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Neil is missing, Adira

Posted on 03/08/2024 @ 8:05am by Captain Cara Letsul & Adira Toril-Harrington

1,806 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Pages...
Location: Adira's Quarters
Timeline: MD 006 1100

Things were kinda settled now that the away mission into the Mirror Universe was completed. Hearing just a small smidgen of what Neil had mentioned, this made Cara determined to go check on Adira. Also she needed to go see Adira for another matter. Tapping on her commbadge she sent out a message. "Adira, could I come visit you?"

Adira took a breath as she lifted her head, the kids were at school, and the twins were down for a nap. She had been working on some of her physical therapy exercises and trying to take a few moments to breathe. She smiled when getting a call from Cara, she often felt like no one really cared about her here. "Of course, I'm home. come on over and right in."

Cara felt a sting of tears when she heard Adira's voice. To her it had been way too long. "I'll be right over." she responded, then quickly left her quarters.

The door to Adira's quarters opened and Cara stepped inside, gasping quietly as she felt something from Adira and also seeing her. Keeping herself in check and not sweep over and giving her cousin a heartfelt embrace, Cara drew near. "I am so glad to see you, and welcome back." she whispered quietly when she was near enough. "You've been in a bit of pain." her eyes filled with concern. "Evidence that something happened to you on the other side." her voice thick with emotions. "I'd give you a hug, I just don't want to hurt you, unless you don't mind one?"

A small smile then appeared when Cara said the next part, "You and Neil looked wonderful at both Aer's wedding reception and at the Marine Birthday Ball."

Adira smiled, "I do look good in formal clothes." she said as she bent her hand backwards with the other hand. "I am in pain but I don't mind a hug. I was heavily electrocuted, and it has caused some nerve damage." Adira let out a sigh, "We don't know yet, if I'll fully recover from it." she said. "Of all things technology has advanced in, the work of nerves is still a challenging one apparently."

"Oh dear, I am sorry that happened." Cara exclaimed, moving in for a gentle embrace. "That is terrible!" Cara pulled back a little bit from Adira, a worried and pensive expression in her eyes. "I am glad you made it back from that ordeal." her eyes scanned Adira's face. There is a shimmering of barely held back tears in them, and there was the pinched sign of weariness as well.

"Adira, c-can we have a seat upon the sofa?" What Cara had to tell Adira,it wasn't going to be the easiest to tell her cousin.

Adira frowned heavily as she pulled back and stepped back towards her couch. She tossed one of the kids toys into the open toy box and settled down. "What's wrong Cara?" she demanded. She had intended to thank Cara again for handling all the children while they were gone, but something about the look on her cousins face made her want to know what was going on, right now.

Cara took in a breath through her nose, then puffed it out through her lips. Cara clasped her hands together to keep herself from wringing them. How can one really say something so drastic in a diplomatic way? However she needed to choose her words wisely. Locking her gaze with Adira's, she decided best to be as gently direct as possible.

"Adira, a situation has arisen where Neil is concerned. I fear that he has been kidnapped and he is no longer on the station. K'doc is currently tearing the station upside down in order to make certain, however, from the data we have been receiving, there has been no sign found of him so far." that was gently direct wasn't it?

Adira looked at her, then started to laugh, although there was no mirth in the laugh. “I really don’t think I can handle pranks right now Cara. Tell Neil hes not getting out of potty training tonight, nice try.” she said

Cara looked at Adira for a long moment, then shook her head. "Adira, this isn't a prank, and when was the last time I've played a prank on anyone, least of all it being you. Adira, he is gone, he isn't on the station. I think he'd rather do potty training than being where he might be at. " she reached out to touch Adira's hand. "This is serious, I am being serious."

Adira pulled her hand back from the touch and glared at Cara, “How the hell does this station LOSE a senior member of staff? Who would kidnap Neil? Why? How did this happen? I’ll speak to K’Doc myself and HE can tell me how he failed!” she said clearly rage taking the place of her other wise calm demeanor.

Cara could feel Adira's anger, it was like a punch to the gut, and she couldn't blame her cousin not one bit. She pulled her hand back into her lap, it being balled up into a fist.

"You can go talk with K'doc about it and it hadn't been discovered until I searched for Neil. Honestly Adira, it is probably all on me for assuming things. Assuming that he was spending time with you as he had requested some time to spend with you and the kids. You and the kids are the most important people in his life. It wasn't until I found where he wasn't, that I alerted K'doc. I had assumed you and he were having a romantic lunch at the White Stag. But you two weren't, all I found was his combadge sitting upon the table, in a booth. That is when the place was shut down."

Adira frowned, “Why would he have been at the White Stag?” she wondered. “I’ll go see Thorrin, He’ll be able to fix this easily, We’ll go back and I will have that lunch with him and find out who was trying to take him and stop it from happening in the first place.” Adira said standing up quickly. It was too quickly the deadened nerve in her leg was not happy with her, causing it to buckle. She caught herself on the arm of the couch and stood back up more slowly.

Cara reached out to try to stop Adira from falling. "I believe that is we have an idea as to who may have taken him." she breathed in a bit of a sigh. "Just barely before the time we shut down the station, the Romulan Ambassador Loval's ship left the station without giving departure notification. No trace of Neil being on the station. Also we are looking to find anyone who last saw Neil." she paused for a moment when her padd ended up beeping. Cara looked at it and frowned at what she had received.

Looking up she shook her head, "I have a result of who was the last one to see Neil that we know of so far. And that is Kaylee Serra."

Adira didn’t like the dread feeling that washed through her once again. She’d been working hard to set aside her doubts about Neil and him being unfaithful, but she had no idea who this woman was, and if he was at the White Stag with her… she shook her head trying to stop the train of thoughts. “Who is that?” she demanded.

Cara turned the padd for Adira to see the video. In the video Kaylee could be seen walking into the Ready Room. Blonde haired woman, pretty. "She was formerly the Assistant Chief of security for the station. Apparently she went to go talk with Neil at his ready room. Also, Kaylee considers Neil as her adopted brother, she in fact asked me to keep an eye out on him. I don't know if she knows he is gone." Cara added. "And some fine job I've done with that!"

Adira looked at Cara not certain if she should try to alleviate the womans guilt or let her stew in it a while. Sometimes letting someone stew helped motivate them to action, and action is what she needed. She looked at the woman again, at least feeling a little relief that it was a former officer, and the meeting happened in the right place, the ready room. “So who has spoken to her?” she demanded. She was ready to go herself and get answers, “I’ll call the daycare center to come pick up the twins…”

"Security officers have been dispatched to find her, would you like to question Kaylee as well?" Cara responded back. "Might be a good idea to meet the woman who calls Neil her brother." Looking at her cousin. Maybe something could be figured out just what happened. Besides, Adira did have the aptitude for finding out the truth. After all Adira was a news reporter and that isn't something that can be diminished.

“Wait… Kaylee?” Adira paused. It felt like a lifetime ago, but she had met Kaylee, and the two had been instant friends. She didn’t seem to care that Adira was different, and that was before all had been revealed. “She’s back?” she asked. She instantly felt less threatened by the mention of another woman, however, she needed answers and if Kaylee saw him last she might know something. “Computer activate holo nanny, contact the daycare center to pick up the twins.” Adira said as she grabbed a jacket from the hook near the door. She ignored her shaking her hand, her nerves were on fire.

Cara blinked, a little bit stunned. "Wait, you've met Kaylee? Yes she's back, I had noticed that she arrived for Aer and Jack's wedding. She and I haven't spoken to each other yet, because so much has happened in such a little bit of time. " Cara rose to her feet, "Let's get going, and hopefully she can have some answers, if she has any."

Adira had been focused on Neil, and keeping erratic nerves under control at the wedding. She’d not noticed Kaylee there. She hadn’t noticed much at all honestly. “Hopefully.” she replied as she grabbed a pad with a stylus. The Holo nanny appeared in the room and silently headed down the hall to where the twins were still napping. The daycare would send a worker to supervise them and take them back to the center when they woke. It was a nice perk of being the family of the senior officer, they had access to such services.

Adira Toril Harrington
Temporal Field Agent, DTI Herodotus
Poseidon Station

Captain Cara Letsul
Acting Commanding Officer
Poseidon Station


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