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Sifting through

Posted on 01/06/2024 @ 9:50am by Captain Cara Letsul & Ensign Max Trevor & Lieutenant JG Kyrruk Bergeron & Lieutenant Commander Ellery Rosa & Lieutenant JG Vilani Telour
Edited on on 02/24/2024 @ 9:19pm

1,277 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pages...
Location: Cara's Office
Timeline: MD005 1600

Cara fretted just a little bit, so much was needing to be done and there were troubles already brewing. Jackson Porter's quarters needed to be processed, while his body was being examined. The quarters had been cordoned off, and sealed in order to keep anything from contaminating the premises.

After giving a great deal of thought Cara made the decision of calling Ellery Rosa. With the woman 's experience, Cara felt that she would be perfect for the job. Tapping on her commbadge Cara sent out a call.

"Ellery this is Commander Letsul, would you meet me in my office, please? It is urgent." Cara then waited for Ellery's arrival.

Since arriving at the station, Ellery felt that most of her time was spent walking from one part of the station to another. She didn't mind as it helped her get familiar with her new home and it was great exercise, but it did take time. There were, however, shortcuts she was learning as she went. She used one of these to get to the commander's office. She rang the chime, wondering what the problem was. As far as she knew, everything in science was good, or well on its way to being so.

Cara answered the door quickly and when Ellery stepped inside she had relieved expression in her eyes. "Oh good, thank you for coming." giving a slight sigh of relief.

"I am needing someone who is able to go over things with a fine tooth comb looking for what you can find. Pure plain and simple I need someone who can work forensics, and go through Jackson Porter's quarters and personal effects. Are you willing to take that up? This is very important."

"I can. I'm not trained in forensics, per se, but I'm familiar with searching for and analysing evidence," Eller said. "What can you tell me so far?" She would like some background before starting her work.

"Currently, Jackson Porter's body is being examined by the CMO, other than that, we're trying to find clues as to who had been the last person who had seen him, and try to trace and find who may have murdered him. And find who had cause to kill him. Would you be willing to process the scene and look for what can be found? I will have one of the security team to help you out." Cara having a look of concern in her eyes.

"Sure. I can search for DNA and see what else looks out of place," Ellery said. "I assume security is looking at all the footage on the station." She raised an eyebrow. "I asume the computer wasn't recording what happened in the corridor outside his room. Is anyone looking into why?" Because if they were working, there would be video and sensor data as to who was in the corridor and in the room."

Cara glanced over towards the quiet security personnel, Ensign Max Trevor.

"We do have those recordings and data, was just waiting for my turn." he said apologetically.

Cara gave a nod, towards Max. Then she turned back to Ellery, "I do have someone I'd like to call in, to help out with this. She is Lieutenant Telour. You have probably met her? She is in the science department she has experience in forensics."

She tapped on her commbadge =/\= Lieutenant Telour would you come to my office please. This is Commander Letsul.=/\=

Ellery turned to Max. "Does the computer show anyone coming or going from his quarters around the time of death?" Or anything unusual?"

Cara raised up a finger, a thought having occured to her. "We may need one other person." sending off a message to the Chief of Science, to have him come to her office as well.

"A team might be what is needed for this, just to help process things as feasibly quick a possible." Cara stated.

Kyrruk was quick to arrive after he was called, entering the office quietly and nodding to Cara. "You called?" He asked curiously.

Cara gave a nod,"Thank you for coming. I'd like you to work with Ellery, and Vilani. A quick run down, our visiting VIP Jackson Porter, the famous author is dead, and how he died as well as who did it needs to be found out very soon. His body is currently being examined in medical. However, his quarters is needing to be processed. There is security personnel that is keeping watch over it."

"He's dead?" The shock in his voice was clear. "That's... unfortunate." He nodded then, "We'll have it done thoroughly." Kyrruk said.

Having already heard, Ellery just nodded.

Vilani arrived as requested, she brought a small kit with her assuming that this call had something to do with a crime scene that needed to be looked over. She walked into the room as the CSO said he's dead but she had missed who.

"Who is dead?" She asked.

Max spoke up, "the Author, Jackson Porter. He hadn't turned up at the book signing like he was supposed to, and he was found dead in his VIP quarters."

"Thank you, Ensign Trevor." Cara remarked. "As what Ensign Trevor had stated, it was discovered that Jackson Porter had been found in his quarters deceased, currently his body is in autopsy being examined. His room though will definitely be needing to be gone over and hopefully we'll find out what, and who may have done this."

"Science can do a series of scans to find particulates, identify DNA, and see if there are any lingering scents in the room," Ellery said. "But the longer we wait, the harder it will be to find those traces."

"Ah," Vilani pursed her lips, she hadn't met the man yet but processing a crime scene was processing a crime scene regardless of who had been murdered. "Have the Starfleet Investigative team been notified?"

"Security has been notified, I've not specifically notified the Star Fleet investigative team as of yet. I will have Commander Valadorn inform them as such." Cara mused. She was in the middle of doing some catch up what with Captain Harrington being off the station.

"Any information you find, please keep me informed, as of now, I am in command of Poseidon Station for the time being. Captain Harrington will not be available to take reports."

Ellery nodded. She hadn't met the captain yet, but she was happy to keep Cara informed of anything she might find.

Cara thought for a moment or two then stated, "Ensign Trevor at this time, we will wait to go through the tapes, that will be sent back to Commander K'doc and his investigative team. For now, we need to get the room processed and find out what we can." she turned her gaze to the others. "Once the investigative team goes through the recordings, I'll catch you up to speed just so we can make this a more cohesive effort. Ensign Trevor's please escort the team to Jackson Porter's room so that we can commence."

"As you wish, Captain Letsul." Max responded. The images fading from view.

Ellery nodded and filed out with the others, her mind already going over what she would need to do a thorough check of the room.

"I'll get to work collecting evidence, we should also work to try and come up with an idea of the event time line," Vilani said, nodding firmly.


Ellery Rosa
Assistant Chief Science Officer
Poseidon Station

Vilani Telour
Forensic Scientist
Poseidon Station

Captain Cara Letsul
Acting Commanding Officer
Poseidon Station

Ensign Max Trevor
Security Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant JG Kyrruk Bergeron
Chief Science Officer
Poseidon Station


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