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So It Begins...

Posted on 01/11/2024 @ 10:23pm by Colonel Jack Patton & 1st Lieutenant Baaru Ixalia & Sergeant Audie Fitch & Sergeant Lance Faraday & Civilian David Scarlet & Captain Brina Tracy-Hall & Lieutenant T'ra Na'vassa & 1st Lieutenant Anthony Hill & Lieutenant Phyllis D'lar

2,713 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Mission 24: The Kingsmen: Duality
Location: The Throneroom - Command Tier Deck 19 - Poseidon Station
Timeline: MD001 1300 hrs

The strategic mind that was Jack Patton ticked things off as if life were a checklist. Plan of action check, ship with cloak check, now we need to assemble the team. As he made his way from the Klingon Embassy to The Throne room he tapped his comm badge. "Colonel Patton to Lieutenant Na'vassa please report to The Throneroom. Urgent! Patton out." Jack smiled as another aspect of a plan formed in his head. He tapped his badge again. "Mr Scarlet join us in The Throneroom. Patton out"

This is Lieutenant Na'vassa, Acknowledged and enroute.

Be there shortly. Scarlet's voice called back.

When he arrived at the series of rooms that made up the Throneroom he found most of his senior Marines lounging and enjoying the day. Peacetime was a fairly relaxed time for a Marine, and yet Jack was about to ruin that relaxation and he knew it. "Songbird, Ivy, Spitfire, Magic Hands, Lethal take your seats at the Roundtable." As Jack continued to walk toward the round table room he noticed a table where a small group of Marine pilots sat. Having recently been assigned to the Kingsmen, Jack did not know much about these pilots. Kingsguard Squadron as they were known seemed to be a sub group within the group. Patton knew two things, the first was that sub group mentality was about to change and the second was that he found his pilot for this mission. "Sorceress, join us at the Roundtable." The wording and tone that Jack used was both a request and and order. The silver bird sparkled on his collar as he walked into the roundtable room without another word.

Phyllis nodded, picked up her cover, and followed the colonel. She could tell by his face that this wasn't a time to ask questions.

Within a few minutes of receiving the call T'ra walked in the door of the throne room, From her attire she had been at the gym working out. "Lieutenant Na'vassa reporting Colonel Patton, What may I do to assist the Marines with today?" She asked wondering what type of briefing she was going to be in for.

Brina instantly moved from where she had been playing cards with several other marines, and went to the Round Table taking her seat. She leaned her forearms upon the table top and awaited the arrival of the others. She looked over towards T'ra and gave her a nod of acknowledgement.

It was odd...Audie hated being idle for too long, but then, not being idle meant someone somewhere was in trouble. When Patton called her name, she was up in an instant, trotting behind Brina and settling into her seat, curious as to what this was all about.

Looking up as the order came from Colonel Patton Anthony let out a little puff of air from his lips. He knew that tone and it was not a good one. It was one that was going to lead to doom and gloom, and take him away from down time. Nevertheless he moved from his comfy chair that sat across from Erin and moved towards his own at the round table.

Scarlet hadn't been there before, but knew the general area. He wasn't sure what to expect when the doors slid open, but it did bring back a flood of memories. He gritted his teeth and stepped into the Throneroom. There was no reason for him to be here as far as he knew, so he was curious as to why he was summoned.

Lance's name was included in the number of them called, so he stowed what gear was laid out on his bunk that he was going through, he was presentable he thought. and followed the others toward this Throne Room which he had glimpsed earlier.

T'ra nodded and acknowledged Brina as she followed the group into the inter part of the throne room. She sat at the table along with everyone else and looked about the table at those assembled and wondered what the mission was going to be.

There were a lot of times when Jack assumed that everyone knew how he ran things and so he made no effort to tell anyone. However, that often led to bewilderment when people who had not worked with him entered the round table room. The sight of David Scarlet, Phyllis D'lar, and T'ra Na'vassa standing in such bewilderment reminded Jack that he needed to be more perceptive at times to people's needs. "Lieutenants, please take an open seat. Mr Scarlett you too. Everything will be revealed in moment."

Jack was stickler for ceremony and tradition, and no mission would force him to circumvent that. He stood in front of his chair. "Attention!" Those that knew snapped to attention and those that did not know came to attention albeit a tad slower. Patton then punched himself in the chest. "Brother to Brother. Yours in life and death." It was the credo of the The Kingsmen. Something that Jack and every member of his unit lived by. So it was uttered before any mission briefing as a reminder of who they are and what was to come.

Sorceress immediately snapped to attention and followed the others in repeating the oath.

Faraday, still confused about what was going on and what was expected, snapped to smartly.

Jumping to attention with the others, Audie snapped out the oath with the others, then shimmied over to Faraday's side, giving him a light tap on the wrist then nodding toward the table. It was his first time at a war meeting like this, so he needed a bit of guidance.

"C'mon and sit by me," she whispered, moving back to the table.

"Hi, sure." Lance responded in a whisper as well, then took the offered seat next to the medic, "This all has me a bit befuddled, I mean I do understand what's going on here, just different I guess."

T'ra snapped to attention quickly in response to the others, it reminded her of her younger days. She quickly suppressed the memories and focused on the present, she admired them for their dedication and the oath they swore to each other. " Leave no one behind and success above all else. " She whispered her old motto they started each mission with, it felt good to be in the trenches once again.

"Brother to Brother. Yours in life and death." Brina spoke solemnly. There was something in the air she could feel it, she sensed it. Just a brief flash which made her blood turn cold.

Once the oath was done everyone sat except Jack. "Before we can proceed there is a bit of clerical work that needs to be done. As what is about to be discussed is classified. Mr. Scarlet I reviewed your file and see that in your time with the Corps you were trained as a Weapons Specialist and a Sniper. Is this accurate?"

Scarlet crossed his arms over his chest. "Yes, that's accurate." He had a suspicion on where this was going and he wasn't certain he liked it.

"By the power vested in me as a Colonel in this beloved Corps I am reactivating your commission. You will have the rank of Captain and serve on the mission to come. Is this understood?"

Scarlet snapped to attention, shoulders back and chin up. "Yes sir." He might not like where this was headed, but he was now a soldier and with that came the duties and responsibilities of a soldier.

Baaru looked between Jack and Scarlet with a slight look of confusion, “forgive me Colonel, but if you require a sniper I’m sure the Knights can cover that for you”

Jack smiled at Baaru. "Relax Ivy there will be plenty of targets to go around. As you will learn shortly we need to keep our team for this mission as small as possible." He was not about to tell her that Scarlett was their scapegoat. It was something that Jack hated but knew that in this scenario was necessary.

Jack paused and took a draught of coffee, he was going to need a lot of that in the time to come. "What you are about to hear is classified. For those that are unaware Captain Cornelius Harrington has been kidnapped off this station. It is believed that Ambassador Loval and/or other Romulan powers are behind the abduction. We are tasked with getting the Captain and bringing him back." Jack took another sip of coffee. "Ambassador Vishti of the Klingon Empire has given us a ship with a cloak for this mission. However, if we are captured not only with Starfleet disavow us. But the Klingon Empire will claim that we stole the ship. This is to prevent an interstellar war. Starfleet has officially declared Captain Harrington lost in action. Admiral Rice disagrees and feels the Captain is out there still. Our orders continue to bring back his body if he is deceased."

A pause and another sip from his coffee cup proceeded Jack's next statement. "Before questions here are the assignments. I will be in command, Ivy you are the Tactical for this mission and will work with Scarlet. Magic Hands, we will most likely need those hands where the Romulans are concerned, you are our Doc. Lethal, you will be our door kicker and demolitions. Spitfire you will have engineering and keeping the ship we will have together is going to be quite the task. There will be a Klingon Chief Engineer to assist you Spitfire. As well as a small Klingon crew to help bring us back should need be. Sorceress you have the flight stick." He took another sip and turned to Brina. "Songbird, I am going to need you here on the station. As of this moment you have command of the Kingsmen. Keep our family together. Which brings me to Lieutenant Na'vassa. We are going to need your expertise on the Romulans here, however, that is not the only reason that I have assigned you to this mission. You are to serve as my XO for this mission." Jack turned to all that was assembled. "If any of you have an issue with that speak now. The floor is open for questions as well."

"Roger that, Sir." Faraday stated, he didn't know this missing Captain Harrington, but he also was of the idea, no one was left behind, so going after a man missing in action was what was expected.

"Aye, sir." Audie nodded, her head going into overdrive, thinking over what all equipment she might want to include, since it seemed that they weren't going to be able to rely on traditional Star Fleet sources for help. She just hoped this was an easy in-and-out. But when had that ever happened?

Phyllis nodded once. She'd get them there and back or die trying.

"I am going to add that once we adjourn this meeting you will have two hours to get your affairs in order. We are heading deep into the belly of the beast and may not return." Jack turned to Brina again. "Now you know why I need you here. If we don't come back the Kingsmen are yours. Keep the family together and the tradition continues."

T'ra stood and looked directly at Jack. " I accept the role as your executive officer, And I will do everything I can to bring Captain Harrington home along with this ship and crew. I vow to each of you that we will come home in victory or die fighting side by side. The Tal Shiar have many bases and most are fortified and built underground with transporter blockers to prevent beam outs. They are only dropped when supplies are being beamed down. This will not be an easy task and we'll all be in for a rough time, Once we get the lay of the land and understand things better we'll be able to come up with a action plan. Any questions? "

Brina nodded solemnly, "Aye Blackjack." Though in the back of her mind, she would one way or other, if they do not come back, they will be brought back. This includes her even going into the underworld to wrest them from Hades himself. She kept this to herself though, wouldn't be good to send out the thought of them not making it instead, they will come back much like her husband came back from whence he had been lost.

Scarlet glanced around at the team. They ran things differently, especially with the code names. But he couldn't fault their loyalty and devotion. "No questions at the moment sir. I will get my affairs in order and get familiar with the current kit outfit."

Getting one's affairs in order is always an ominous sign about the mission at hand, but for Lance Faraday, there were no affairs to get in order, he liked it that way. There had been those possibilities, but they had evaporated one way or another.

"The Ambassador is giving us a few of her crew to assist in this matter. Namely their Engineer who will operate the cloak and assist in keeping the ship in order. The other is their surgeon who will serve if we are in need of a doctor. Scarlet see that you get a set of field fatigues as well. We will be bringing two of the MARVEL EAS with us. They will be housed in the cargo hold. One never knows if they will be needed." Jack looked around the table, at his friends, his family. He knew in this moment that if they did not come back from this there were no other people he would rather die side by side with. "Last chance for questions?"

"You mean I don't get to play with the cloaking device? Sneak a little peek at it?" Anthony joked a little but he was being quite serious. It was a skill he'd mastered from his father and brothers.

This was rough, and Brina was worried, but also was hopeful. If they can come back from the Mirror Universe mission then, heck Jack and the others will come back as well with Harrington. She had to keep the positive hopes alive, that they will come back. By heaven and earth if something did happen, and she was serious in what she said to Jack, she will go find them in whatever condition they were in, then she'll go on a hunt, and she will be hunting down Loval.

TAG any questions

"Well if there are no further questions, suggestions, or miscellaneous comments I will see you all back here in three hours. We will be loading gear and performing flight check at that time. In the meantime you are dismissed." Jack rendered a salute as was required by the corps. He watched as his team left the room and silently vowed to make sure that everyone would make it back, including Harrington. He left the Throneroom with his thoughts going to the next conversation he was going to have to have. The one with his bride and joy.

Questions? There were always questions on any mission, and the answers had already been divulged. Now the question was, what types of explosives would be needed for the mission, he had his favorites, depending of course on the mission itself. Blowing doors was one thing. He had an idea of what would make the most sense.

Phyllis had no questions. She was ready to fly. All she needed was a ship and a direction. She nodded to the colonel and left to grab a meal and her ditty bag.

Final tags/exit tags

Colonel Jack 'BlackJack' Patton
Commanding Officer, The Kingsmen
Executive Officer
Poseidon Station

Captain Brina Tracy-Hall
XO of the Kingsmen

Lieutenant Phyllis D'lar
Pilot/Fighter Pilot

Sgt. Audie 'Magic Hands' Fitch
Medic, The Kingsmen

Sgt. Lance 'Lethal' Faraday
Demolitions, The Kingsmen

Acting Captain David Scarlet
Weapons Specialist
Poseidon Station

First Lieutenant Anthony "Spitfire" Hill
Platoon CO, The Castle
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

1st Lieutenant Baaru “Ivy” Ixalia
Platoon CO, The Knights
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant T'ra Na'vassa
Chief Security/Tactical Officer, DTI Herodotus
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
Poseidon Station


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