued, "Apparently, he's coming to the station. Starfleet has instructed us to host a full-fledged diplomatic event..." Neil's eyes widened as he trailed off, hoping that his wife could read between the lines and spare him from having to utter the rest.

Adira picked her head up as some yogurt hit her hair. She looked defeated for a moment as she shook her head at Charlie who was grinning like a fool. She looked over at Neil, "full diplomatic event." she repeated and felt her eye start to twitch again.

"I take then, I've spent my entire morning packing four children and ourselves for absolutely nothing?" she grumbled. "And for Jackson Porter?" she scoffed. "Even in my universe he is an arrogant prick. I met him several times. How does an author warrant a diplomatic event?" she asked.

Neil sighed and replied, "I understand your frustration, Adira. It is indeed puzzling why Starfleet would give priority to someone like Jackson Porter. However, considering the recent wave of negative publicity surrounding the station, my guess is that they see him as a means to generate some much-needed positive PR." Shaking his head, he continued, "It's no secret that our station has been under scrutiny lately. Starfleet might be attempting to shift the narrative and redirect the focus by involving someone like him."

Adira stood up as she felt pain rush through her leg. She hated the fact her nerves were messed up still. "Negative PR. Mostly because of me." she grumbled. "And you didn't think that telling them that you were on leave was a wise idea?" she asked. "Can't Cara deal with this? She is the diplomatic one!" she said with irritation.

Her tone made Charlie start to whine in his chair and struggle to get out.

"The Admiral made it quite clear that my vacation would be moved till after Mister Porter leaves the station," he sighed, "and thanks," he wasn't sure if the comment about Cara was an insult or a compliment. "I'd like to think I can still be diplomatic."

"And not just because of you," he reminded her, "if you remember, my image was plastered on every media terminal in the station for several days." He picked up Charlie, "it's only a few days."

Adira scoffed at that as she started to clean up Charlies dropped food to try and distract herself. "Sure." she said in a tone that clearly meant she didn't believe it. "A few days and then we actually get to work on our family." she said as her head dropped below the table.

"Daddy!" Tess squealed as she ran from down the hall way.

Marcella caught Tess by the hand before she could pass her, "Tsk Tsk, I think your Daddy and his... companion have some things to figure out. Good news though, you're not leaving! You can spend the next couple of days with Abuela!" Marcella grinned at her.

"I don't want to miss the trip!" Tess whined.

"Don't you want to see Abulea? I came all this way to spend time with you..." Marcella said with a sad tone.

Tess almost flinched as she was instantly torn between excitement and guilt. "I mean... I do... and I want to... I..." she stammered.

"Don't you worry about the trip Tess, just come on, lets head back to our place and have some fun. I know Abuelo is waiting for us and we can go have an adventure all to ourselves!"

Mikky sighed from the couch, "How come I don't have an Abuelo to have adventures with?" he cried.

Neil could see the tension that was building, and Marcella didn't help. Marcella would always be a reminder of something lost. Neil took Tess from her grandmother, "we will get to go on our trip," he touched her nose, "the Admiral can't keep me here forever."

He looked to Marcella, "You will always be a part of this family, and I hope a part of Tess' life for years to come. However, if you can't accept everyone in this family, that will be very difficult. Adira isn't my companion; she's my wife and Tess' mother."

"When you're in my house treat her with that respect," he added.

"Now, in the meantime," Neil looked at Tess, "why don't you help Momma with Charlie's food and then maybe we can all go to the Promande for ice cream after dinner."

"The dog is already eating it." Tess said wrinkling her nose.

Marcella gasped at the man, "How dare you insinuate I am disrespecting your wife. Companion is a perfectly modern term to call ones partner! My goodness you will just look for any reason to make us look bad to Tess wont you?" Marcella gasped.

Neil walked to the door, "Goodbye Marcella, my family needs some time alone." Neil facing his family had failed to see his mother on the other side of the door.

"Mother," he exclaimed forgetting about his promise to meet with her.

Adiras head popped up from behind the table where she had been taking food away from the dog. Her eyes widened as she saw Neils mother standing in the door way. Could this day get any worse? She stood up and brushed her shirt, free from crumbs with a shaking hand. Her hand reached her hair where Charlies thrown yogurt was still clinging, her cheeks flushed a darker shade.

All in the the same moment the dogs attention was caught and he trotted over towards the door, Ari screeched her highest pitch screech, wanting out of her high chair, and Mikky jumped up on the couch to see who was at the door. The clumbsy childs tablet caught the back of the couch cushion and tumbled out of his hands behind the sofa.

"Oh no!" Mikky said as he dove after it, with out a care in the world. His actions clealy surprised the cat that had been hiding back there, and he came running around hissing before darting for the back bedroom. As there was little space between the wall and couch Mikky ended up getting stuck, quickly jammed between the two surfaces, kicking his feet. One of his shoes flew off his foot from his force of kicking, flying through the air and colliding with Marcellas cheek.

Adira gasped as she took in the moment of chaos that yet another surprise ensued in to the room with 4 young children and stress.

Marcella's hand raised to her cheek as she gave Neil a look, "Joleen, you should have spoken some sense in to your son, to stop at one." she said before she shook her head at Adira. "Clearly you both need some serious help." she said reaching Mikky before Adira could cross the room.

She may be an older woman, but she knew how to handle herself, and she grabbed ahold of Mikky's waste band to hang on to him and pushed the couch away from the wall, catching the boy before he tumbled on to his head. "You need to be more careful." she chided him, "No standing on the furniture." she said.

Mikky's face brightened considerably, "Thanks ABUELA!" he said happily. "Did you see that! Abuela saved me!" he jumped, and scrambled up on to the sitting chair, "Daddy! Shes my Abuela too!" he said. "She likes me!"

Marcella pressed her lips together as she bent down behind the couch and retrieved the tablet. She paused as she was behind the couch. She stood and swept her foot along the floor, pushing a mix of baby toys, balls, dried up snacks, and something small and red out from behind the couch. She bent down and picked up the tablet and handed it out to Mikky, "OFF the chair young man!" she ordered him.

Adira reached Mikky and lifted him off the chair before she about dropped it in herself. Her leg felt like it was going to go walking off on its own from the nerves fireing off. She opened her mouth to thank Marcella for the rescue when she realized Ari was still in the high chair, she pushed herself back up and booked it back to the table and pulled the toddler out and set her on the floor.

"Couches and chairs are netorious for catching toys. You really must check it more often for lost things..." Marcella bent down to pick up the red item and straightened it out, revealing red lacey panties. "Really you two..." she shook her head.

Adira frowned as she saw the item in Marcallas hand, "Thats not mine..." she blurted out, with out thinking.

"Well it certainly isn't Tess'!" Marcella said raising a judgmental look towards Adira and holding the panties out towards her, pinched between two fingers.

Initially, Neil felt a surge of panic. This was the absolute worst timing. Then, suddenly, it clicked. "Cara," he exclaimed. "They must belong to Cara." A wave of relief washed over him. Scanning the room, it was evident that not everyone grasped his message. He was met with a sea of perplexed expressions. "Commander Letsul was in charge of the kids while Adira and I were gone," he gestured, "so these must be hers."

Marcella gave a very disapproving looks as Neil just stood there. Neil sighed wondering what else could go wrong. This couldnt get any worse.


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