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Sleepwalking BlueJay

Posted on 03/26/2024 @ 7:05pm by Master Sergeant Robert Schiano & Lieutenant Kaylee Serra

2,325 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Pages...
Location: The Throneroom - Command Tier Deck 19 - Poseidon Station
Timeline: MD007 0400

Moans, small whimpers of fear were coming from a woman asleep in her bed, caught in the throes of a nightmare. In the frightening dream, she was upon the bridge of a doomed ship, facing down the great maw of a planet killer. A cornucopia shaped device of death. The dream then changed to where she was running away from someone, the face blank but she knew who it was. It was someone she didn't wish to see anymore, one she ran away from. One whom she severed ties with. It took falling out of bed for the woman to wake up from the horror she was facing in her slumber. With shaky breath she untangled herself from her covers, leaning back against the lower part of the bed, her knees up against her chest, and wept. After the storm of tears subsided, she rose from the floor to make her way into the bathroom to get herself cleaned up.

The woman stared at herself,in the bathroom mirror her golden blonde hair all mussed up, her face tearstained, looking a bit haggard and pale "Kaylee, you've got to pull yourself together" She said to her reflection, then splashed cold water upon her face, to relieve the sting of her red-rimmed eyes. She ran a brush throuigh her hair, deciding to braid it to tame her wild mane. She had thought to go out on a walk, to clear her head ,but a wave of tiredness hit her and Kaylee went back to bed, clothed in her civvies.

Again she dreamt, this time it was of her being bounced from one place to the next by the transporter....

Entrance to the Kingsmen area.

It was a bewildered corporal who came across a blonde woman dressed in a red tank top and a pair of black shorts, her feet were bare, just standing and staring at the door. He heard her whisper, "can someone help me? Can anyone help me?"

"Uh sure." he said, the corporal stepping forward and the door opened, she followed after him, into the foyer. There she stopped the doors closing behind them both. The corporal noticing the glassy eyed look, waved his hand in front of the woman's face and she gave no reaction. Thinking for a moment he tapped on his combadge.

"Uh, Master Sergeant Schiano, sir. C-could you come to the front please. Uh I need assistance sir with something?" the corporal stated.

With Jack and a lot of the Kingsmen away on mission a lot of the shift watch rotations had to be juggled. To that end Robert Schiano found himself on Overwatch, that is the overnight watch at the Throneroom. The Corporal who had sentry duty had summoned him, to what end he had no idea. However, Schaiano knew that nothing too crazy would or could happen. So, either this was something that he had not planned for or the Corporal was a might twitchy and would have to do some calisthenics to get rid of the twitch.

He wore his Class B uniform and made his way out to the sentry post. Upon arrival he immediately was at a loss of what to say. The good thing was that he did not have to say anything. "Corporal Report!"

"Uh yes sir!" The corporal stiffening up, and giving a salute. "I found this woman, having stopped here and standing staring at the door which leads into our area. She was whispering 'Can someone help me? Can anyone help me? So I said yes, as I didn't want her to just stand there, when she asked for help. She followed me in to where she is at now. I don't don't know what is going on with her but she didn't respond to my waving my hand in front of her face. Her eyes are open but... she just didn't react, like she should have done." he drew in a breath then added, "Maybe Sticks could check her out?"

Robert looked at the woman. Visibly there seemed to be nothing wrong with her, however, the Corporal was correct she seemed to be in a trance of some sort. "Ma'am can you tell me your name and how you arrived at this location?" He knew that she would be taken to see Sticks if not the Sick Bay to see the Chief Medical Officer. But, Robert would try to get some information first.

In her walking dream Kaylee had just beamed on the Round Table in the middle of a briefing, seeing herself being stared at by those in attendance.

"Where am I?" she uttered, then looked at Robert, as if seeing someone else who had asked her that question. "My name is Kaylee, Kaylee Serra. Oh no it is happening again, stupid transporter!"Kaylee uttering the words she wanted to say, when the transporter was bouncing her around.

In a moment Robert recognized her as the security officer who had beamed in wearing almost nothing. But that was the fault of the station malfunctions, this was evidently not. "No ma'am you walked here and were stopped by the Corporal here. Shall I have you escorted to Sick Bay or your quarters?"

A furrow formed in Kaylee's brow, as Schiano's voice and words pierced through the dream she was having, shattering what she was stuck in. Her eyes came into focus, becoming aware she wasn't in her quarters. Kaylee turned her head this way and that, her eyes darting around, then came to rest on Schiano.

"Santo cielo! I hope I didn't do something stupid, here or somewhere else!" Kaylee exclaimed.

She quickly glanced down at herself. "Oh good I am wearing clothing, not a towel. But where are my shoes?" Kaylee looked back at Schiano and the corporal. "I didn' on a large round table, did I?" her face turning hot and her cheeks reddening at that thought. Then it clicked as memory of that strange day. "oh my gosh! You were at that table! With other Marines and... and... oh this is awkward." giving a wry smile.

The corporal was glancing between Schiano and Kaylee. A questioning look in his eyes, what was going on here? Dancing on the round table?

First BlackJack rushes off on a mission, then Songbird saddles him with her kids for a while and now this. The past couple of days could not be any worse. However, the Corporal could at least escape, Robert thought. "Corporal I will take it from here you are dismissed. Return to your post." He waited for the Corporal to leave. "Ma'am I do not remember watching you dance on the Roundtable, what is more I am not sure any of us would allow that. It seems that you are out of sorts. So, I will ask one final time. Shall I escort you to your quarters or to see the Doc?"

Kaylee took in a deep breath then let it out slowly. "If you would be so kind, I would like an escort to my quarters. And my apologies for causing you trouble." Kaylee answered, feeling rather embarrassed by this whole thing. "Don't worry, I'll be making an appointment with a counselor tomorrow. I can't let something like this have a repeat occurrence." her shoulders slumping slightly. "Glad to know I didn't do something stupid here."

Meatball let the Officer of the Watch know that he was leaving to escort Kaylee. "Now miss I think dat if youze are wanderin the station in yer sleep, you should go see the Doc. There could be something medically wrong." He said as he fell in step next to her. The pair proceeded down the corridor toward the turbolift.

"Possibly, but there could be a psychological aspect as well, Master Sergeant Schiano." her pace was an easy one. "Though, who knows, I may get a monitoring device to keep track of my sleep pattern. Just as long as it isn't a nanite.": she glanced up towards Schiano's face. "I am sure you wouldn't want to deal with any sort of nanite ,ever since the station was over run by them." Kaylee gave a shudder. "All those glitches that were happening. Including the one that bounced me all over the station, covered in sticky jelly, cotton and feathers, in nothing but a towel."

When they stepped inside the turbo-lift and the door closed behind them, Kaylee stated, "Deck 99 please." the lift heading in that direction. "I was here serving on the station, when that happened." she went quiet after that. Pondering in her mind, wondering just what sort of path she had taken during her sleep walking.

"Oh yeah! Dat was you? I knew you looked familiar. You seem to just not have the luck, between that and now this sleep walking. All systems on the station are functioning. I know that the nanites have been flushed as it were. They were damned annoying but just another day here on Poseidon. You know, most people don't talk in their sleep. So, you could put a lockout on your quarters. No one gets in or out without your security code. Which you can put in when you wake up. Dat should keep you safe in your quarters at least. Then when you figure this all out you can get rid of the lockout." Schiano stood next to her and smiled. It seemed to him that this would be the best answer.

"That is actually a great idea, Master Sergeant Schiano." her face lighting up with a brilliant smile. "Honestly, that didn't even occur to me" she lightly bumped her forehead with the heel of her hand. " I can believe I hadn't even thought of that. Makes a lot of sense. Thank you!" Her whole being just seeming to not be down anymore.

"Sooo... what is your name besides Master Sergeant Schiano?" Kaylee moving slightly to see his face even better now.

Robert laughed heartily, he had never thought to properly introduce himself. Protocol being protocol and all. "Robert Schiano, Bobby or Meatball if you like." It was a bit awkward for the man to transition from the formal to the informal. It was not something he was used to doing while on duty.

Kaylee's bluish grey eyes crinkled up with the smile that appeared, she loved his laugh, and loved the way his eyes filled with his laughter.

"Well now, Robert Schiano seems rather formal, and it is a lovely name. Meatball makes me hungry, and makes me think of good old fashioned Italian cooking. I'll refer to you as Bobby, if that is alright with you. And you certainly have a great laugh, it has a genuine warmth to it." Kaylee's smile turning into a grin. "Its really great, and I can't help smiling because of it."

Robert's cheeks flushed a small amount at the compliments she gave him. He tried to push it away, and cause the redness to go away. However, that did little to help his situation. "Thank you ma'am. You are too kind. I bet you say that to all the Marines who catch you sleepwalking."

Kaylee giggled, "Nay you are the first one I've said this to. And please, call me Kaylee, since I am calling you Bobby."

She glanced up at the numbers ticking away the levels they were passing, and they were getting closer to the level where her quarters were at. "Looks like we're almost to my floor." she remarked.

"Indeed Kaylee..." Robert began and at the moment he was not sure if the woman was hitting on him or if she was simply being cordial. "...Man you must sleep pretty deep to have traveled this far without anyone or anything waking you up. If you do this while sleeping, I would hate to see what you get up to in your waking time."

Kaylee laughed. "I am more active." she said in a teasing way. "This though, to my recollection, is my first time sleep walking. I've not seen any recorded incidents upon my medical records as to sleep walking." she paused for a moment gazing at Bobby. "Say... can I buy you a drink sometime? Coffee, whisky. I'd like to get to know you."

"I can do with a bourbon. I get off in four hours." He responded as they stepped off the turbolift and into the corridor. Now he was sure she was hitting on him. He decided that he would see where this goes. "For now I have a duty to finish. Right this way to your quarters."

Arriving at her quarters, Kaylee looked up at Bobby, "Thank you, I certainly appreciate your help. In the meantime I will avail myself with a nap, I think I can certainly use that. And yes, I will securely lock myself in until I wake up. See you later then, and drop by here or we can meet up somewhere." giving a bright smile.

"Will do and sleep well." Robert said and returned the smile. When the doors to her quarters closed Robert turned and began his return trip to the Throne Room. He was not sure what just happened. He guessed he would have to return to her quarters and see exactly what Kaylee thought. For now he thought that today indeed looked up.

Kaylee set her security lock as what was suggested by Bobby. She couldn't believe that she slept walked all the way to the Kingsmen Area. Her mind though went to Bobby, she felt interest in him, just something about the man certainly put her at ease. She was looking forward to meeting up with him in four hours. She had a bemused smile, as her head touched her pillow. It didn't take long for Kaylee to fall to sleep, her dream now filled with a memory of meeting Master Sergeant Robert Schiano.

Robert 'Meatball' Schiano
First Sergeant, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Kaylee Serra
Poseidon Station


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