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Wedding Bells Part I

Posted on 08/20/2023 @ 1:57am by Captain Cara Letsul & Captain Brina Tracy-Hall & Lieutenant JG Jali Andloch & Civilian Khylara Jorrath & Brigadier General Francis Sobel & Captain Cornelius Harrington & Colonel Jack Patton & Commander Raphael Mattix & Commander Aer Feshau-Patton & Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn & Lieutenant Commander Jezka Joah & Lieutenant JG Kyrruk Bergeron & 1st Lieutenant Baaru Ixalia & Sergeant Audie Fitch & Adira Toril-Harrington & Civilian David Scarlet & Field Marshall (High General) Vikas Ageas & Colonel Loval & Captain Thorrin & Commander Kodre Vedan & Lieutenant T'ra Na'vassa & 1st Lieutenant Anthony Hill & 2nd Lieutenant Erin Inferson & Master Sergeant Robert Schiano & Staff Sergeant Brian Cancielleri & Staff Sergeant Kaia Li & Petty Officer 1st Class Kaylara Loran & Sergeant Alicia Reilly & Lance Corporal Brian Zapata & Private 1st Class Raasur & Crailo Feshau & Zaos Orihana & Civilian Tiana Feshau PhD & Civilian Mirae
Edited on on 03/11/2024 @ 7:49pm

5,344 words; about a 27 minute read

Mission: Pages...
Location: Holosuite
Timeline: The day before Jackson Porter arrives - 1000 hrs

Jack stood in front of a full length mirror as he tried to get his sabre belt on for what seemed like the hundredth time. It just seemed to not get on straight and of course that frustrated the man. Hell the dress uniform in general frustrated Jack and in this moment he had absolutely no idea why he insisted that The Kingsmen where dress uniforms. "Well goddamn it. This fucking thing just won't sit right." Jack said with more than enough frustration in his voice.

Robert Schiano sat at a table and took a swig of whiskey. "Hey BlackJack relax. You are gettin hitched to the most beautiful woman in a few hours. A saber is not going to mean much."

As Neil approached the two men, he couldn't help but feel a little out of place amidst the company of Marines. Surrounded by them, Neil stood as the lone "naval officer" in the group. Placing his hand on Jack's shoulder, Neil tried to reassure him, "Don't worry, today is just a minor blip in your adventure. The real excitement begins tomorrow," he said with a smirk, "Mister Feshau." The comment elicited a slight smirk from a few Marines.

Neil's gaze shifted to the bottle of whiskey, and he glanced at Schiano. "May I, Master Sergeant?" Neil asked, although he already knew that the man wouldn't mind. It was just a formality, a way for Neil to show respect, just in case.

"By all means sir. You are da best man and so help yerself." Robert said with a smile as he passed the bottle over.

Jack smiled at Neil's comment. "While it is only a small blip, I want it to be the most perfect blip there is. I still think that this may all be some sort of dream or alternate reality." Jack paused and took a sling from his glass of whiskey. "You know I should say thanks to you Neil. If it weren't for you bogging me down with paperwork as one of your XOs I probably wouldn't be getting married."

Neil poured himself a small glass of the drink, as he swirled the liquid for a while. "Give it a few years, Jack," the Captain smiled, "we'll see if you're still thanking me then." He downed the drink, "and trust me, this will be the most perfect blip either of you will ever remember."

He looked at the Marines gathered, "that is until there is a Jack Junior running around here."

The Marines laughed boisterously for them the idea of a Marine having a child while on active duty was funny. But Jack turned to Neil and winked. "That is the plan... Although having a partner whose life is in just the same amount of danger as mine does trouble me." The idea that the future mother of his child was an officer of the fleet weighed heavily on his mind as of late. "I know this is what I signed up for, but I am allowed to worry I think."

Neil playfully attempted to lighten the mood, giving Jack a friendly pat on the shoulder, and said, "Jack, my friend, as a man who's been married twice, let me warn you—you have absolutely no idea what you've just signed up for." He couldn't help but smirk, adding, "But when the wedding bells are finally silenced, and you two become man and wife..." Neil's smile grew mischievous, "Oh boy, that's when you'll find out!"

From the rear of the room, Tom peaked his head as he made his way into the room. "Neil," he nodded to the Captain, "Colonel," he greeted Patton, "I think the natives are getting a little stir-crazy out there."

"Well then let us give them a show that they will never forget." Jack said with a smile. "Gentlemen shall we? Admiral if you would lead" This was the moment that Jack thought would never come. Yet here he was and he would relish ever minute of it.

Tom observed for a moment, his gaze sweeping over the assembled Marines. Their impeccably adorned Marine uniforms commanded attention. Reluctantly, he acknowledged that Neil stood out amidst the sea of dress blues, though he couldn't deny the man's effort.

Tom shifted his attention to Jack, their acquaintance still in its infancy. Yet, during instances like these, a sense of camaraderie seemed to arise naturally. "Remember, Marine, just like navigating the open seas, marriage doesn't come with a U-turn option once you set sail! Wishing you the best of luck," Tom chuckled, "you'll certainly need it."

As the formation of Marines stood ready, Tom pivoted and proceeded toward the main hall. "Poor man," he remarked, "that woman is going to eat him alive."

Aer kept patting down her stomach, she didn't feel right in the dress. It was beautiful, a white gown with a hint of light pink that clung to her body leaving her shoulders almost bare as it sat by her upper arm just touching the tip of her shoulders. The arms itself were almost see through material, soft but with a design of vines that married the colours of the body of the dress, that went down to just above her wrists.

Her shoes were comfortable surprisingly, she'd always thought they'd hurt from the moment she put them on but they were okay... just ask her by the end of the day if it was the same. They were heels with a floral/diamond like design and gave her a couple of inches of height, maybe she'd be able to kiss Jack without going on tip toes.

Aer looked at Cara, her maid of honour, she'd never heard of the term before but it was again a Human thing. "This isn't sitting right, is it?" she again pulled at her dress at the stomach point. "I mean I feel like it's not right." For once in her life the nerves really getting to her.

Tiana glanced at Cara waiting her response. Yes, she was Aer's sister and didn't mind not being maid of honour due to not really knowing what it was, but the question was not aimed at her as she chuckled softly in response and said, "Wait until dad see's you." she grinned making Aer all the more fussy.

"Will you quit picking up the butterflies in my stomach, Aer?" Cara feeling nerves fluttering about in her own stomach. She didn't know if was it from Aer or was her having her own nerves. "Good Heavens Aer, it will go well, and the dress looks great." Cara being a little bit brisk in her answer. Her eyes widened realizing she was just a wee bit too forceful. "Gosh I am sorry, I will take things down a notch or three."

Aer almost felt like she was being scolded. "Sorry as well. I'm just nervous... This is big!" she started at herself in the mirror again. "Joining with a mate is a big thing..." she moved over and picked up a box containing two bracelets.

The bracelets were an El Aurian custom of marriage. They were made of a white gold mineral with a custom mix of El Aurian and old Earth Latin. There words are woven around native El Aurian vines and flowers whilst meeting at the crest of the bracelet and the new crest of the joining houses of Feshau and Patton. "We don't just give these to anyone. For an El Aurian to join someone of a different species is massive." she emphasised the last bit almost as if realising the Human aspect of it all.

Her whole life with Jack flashed before her eyes. "I'm going to outlive him... his family... our life..." her eyes almost glazed over as she began to lose perspective on the life she would live with him.

Cara reached out and touched Aer's shoulder in a comforting way, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Aer, come back. You love him implicitly, don't let the fear of what may come in the future stop
you from marrying Jack. Enjoy being with him. He loves you, you love him. Value the time you have with him, enjoy the life you will have with Jack. If you do not take this opportunity to be with him, you can lose yourself in a deep well of regret, drowning in sorrow" her arm going around her friend. "He is an extraordinary man. A lot of good qualities, oh and he loves you deeply. You know that, I know you can feel it."

"Plus he's got a good body Aer." Tiana winked at her. She always was a bit loose with her tongue, amongst other things. "Bet your kids will look great." she grinned.

"Thank you T." Aer rolled her eyes before looking back at Cara and placing her hand on her arm as it wrapped around. "Thank you Cara. I know... just a big day." she raised her eyebrows and bobbed her head from side to side to show she was being a little crazy. "Just... no Breen attack or anything today, okay?"

"I know I won't want to mess with time but if anything and I mean anything even pops up to throw darkness on this I will... go talk to Thorrin and change things." she saying this quietly to Aer. "I don't care what happens to me on that part. You deserve an excellent superb, non drama filled wedding day." Cara wiping away a tear from the corner of eye. "I just want the best for you."

"Oh Goddesses no!" Aer laughed a little she snorted. "In a room full of El Aurians that is not a good idea. It gives me a migraine just thinking about it." she squeezed Cara's shoulder. "But I appreciate the sentiment.

"Just saying Aer, just saying. its an offer that can be refused." Cara giving a laugh. Though she was truly serious about her offer, but that was neither here nor there. "Are you starting to feel better?" she asked gently. She took a peek out at the guest coming in. "I will return, I just need to go find where David is and also give a once over of all who is here."

Cara was just a wee bit all a flutter as to what was going on, wanting things to happen without a hitch. She needed to get a view on her own, to check on things.

"I will feel better when I don't have lots of eyes on me... there's a reason I work in intelligence." Aer mused. "But yes, I am okay at the moment. You go and do your thing, I'm almost ready."

"I shall return as soon as possible." Cara responded before she left.

The scene itself sat atop a most picturesque of settings. Aer had gotten a program from her father of a landscape of El Auria. She had been told elders had spent decades trying to recreate it, or parts of it, in holographic form for posterity and in some ways a little bit of therapy for those who had lived there, a memory they could walk in and feel.

So, there were many chairs already set out. The invites sent a while ago and confirmations made and others a possibility. There were definitely plenty of space to go around.

The wedding would take place atop a cliff, a cliff edge. Aer and Jack would get married near the edge that overlooked a grand ocean that shimmered like diamonds but held a quality to it that made it look like it could float away. Nearby there was a large waterfall setting (Like Niagra Falls) but instead of flowing down as you'd expect due to a gravity pocket that appeared on certain points of the planet the water rose instead of fell. From the depths of the ocean the water rose to meet the heavens.

The sky a score of blue and green as more than one sun tried to peak through scattered cloud.

The seating arrangement sat on what appeared to be grass but a blue tint to the blades did make it seem rather alien indeed. Wildflowers as if almost alive clung like vines to the seats, an array of colours from blue, orange, purple could be seen but in truth they were mood petals and would change colour to suit that of the person that sat there.

An archway at the end of the cliff could be seen with similar flowers. It being in pristine white with a marking etched on either side of it. One of Jack's family crest and one of Aer's family seal. At the top of the arch could be seen a joining of seal and crest to make a new one, a Feshau-Patton mix as the houses would join from this moment on. Aer would change her name to Patton, she knew it was what Jack wanted and she didn't need to keep Feshau to still feel like one.

Soon guests would arrive and take their seats. Guided to them by fireflies, a sign at the door saying as much to avoid confusion.

"By Fruuka." Zaos exclaimed when he walked in. He was taken in by his surroundings and it topped the big man dead. The 'room' itself was empty, he was apparently the first, and the sight of a scene from his old home was one he was not expecting. "How Crailo? Who did you get to do this?" he asked turning to see Aer's father following him in.

"Taixa." Crailo said smugly.

A gruff laugh came from behind them both. "That old cranl! I'm surprised he takes his head out of a cup long enough to make anything." Vikas moved out into the front of the two of them and inhaled deeply. "Ah, nothing like holographic El Aurian air to make you realise Kaitos hasn't got nothing on home." he said with a hint of defiance but still mostly nostalgic.

Zaos shook his head at them both. "Come, let us look over the cliff. It has been an age since I last did so."

Both Crailo and Vikas nodded and followed Zaos towards the front of the cliffs.

Brek arrived with his little delegation of Ferengi, which included his staff (he had been too afraid to leave them alone for several hours at the embassy) and Kreca, his new beloved, brilliant artist, and giver of splendid advice he dared not ignore.

Having seen the notice at the entrance, the little troupe walked dutifully to their seats, quite pleased to see a little cloud of fireflies showing them which way to go. Everywhere they looked there was something quite amazing to gape at, and they did just that, in silence, impressed by the landscape, the unusual waterfall, and the flowers. Until Kreca whispered something into Brek’s ear:

“My hand,” she said, “You are crushing it.”

“Sorry,” the GPR replied as he released his grip. “Other people’s happiness, it always has a bad effect on me. Now that I’m here, I’m thinking I should have stayed in my office.”

“Yet you made a fuss for weeks about this wedding, saying how important it was to be present,” Kreca whispered back. "You also wanted to eat as many cakes as you could.”

“Admittedly there is that.”

“I don’t see the cakes, though,” Attaché Razir, said a little too loud.

“You keep quiet, young man,” Brek told him. “We are not here to make fools of ourselves.”

Loval stepped in accompanied by one of his female Centurions. However, she did not wear a uniform. She was clad in a flowing linen green gown. Her long black hair was pulled into a French braid with the end of the braid at about her buttocks. This woman was very striking and exuded presense. Today she was undercover as his escort. She stepped forward and spoke. "Presenting his most just Senator from the Kratho Provence. Romulan Ambassador to the Federation, Colonel Loval." When she finished Loval took a step forward and proffered her his arm, to which the woman took. With a smile to the crowd Loval and his escort disappeared into the throng.

Erin stood in the aisle at attention. All the Marines save Schiano were given usher duties to help people get to their seats. At the moment she awaited guests to approach her and she stood next to Hill. "You handsome... Don't you get any ideas." She snuck a quick loving jab into Hill as they stood there int their dress uniforms.

"Oh they aren't ideas Lieutenant. They are predictions of what's happening later." Anthony grinned at her.

The man they called Reaper, Brian Zapata stood up front at rigid attention. His duty was to usher, but his primary duty was overwatch. With what happened at Jack's Bachelor Party nothing was going to be left to chance. So he kept his eyes on everyone as they entered. He would also serve as to make sure that no one got near the General or Rear Admiral without himself or Security knowing. He was relieved when he was given this assignment with Puumbaa as the Tellarite's vision is better than human's. Add to that Commander K'Doc's men were stationed throughout the venue. Brian appreciated the efficiency of the Klingon Security Chief. It was admirable, and coming from a Marine that was a high compliment.

K'doc and Khylara stopped in front of the doors as K'doc tapped his combadge. " All stations report in! " One by one the teams reported in as he nodded and looked to Khylara and glanced to his D'k tahg on her hip, letting others know that she was his intended. " If I were human I guess this is where I'd tell you how lovely you look tonight. But we already know each others heart and have tasted each others blood in our first bonding ritual. There is only the oath left for us to complete, but that will wait until later. " He said with a grin. They walked in together and placed their gift upon the table, A matching set of Klingon swords so that they might defend each other and their honor.

Having seen on the invitation card that the wedding was to take place in a holodeck, with the rendition of an El Aurian landscape, (magnificent features and colours, the likes of which didn't exist on Earth, at least not in a single place), Emma had chosen to wear a long dress, with a green, blue and white floral pattern. Ideal, she thought, for a venture in the countryside.

Her main concern was whether or not Cmdr Jezka would be there. She wouldn’t have begrudged his absence, an event like this one, with so many people, could be dizzying. But she wouldn’t have been happy either. And when she wasn't happy, disaster often followed. Thankfully the Chief Ops arrived in due time and she greeted him with a smile.

“So here we are, Cmdr. The place where the whole Starbase is soon going to be...” There were already quite a few people present, El Aurians, Humans, Romulans, Klingons, several Marines, and a pack of Ferengi. She even noticed a Tellarite. “Let’s see how we can make the best of this ceremony,” she said when they had passed the arch and the fireflies had zoomed in on them. “Would you rather we go to our seats right away, or do you prefer to have a look at the scenery first?”

Uncomfortable, out of place. That's what Joah felt. But he tried his best to keep that from Emma. "Well,..the scenery does look extraordinary."

Emma smiled. She was used to Jezka’s discomfort whenever there were a lot of people around. “Let’s take a walk. With a view like this, it would be a crime not to explore the landscape. Although I have to say...” she hesitated a moment. “Holo-scenes or not, I don’t particularly like high cliffs. I’d rather we stay away from the edge.”

"Okay, we'll steer clear of that then." Joah slowly started to walk while looking to Emma to make sure he wasn't walking too fast. Using a softer voice he said, "I didn't know you are afraid of heights."

“I haven’t always been a successful art dealer,” Emma said, her voice barely a whisper. “Certain things, they remain with you all the time, even in the safety of a holodeck...”

Emma and JJ continued to talk quietly, as they ambled along the cliff, at a respectable distance from the edge.

Thorrin walked through the door with T'ra on his arm. The bottle of wine that he had selected just for the occasion nestled under his left arm, his right was proffered for T'ra to have. Thorrin was after all a southern gentleman when you came down to it. "Absolutely breathtaking..." he said as he looked around at the countryside. It looked exactly like home. A small tear welled up in the corner of his eye. "Its home..." he whispered.

T'ra clutched Thorrin's arm tightly as she looked at the scenery in awe. The country side in twilight with the fireflies doing their dance of light in and out of the trees, Swirling together and then further apart and then glowing brighter when they came together. T're smiled like a school girl, she believed she understood the meaning of the fireflies of how two hearts became brighter and stronger when they were joined as one. " It is so beautiful. " She said almost with a certain reverence in her voice. " Where is this place? I would love to visit there sometime. " She said quietly.

As they stepped into the mire of guests and make introductions Thorrin turned to T'ra this time and perhaps for the first time with a soft and genuine smile. "Sadly if you want to go here we will have to take the Hero. This place, in this time no longer exists." He was singularly impressed with the this program and whoever made it and how his niece obtained it. Thorrin took a mental note to get a copy of the program.

T'ra's eyes took in all the natural beauty and then felt a sadness in her heart as she heard that this place no longer exist, and then smiled as Thorrin mentioned the Herodus. " Really? " she said with a note of excitement in her voice. She tiptoed to where she could whisper in his ear. " Consider it a date then and I'll pack us a nice picnic lunch. I'm sure we could find a nice wine to pair with the meal. "

K'doc walked in and personally went and checked on each security team with Khylara on his arm. From the scans that had been made they knew there were several persons with concealed weapons upon them and knew them to be bodyguards of ambassadors. He updated the orders via the PaDD, Should anyone pull a weapon they were to be shot with heavy stun setting and taken into custody. Anyone entering the area with an explosive was to be captured if possible, or vaporized if they had an active device.

K'doc began to mingle with the other guest, but kept his eye out for trouble while not to appear to be battle ready and blend in. He saw Cara and went to her. " Commander Letsul, everything is going smoothly at the moment. How are things going with you at the moment? " He inquired.

As she made her rounds, Cara paused when she was addressed by K'doc. "Things are okay K'doc." she not using his rank at the moment. She raised an eyebrow towards the woman he was with, and gave a slight smile.

Khylara gave the Commander a once over, looking at the petite woman who addressed K'doc so informally. She did know that Commander Letsul was a friend of K'doc's but still she gave the woman an assessing glance.

K'do watched the two women assess each other. " Commander Letsul, This is Khylara, She is my intended. Khylara, this is Commander Letsul , my commanding officer and a honored friend of house Valadorn. "

Both women gave a nod towards each other. "Pleasure" Cara said to Khylara. "you have a very honorable man there."

Khylara gave a nod in return. "I do indeed, a friend of house Valadorn, sometime I would like to hear as to how you came about being a friend to house Valadorn." she turning her eyes towards K'doc.

"I am certain that K'doc will be able to tell you about the tales that he has heard from his cousin. If you'll excuse me I see someone I need to meet up with." and Cara left.

Jali on the other hand was dressed in her usual security uniform, with K'doc being here with Khylara, she was here in an official capacity. She felt her heart leap when she saw Thorrin, then realized that he was with someone else. A Romulan woman. Jali immediately went to see if the woman was on the roster of SB50. She was, Lieutenant T'ra Navassa, assistant chief of intelligence. Jali mentally growled, she had been so caught up in doing her job, she hadn't even tried to contact Thorrin for the wedding. She wouldn't have been able to anyway. She had her duty to make certain this wedding was secure. She didn't want anything to happen to this wedding this gathering, and security needed to be tight for this event.

David Scarlet looked around the holodeck at the gathered uniforms and gulped once. He was out of place, not because he didn't know the bride or groom from the man in the moon but because he wasn't in dress uniform. For him, it'd been as much of an armor as his tactical gear. Now he was dressed in a plain tunic and slacks. Not his style but he was certain no one would care. He paused next to the arch and looked around for Cara. This was her idea and while he didn't want to depend on her or seem helpless, he was kind of lost in a sea of people and customs he was unfamiliar with.

Cara caught sight of David standing at the doorway, and moved towards him with a smile, "Hello, glad you were able to make it." Cara linking her arm with his. "Thank you." she murmured softly. Her eyes searched around to see where she and David could sit when her eyes landed upon her friend, Brina's husband, Cara's former CO and her three godsons. "Here how about we take a seat near,them. And i will introduce you to them." gently moving them both towards where they could be near the five.

Brina was giving her boys some last minute instructions. "You three behave and yes you can give a bit of a look around at the scenery just get back here with your father before the ceremony happens."

"Yes mum." the three boys responded then went their way to go look around.

Brina gave a bit of a laugh, she was dressed in her dress uniform, and looked to see Cara and David arriving. "Oh hello." she gave out a greeting. "This is my husband Nicholas Hall, Nicholas, David Scarlet."

The tall man gave a bit of a nod his eyes a grey mist in coloration giving an assessing look at David, then gave a friendly smile. "There is room here for you both, and I promise I don't bite."

Cara's mouth dropped open when Nicholas made his remark. "Nicholas..." she looked at David. "Be warned he does have a sense of humor."

David nodded. "I haven't had dinner yet, so I'm not sure I can make the same promise." For a moment David managed to maintain a straight face before a somewhat wry grin crept up. "Good to meet you Nicholas."

"Likewise." Nicholas intoned, as he had a glance of interest looking towards David and then to Cara. "Perhaps you and I can have a drink drink together sometime, David."

Cara raised an eyebrow at that. Good heavens is he going to give David the third degree?

As if he sensed her possible dismay, Nicholas looked at her with a slow smile crawling over his lips.

Cara's eyes narrowed slightly, Nicholas always seemed to like teasing her, it never seemed to abate, then again is was part of his charm.

Nicholas gave out a laugh. "Oh don't worry, Cara, he will live."

"I've never turned down a good drink and good company." David gave Cara's arm a slight squeeze with his own. "Otherwise I wouldn't be here."

Cara gave a light laugh, at what David said, still there was the slight worry in the back of her mind.

Brigadier Francis N.M.I Sobel paced through the unfamiliar decks of Poseidon, wearing Prussian blue evening dress. He checked his chrono, working his mind back through the days itinerary and the broad strokes of the next few days.

He wasn't aware that he'd sighed until Tempest squeezed his arm.

"Frank," she told him reproachfully. "You have the time for this. You're here for these kind of things," she told him. Tempest was wearing a simple white/gold floor length dress with simple heels. She applied subtle pressure to his forearm and he responded by guiding them into the holo-venue.

"Right," Frank responded as they joined the crowd. "One must show the flag and all that."

Tempest tutted at, hugging his arm to her before separating as they began circulating.

K'doc looked to Khylara. " Care to dance? " He asked her. " The waltz is a simple dance and it will afford us a chance to keep an eye out for anyone that looks suspect as we travel about the dance floor. "
To Be Continued...

Lieutenant Colonel Jack "BlackJack" Patton
Commanding Officer, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Strategic Command
Poseidon Station

Commander Aer Feshau
Chief Intelligence Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander Jezka Joah
Chief of Station Operations
Poseidon Station

Zaos Orihana
Important Figure, Kaitos
Poseidon Station

Crailo Feshau
Grand Council Elder, Kaitos
Poseidon Station

Tiana Feshau
El Aurian Citize, Kaitos
Poseidon Station

High General Vikas Ageas
KSF Chief of Staff
Poseidon Station

First Lieutenant Anthony "Spitfire" Hill
Commanding Officer The Castle
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Grand Proxy Brek
Ambassador Ferengi Embassy
Poseidon Station

Mrs Moreau
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Commander K'doc Valadorn
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Poseidon Station

Captain Neil Harrington
Commanding Officer
Poseidon Station

Rear Admiral Thomas Rice
Sector Command, Aquil Sector
Poseidon Station

Civilian David Scarlet
Poseidon Station

Captain Brina "Songbird" Tracy-Hall
Executive Officer, The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Commander Cara Letsul
Chief Counselor
Poseidon Station Operations
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jali Andloch
Assistant Chief of Security
Poseidon Station

Khylara Jorrath
Poseidon Station

Brigadier General Francis Sobel
Commanding Officer, 258th Starfleet Marine Expeditionary Brigade
Empok Nor

Commander Kodre Vedan
Chief Medical Officer
Poseidon Station

Commander Raphael Mattix
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Poseidon Station

Lieutenant Junior Grade Kyrruk Bergeron
Chief Science Officer
Poseidon Station

First Lieutenant Izalia "Ivy" Baaru
Commanding Officer The Knights
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Sergeant Audie "Magic Hands" Fitch
Corpsman The Swords
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Colonel Loval
Ambassador, Romulan Embassy
Poseidon Station

Captain Thorrin
Commanding Officer
DTI Herodotus

Lieutenant T'ra Na'vassa
Chief Security/Tactical Officer, DTI Herodotus
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
Poseidon Station

Second Lieutenant Erin "Sparks" Inferson
Commanding Officer The Swords
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Master Sergeant Robert "Meatball" Schiano
First Sergeant
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Staff Sergeant Brian "Sticks" Cancielleri
Corpsman, Command Unit
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Staff Sergeant Kaia "Devil Doc" Li
Corpsman, The Castle
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Petty Officer First Class Kaylara Loran
Data Systems Analyst
USS Pioneer

Sergeant Alicia "Big Red" Reilly
Platoon Sergeant, The Knights
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Lance Corporal Brian "Reaper" Zapata
Rifleman, The Swords
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Private First Class Raasur "Pumbaa"
Rifleman, The Swords
The Kingsmen
Poseidon Station

Adira Toril Harrington
Temporal Field Agent, DTI Herodotus
Poseidon Station


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