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The Bird Takes Flight

Posted on 03/02/2024 @ 10:33pm by Colonel Jack Patton & 1st Lieutenant Baaru Ixalia & Sergeant Audie Fitch & Sergeant Lance Faraday & Civilian David Scarlet & Lieutenant T'ra Na'vassa & 1st Lieutenant Anthony Hill & Lieutenant Phyllis D'lar

2,076 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 24: The Kingsmen: Duality
Location: IKS Chal Qul
Timeline: MD001 1600 hrs

Jack entered the bridge of the Klingon Bird of Prey. He could tell that the few Klingons aboard the ship were not happy to take orders from him. However, they would follow the commands of Ambassador Vishti. When he entered the bridge the officer of the deck came to attention. "Commander on the Bridge!" The Klingon called and the bridge came to attention and went silent. "Have the rest of my crew come aboard?" Jack asked and was informed that they had not yet boarded. "Very well. Continue to load supplies. As you were!" He called and the officers on the bridge returned to their duties. Jack sat in the center chair and swiveled to get a feel for the Bridge. He suddenly realized that he never asked Sorceress if she understood Klingon, he wondered if this mission was over before it got started.

Phyllis hadn't been on a Klingon ship in a hundred years. Well, not one that still had Klingons on board, anyway. She was curious to see what changes the Empire saw fit to make to what she considered their signature ship.

She made her way to the bridge to have a look at the helm and reacquaint herself to the helm. As she entered the bridge she paused and addressed Colonel Patton. "JoHwI’."

As she entered the Bridge he heard Phyllis' address as if she read his mind. He smiled and was secretly relieved that she understood Klingon. "Delaq Do'" (Take your station). So far so good... Jack thought.

With a quick nod, Phyllis went to the helm and looked over the controls, making an adjustment or two to suit her preferences. This, she admitted to herself, was going to be fun. Not the mission, but the flying. She wanted to be ready to get them out of any tight spots they might encounter. She also suspected she would have to prove herself to the Klingons at some point.

T'ra came walking onto the bridge from deeper in the vessel from, and she was NOT dressed in a starfleet uniform. She was decked out in the uniform of a Tal Shiar Major. " I've stowed my gear in the X.O's quarters and changed into something that can be helpful to our mission, I hope you don't mind. "

The look of the uniform and the Lieutenant's race sent a small shiver up Jack's spine. "Well we know who goes on the video if the Romulans should hail us. Welcome aboard XO."

Scarlet walked onto the bridge and almost reached for his sidearm when he saw the Tal Shiar agent. It was only a quick glance to Patton that kept him from following through. He wasn't familiar with this crew yet, and that could be a problem if he wasn't careful.

"Sir," Scarlet said with a slight nod to Patton. "My kit is aboard and I'm ready to go."

T'ra looked at Scarlett and gave an amused smirk and a nod. " Don't worry, I don't bite....Much. " She said with a grin. " Colonel I believe I shall go and change into my Starfleet uniform at this time. " As she walked past Scarlett she smiled at him. " By the way, you've got some good reflexes there. " As she walked past him and down the corridor to change.

Good, Phyllis thought. For a moment, she was afraid she'd have to wear some other uniform. She didn't think she had the looks of anyone but a Terran, which left her few options.

The IKS Chal Qul sat in the bay being loaded with supplies and other gear for this upcoming mission. This actually was Lance’s first close-up look at the massive green bird of prey, actually his first look at one in any situation, and as he stood watching the loading process, he realized he would be reporting aboard and to him, that was simply incredible.

One of the things he enjoyed was watching others work, but then too, he was always ready to lend a hand, which the loading crew was certainly not in need of, so, he shouldered his kit and moved on to where the others were going aboard. Up the ramp he went with the others heading out on the mission. This was going to be great!

Anthony entered the bridge rubbing a spot of blood from his uniform. "Tell you something boss... don't get too close to that cloaking device." he chuckled. "All I wanted was a peek." he added as he moved over to what he thought was the engineering station. If need be he could go down to what they called engineering, but it held no candle to a Starfleet ship.

While sickbay -- or whatever the Klingon version of that was -- was Audie's goal, she couldn't resist the opportunity to at least step onto the bridge and take a look around. It wasn't often -- heck, it was never -- that there was a chance like this, and she wasn't about to squander that!

Stepping onto the bridge, she looked around curiously, comparing what she knew of bridge design to the Starfleet model ships. Most of it she could pick out, but there were a few stations that eluded her, and made her all the more aware that she'd best familiarize herself with the workings of the med-bay, in case, God forbid, it be needed.

The quarters were cramped, a flat place to sleep without benefit of a mattress and there were no blankets in sight. Pipes ran through the compartment vertically and horizontally, granted, not through the middle of the room, Shaking his head, he may have seen worse, he just could quite remember when.

He dropped his kit on the sleeping space and then followed the rough diagram of directions to get to the armory where his equipment had been loaded to. He was allowed in and began taking stock of what he had assembled, not quite knowing what his real assignment would be, but he did have a number of his favorites in the boxes. If it was kicking in doors, he had the means to burn through almost any structure. If it was pure explosives, he had several to choose from.

Nothing had been tampered with and that was good. Now all that was necessary would be the briefing on how the mission was to go down and his part in it explained.

A burly Klingon walked onto the bridge and stopped in front of the command chair in front of Colonel Patton, The klingon nodded at him. " I am D'quan, the Chief Engineer of the Chal Qul. I have been instructed to follow your commands with the exception of the cloaking device. The extra pilot and transporter operator are standing by for when they are needed, What I don't understand is why she sent her personal chef and her personal doctor along for this mission. As you are in command I will impart you some advise, Beware of sickbay. " He stated crypticly.

" The Surgeon has a tongue that cuts deeper and sharper then any Bat'leth. Have you any questions or orders before we begin Commander? "

"No questions, and thank you for your report. Take your station." Patton replied to the Klingon and then looked at a data readout that told him everyone was aboard. "Sorceress, signal Station Operations that we are ready to depart. D'quan stand by to engage cloak on my order. Begin to clear all moorings and prepare for departure." Jack issued his orders without waver and his crew be them Marine or Klingon responded without hesitation. A smile crawled across his lips as he remembered something. "Send a message to Ambassador Vishti. One word... Q'Pla."

Phyllis nodded and sent the signal. It took less than a minute to get the response. "We're cleared to depart, sir.""

Stumbling into the bridge, Ixalia took a couple of breaths in and out before reporting in, “well this is going to be a fun cruise” she said to herself as she wiped away a small amount of blood that had started to trickle from the split in her lower lip. She’d just been involved in a ‘small’ altercation down in the mess hall with one of the Klingon crew that had decided to get a little too frisky for her liking. Spotting Audie, Ixalia walked over and gave her a gentle punch on the arm, “hey Magic Hands, there’s a patient waiting for you in the mess hall. Bastard thought he was funny”

Startled at Ixalia's appearance, Audie did a quick mental assessment that she wasn't gravely injured, and she couldn't help but grin. "Here..." She handed the LT a gauze bandage then turned to find the mess hall. "I didn't think the Klingons had a word for 'funny'," she grumbled under her breath.

"When we are clear of the station set a course for the Acorn Nebula warp 5. Signal the Pioneer of our eta so they can be ready for our arrival. D'Quan engage the cloak." Jack ordered as he stared out the viewscreen. He could feel his pulse quicken as it did before any mission. However, this was different this time they went to get their friend and their Captain. The lights dimmed as the cloak was engaged. The mission had started.

"Aye, aye," Phyllis replied cheerfully. She couldn't help feeling excited to be flying a warbird again after so many years. As soon as they cleared the station, she set in a course and jumped to warp.

Faraday, satisfied that his gear was stowed and untouched, decided that since he had never been aboard a Klingon ship of any kind, he thought it would be good to make his way to the bridge to see just what it was like up there. He felt the rush of the jump, as small as it was, but for him at least, it was there.

He stepped out onto the bridge and was disappointed after being aboard a few Starfleet ships at how cramped it seemed by comparison. But he got himself a good look around before the harsh looks from the Klingons convinced him this was no sightseeing trip, so he removed himself back to his compartment, with a nod to Fitch.

D'quan took his place at the engineering station as the ship jumped to warp speed and settled in place for the duration. He focused upon the readouts and called off the information to the Colonel as needed. There was one thing that was gnawing at the back of his mind, He wondered what the earthers had to go through to get Ambassador Vishti to agree to loan them her ship. D'quan glanced over his shoulder at the back of Colonel Patton's head briefly knowing that this man had just incurred a hell of a debt to the Ambassador or that she was going to be coming into a lot of honor and glory for their house. He turned his attention back to the Engineering station as he focused upon his duty once again.

Jack leaned back in the chair, he could hear the leather creak and feel the swivel mechanism underneath. The team he and Ambassador Vishti had selected have responded with the dedication expected of a Marine and Klingon Warrior...And like a thousand other commanders on a thousand other battlefields he waited for the dawn.

T'ra walked back onto the bridge in her starfleet uniform. " It's a good thing that I've changed out uniforms, There is a member or two who don't seem to like the notion of a Romulan being on a Klingon vessel while not in chains. It shouldn't be a problem, and I understand why they feel that way, there is still a long way to go for this mission and to change people's hearts for all the pain and suffering over the last couple of centuries. "

Final tags and signatures to end this post

Jack 'BlackJack' Patton
Commanding Officer, The Kingsmen
Executive Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Phyllis "Sorceress" D'lar
Marine Pilot
Poseidon Station

Sergeant Lance 'Lethal' Faraday
Demolitions, the Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Sergeant Audie 'Magic Hands' Fitch
Medic, the Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

First Lieutenant Anthony 'Spitfire' Hall
Platoon Commanding Officer, The Castle
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant T'ra Na'vassa
Assistant Intelligence Officer/ Mission X.O.
Poseidon Station

Captain David Scarlet
Weapons Specialist
Poseidon Station

1st Lieutenant Baaru ‘Ivy’ Ixalia
RECONN Platoon ‘The Knights’ CO
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station


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